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1、同步辅导语法详解过去进行时态(一)概述:过去进行时是助动词be的过去形式waswere与另一动词的ing分词的结合形式,即:waswere + ving。(二)过去进行时的基本用法1. 过去进行时表示过去某一时间正在进行的动作,过去进行时和一般过去时一样,也常和表过去的时间状语连用。(1)表过去某一时刻正在进行的动作。 eg:It was raining hard when I woke up this morning .我早晨醒来时,正在下大雨。(2)表示过去某阶段正在进行的动作。 eg: They were building a factory last autumn .去年秋天他们在建一

2、家工厂。2. 过去进行时表过去正在进行的动作时,还有以下情况。 (1)表背景。可用来为一个或一系列动作的发生提供背景。e.g.: I was leaving the office when the telephone rang . 我正要离开办公室,这时电话铃响了。(2)表原因。可用来表达原因或用作借口(多用于口语中)。 e.g.: Have you finished reading the book , Jack ? 你读完这本书了吗,杰克? No , I was helping my father in the garden all day yesterday .没有,我昨天一整天都在花园

3、里帮我爸爸干活。(3)省略时间状语。当上下文情景可清楚说明时间时,可以省略时间状语(多用某些心理活动的动词,语气委婉)。 e.g.:Oh , I was talking to myself .噢,我是在自言自语。(指刚才)I was thinking it is a good idea to keep the door closed . 我看还是把门关着的好。3. 过去进行时也表其他时间(1)表过去将来时态。该动作是有计划、有安排的,动词多是表趋向性的,如:come、go、start、arrive、fly等。 e.g.:They were coming a few days later .几天

4、后他们就要来了。No one knew whether he was going with us .没人知道他是否会跟我们一道。 (2)在口语中,有时过去进行时既不表示某时某刻正在进行的动作,又不表示婉转口气,而只是说明最近的过去。 e.g.:I was asking what you thought of it.我在问你,你是如何看待这件事的。Mr. Wang was telling me about it this morning .王先生今早告诉我这事的。(三)过去进行时与一般过去时的区别应用1. 过去进行时往往表示动作的未完成性,而一般过去时则往往表示动作已完成。eg:I was do

5、ing my homework that evening .那天晚上我在做家庭作业。(只是在做不一定做完)I did my homework that evening .那天晚上我做的家庭作业。(做完了,强调完成的时间)2. 过去进行时侧重动作的持续长度,而一般过去时则侧重说明事实.It was raining last night. (雨下了一夜)昨晚一直在下雨。It rained last night .昨晚下雨了。 (下雨是事实,但不一定下了一夜)语法针对性练习:(一)单项选择:1. Lei Feng _ a lot of good deeds in his life .A. is do

6、ing B. was doing C. did 2. They _ themselves on the beach when the rain _.A. were enjoying;came B. are enjoying;comesC. enjoyed;is coming D. were enjoying;was coming3. “ How _ on with your new job these days ? ” asked he.A. have you got B. did you gotC. have you been getting D. are you getting4. My

7、brother _a lot . He_ a new novel at the .A. reads;reads B. reads;is readingC. was reading;is reading D. is reading;read5. He _ the street when he was hit by a bike .A. was just crossing B. is just crossing C. just crossed D. has just crossed6. 一Where _ you put my dictionary? I left it on your desk w

8、hen you_ to Tom .A. did;spoke B. did;were speaking C. have;is speaking D. did;speaking7. My son _ his English composition last night , now he is continuing it.A. wrote B. was writing C. had written D. has written8. I first met Lisa three years ago when we _at a radio station together.A. have worked

9、B. are working C. were working D. worked9. Everyone _quietly when suddenly a stranger _in .A. was reading;rushed B. was reading;was running C. read;rushed D. read;was rushing10. I can guess you were in a hurry. You _ your sweater inside out . A. had worn B. wore C. are wearing D. were wearing(二)汉译英:

10、1. 那时他们正在讨论这个问题。_2. 昨天他们讨论了这个问题。_3. 雨下得很大,但没人停止工作。 It _ hard,but no one stopped working .4. 那个时候你在读书吗?_5. 那时我没在开会。_【典型例题】1. Today computers_ in both cities and towns .(2005,陕西)A. were using B. are using C. were used D. are used点拨:本题考查时态和语态的区别应用。电脑的普及应用不仅是指过去,还指现在,甚至将来,该题用一般现在时态为宜,排除A和C项;电脑是人操作的,用被动语

11、态,再排除B。 答案:D2. Do you know _ this time yesterday?(2005,黑龙江)A. what she is cooking B. what is she cookingC. what she was cooking D. what was she cooking 点拨:该题考查过去进行时态。“昨天这个时间”是表示过去某时间的状语,动词用过去进行时态,而该动词在整个复合句中作宾语从句的谓语,由于从句在复合句中是陈述句结构,所以正确语序应是what she was cooking。 答案:C3. I havent checked my emails toda

12、y,because theres _ wrong with my computer.(2005,沈阳)A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing点拨:此题旨在考查不定代词的用法。据首句知,今天没有查看电子邮箱,后句说明原因,电脑出了毛病,是肯定句,先排除B和D,而选项C意思是“每件事情,一切东西”,与题意不符,故选A。注意,不定代词的修饰词应置于其后。 答案:A4. Guiyang _ its fine weather. Its neither too cold nor too hot all the year round.(2005,贵

13、阳)A. be famous for B. be famous C. is famous for D. is for 点拨:该题考查famous的用法。“因+而出名”是固定短语be famous for,由首句看出,贵阳因美丽的天气而出名,先排除B和D;“贵阳”是地名,动词用单数第三人称,不能用系动词be,再排除A,故选C。 答案:C5. Carl_ his bike and hurt his leg yesterday. (2005,济南)A. set off B. took off C. fell off D. turned off点拨:据题意可知,卡尔昨天从自行车上摔下来,伤了腿的,那么“从上摔下来”是固定短语fall off,而set off是“出发”,take off是“(飞机)起飞”,turn off是“关闭”,三个选项都与题意无关。 答案:C6. 一Whats the matter _ Mr Liu? He is wet through. 一His car ran _ the river.(2005,黄冈)A. with; intoB. for; inC. with; toD. to; at点拨:该题考查介词的用法。询问“某人怎么了”多用介词with,句型是 Whats wrong w


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