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1、国际跳棋裁判常用英语口语1.BEFORE THE GAME START 比赛前How long is our tournament?比赛持续多长时间?Our tournament lasts two weeks from 1 to 15 October.比赛持续两周,从10月1日起到15日When is the opening ceremony?开幕式什么时候举行?When is the closing ceremony?闭幕式什么时候举行?When is the drawing of lots?什么时候抽签?What is your number?你是多少号?By what time sho

2、uld team captains submit the lists of the teams?领队什么时候提交队员名单?What time does the first round start ?第一轮何时开始?What is the time for the resumption of adjourned games?什么时候继续比赛?What is the rate of play ?比赛的速度如何?What is your (his) rating ?你(他)的等级分是多少?This (our) tournament is of the 12th category .这次比赛是第12级

3、的比赛。Which is todays (tomorrows) round?今天(明天)是第几轮?Which colour do l have ?我走什么颜色的棋?With whom are you playing today?你今天和谁比赛?Today I have a free day .我今天轮空。Please take (find) your seat to play.请找你的座位去比赛。2.DURING THE GAME 比赛中Oh, yes, lets reset (place) it in a right way.好,让我们把它摆正吧。I adjust.我摆正棋子。Would y

4、ou like a draw?你同意和棋吗?Yes, I accept.我接受。No, thank you. I would like to play on.不,谢谢。我继续下。Iresign.我认输。You lost on time.你超时了。Just a minute. I must (will) check it.稍等,我要检查一下。Talking is forbidden.禁止交谈。Smoking is also forbidden.也不许吸烟。You have finished your game. Please kindly leave the stage!你已经比赛完了。请离开比

5、赛台。Could you give me the envelope, please? I want to seal the move.请把信封给我。我要封棋。The game is adjourned.比赛暂停。3 RESULT OF TOURNAMENT 比赛结果The match is drawn.比赛打平了。We won (lost), the score is 3 : 1(1:3).我们赢(输)了,比分是3比1。I lost on time.我超时判负了。I missed a win (draw).我错过了赢棋(和棋)的机会。How many points do you have?你得

6、了多少分?4TOURNAMENT STANDING 比赛名次The Russian team is leading.俄罗斯队领先。The Russian ,CHN and UKR teams are shared the same score . They are now in the leading group.俄罗斯、中国、乌克兰积分相同,目前位居第一集团。5. ANALYSIS OF GAMES 复盘分析Do you want to analyse the game?你想复盘吗?Yes, I do. Lets do it.好,我们一起复盘。I do equalize the positi

7、on in the opening.开局时我和对手势均力敌。I (you) did not equalize in the opening.开局时我(你)处于劣势。Is it(this) a novelty?这是个新招吗?Now White(Black) is threatening to create a crowned king .现在白(黑)方威胁着要加冕王棋。How do (did) you appraise this position?你如何评价这个局面?White (Black) has an (obvious, slight, etc.) advantage.白(黑)棋有明显(轻微)的优势。I dont agree with your appraisal , the position is unclear (even, ).我不同意你的评价,局面不明朗(均势)。This is a mistake (a blunder, an error, etc.).这是个错误(漏着)。Whos turn is it to play?轮到谁走?The transition into the ending is in favour of the white (Black).进入残局,白(黑)棋占优。This is a draw ending .比赛结果是平局。



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