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1、八上3单元练习一 单选选择( ) 1 Why dont you like the _ competition yesterday ?-Because the singer didnt sing _. A sing ; clear B sing ; clearly C more ; loudly D singing ; clearly( ) 2 Ma Lin is outgoing and he speaks _ than all of us . A clearly B loudly C more loudly D loudlier( ) 3 Bob said he would come . H

2、e didnt ,_ . A but B although C however D though( ) 4 I play basketball every day because i want to play as _ as Jeremy Lin . A good B well C best D better( ) 5 My friend likes singing and talking with others . But I often stay at home to watch TV . So my friend is _ than me . A quieter B more outgo

3、ing C more serious D more wilder( ) 6 Please speak more _ . The baby is sleeping . A loud B quiet C quietly D clear( ) 7 _ they look different , they have some similarties . A Because B Although C As D Since( ) 8 He has two daughters ; they _ doctors . A both are B are both C are all D all are( ) 10

4、 If you want to be a student helper , you must be good _ children . A at B with C for D in( ) 11 _ Id love to go to the party , _ Im busy . A Tough , but B But , though C But ; D Though ; ( ) 12 Can your sister play tennis ? - Sure . She plays _ I do . A as well as B so good as C so well as D as goo

5、d as( ) 13 This photo often makes me _ of my teachers in the primary school . A think B thinking C to think D thinks( ) 14 You shoul practice more to improve your English , then youll be _ at it . A good B better C best D the best ( ) 15 Which color do you like _ blue or green ? -Blue . A good B bet

6、ter C best D the best 二、 用所给单词的适当形式填空.1 Wang Xue is a beautiful girl and she is _ ( thin ) than me .2 My friend learns English _ ( well ) than me .3 I think Tom is as _ ( smart ) as Jack , but he doesnt work hard .4 Look at the two pictures ! Which is _ ( beautiful ) , Picture 1 or Picture 2 ?5 The

7、girl is shy and she always speaks _ ( quiet ) . She is afraid to meet people.6 My English teacher makes me _ ( answer ) this difficult question .7 Both of _ ( they ) want to leave here .8 Who is your _ ( good ) friend in your class ?9 Your mother _ ( true ) cares about you .10 Bettys best friend is

8、_ ( funny ) than she is in school .三 根据句意和首字母填空1 We can download a lot of i_ from the Internet .2 Its n_ for us to exercise once or twice a week .3 I really c_ about the grades I got in the English test .4 Healthy lifestyle helps me get good g_ .5 I have to s_ a bedroom with my sister .6 We love our

9、 teacher though he is always very s_ .7The food tastes b_ than that one .8 B_ of his parents like taking a walk after supper .9 Our English teacher asked us not to speak l_ .10 Tina is o_ . She enjoys going to parties .11 B_ my mother and my sister like playing tennis .12 The interesting story makes

10、 everyone l_ .13 Two years ago , I was a p_ school sstudent . But now , Im in a middle school .14 Jack w_ the Chinese Composition Competition last week .四. 根据汉语提示,完成句子。(10分)1 Good study habit makes me get good _ (成绩) .2 Look , theres some _ ( 信息) about our school in todays newspaper .3 My father is

11、kind , but very _ (严肃的) .4 Its _ ( 必要的) for us to exercise every day .5 My room is _ ( 小的) than yours .6 Toms mother is _ ( 小) than his father .7 He looks _ ( 高兴) than you .8 My brother is _ ( 有趣) than me .9 I want to have a _ ( 干净的) room .10 Her job is to look after this group of _ ( 孩子) .11 Rememb

12、er this _ ( 谚语) , “No pains , no gains .”12 Children should be taught to _ ( 分享) their toys .五 短文填词。Live , at , well , vacation , old , much , many , make , read , after Kate and Sandy are sisters . They live in a big city . Kate is two years 1 than Sandy . She likes 2 in the city very much . She th

13、inks living in the city is 3 more interesting than living in the countryside . She likes the lights 4 night in her city . She thinks the lights are more beautiful than the stars . She enjoys 5 and she reads 6 books than Sandy . Sandy dislikes living in the city . She likes the countryside 7 . She often visits her grandma in the countryside and takes 8 there


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