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1、persimmon 泼细门柿子mangosteen man葛死din山竹chico/sapodilla 七口人心/参果sala/snake fruit 蛇皮果sugar apple/cherimoya 番荔枝rose apple/wax apple 莲雾santol山陀果(黄,大) langsat/longkong椰色果/兰撒(黄,小)passion fruit 百香果/西番莲rambutan 红毛丹lychee/litchi 荔枝pomegranate 帕米鼓懒你t石榴guava 番石榴tamarind at么酸角acidic flesh 果肉酸granular flesh 颗粒状果肉pla

2、ntain 潘挺芭蕉nectarine 无重读油桃avocado 阿v卡抖牛油果cantaloupe 哈密瓜muskmelon 网纹蜜瓜honeydew melon 黄香瓜tangerine/mandarin orange 橘子starfruit/carambola 杨桃dragon fruit 火龙果jackfruit 菠萝蜜prune 瀑嗯西梅plum 李子ripe 成熟的raisin 同reason葡萄干raspberries 掠z覆盆子grapefruit/pomelo 趴么搂柚子fig 无花果walnut 核桃chestnut 栗子pine nut 松子cashew 腰果yam 淮山

3、taro 他搂芋头lotus-root 莲藕coriander 香菜peppercorns 青胡椒parsley 趴死里西芹,欧芹asparagus 芦笋string beans 豆角chinese cabbage 小白菜cabbage 卷心菜(绿)sprout 甘蓝(紫)broccoli 西兰花(绿)cauliflower 花椰菜(白)turnip 白萝卜radish 小红箩卜beetroot 逼鲁t甜菜根(大红萝卜)scallion/green onion 青葱red shallots 说辣t红葱black/white fungus 木耳/银耳cordyceps 无重音冬虫夏草bottle

4、 gourd 葫芦瓜wax gourd 冬瓜hairy gourd 毛瓜towel gourd 丝瓜squash 倭瓜(小)pumpkin 南瓜bitter melon/bitter cucumber 苦瓜dumpkin 土鳖chayote/sayote欻右体佛手瓜basil背揉罗勒叶burdock 牛蒡mung beans 绿豆bean sprouts 豆芽alfalfa 苜蓿(类似豆芽)broad beans 蚕豆winged bean 龙豆,四角豆four-angled bean 四角豆rib 菜梗leaf 菜叶dandelion 蒲公英daylily flower 黄花菜morning

5、 glory 牵牛花water morning glory空心菜water spinach 空心菜chive try-v细香葱,韭菜scallion 青葱green onion 球头葱leek 大葱rosemary 迷迭香peppermint 薄荷produce 农产品coca 扣可可可fruit punch 综合果汁black team 红茶herbal tea 凉茶decaf 无咖啡因的咖啡diet soda 爱低卡路里汽水champagne 香槟scotch 苏格兰威士忌whisky 威士忌brandy 白兰地rum 朗姆酒alcoholic cider 赛得苹果酒house red w

6、ine (餐厅)招牌红酒draft beer (生)扎啤on the rocks 加冰的straight up 不加冰ice cube 冰块skim milk 脱脂牛奶margarine 不读哥人造奶油milkshake 奶昔yoghurt 酸奶jelly 果酱,果冻rock candy 冰糖vinegar 维你革醋blend 什锦,混合物spices 香料condiments 看底门此调味品salad dressing 沙拉酱dressing 调料paste 酱料mayonnaise 妹儿内z蛋黄酱dipping sauce 蘸酱relish 腌制菜,泡菜酱pickles 酸黄瓜preser

7、ved vegetable 咸菜strawberry jam 草莓酱goose liver paste 鹅肝酱chili con carne 香辣肉酱chili sauce 辣椒酱ground beef 碎牛肉pork chop 猪排pigs knuckle 猪蹄lean pork 瘦肉fat pork 肥肉shredded chicken 鸡丝drumsticks 鸡腿(含骨)chicken thighs 鸡腿(去骨) perishable 易腐烂的weever 鲈鱼salmon said门鲑鱼,马哈鱼broiled fish 烤鱼smoked salmon 熏三文鱼flounder 奥比目

8、鱼trout 奥鳟鱼catfish 鲶鱼tuna 金枪鱼squid/sleeve fish 鱿鱼inkfish 墨鱼shellfish 贝类scallops 扇贝clam 蛤蜊swamp eel 黄鳝mussel 青口conpoy 粤:干贝瑶柱prawn 对虾deli 熟食类preserved egg 皮蛋corned beef 咸牛肉gravy 跪肉汁meatloaf 烤肉饼veal cutlet 炸小牛肉排porterhouse steak 上等腰肉牛排come up immediately 马上送来fried eggs sunny side up 只煎一面what goes best w

9、ith steak 牛排配啥noodles with gravy 打卤面spaghetti bolognese 意大利肉酱面macaroni cheese 奶酪通心粉spaghetti and meatballs 意式肉丸面chorizo pasta 口利左面(西班牙香肠)a loaf of/loaves条(面包等)a dozen of eggs 一打蛋a bunch of 串(香蕉,葡萄,萝卜)a head of颗(甘蓝,芦笋类)a package of包six-pack 六只装stick 根,条tube 管,筒pint 品脱quart 夸脱liter 公升lb/pound 磅oz/ounc

10、e 盎司chop (up) 剁(碎)cut (up) 切(碎)grate 刨丝break 打(鸡蛋)broil 烤saute 瘦忒煎simmer 炖stir-fry 炒combine egg and water 放入鸡蛋水mix flour and water 就水和面put buns in stove 放面包进炉cheeseburger 夹有一片奶酪的汉堡a slice of pizza 一片披萨tortilla chips 托替了墨西哥玉米片nachos 墨西哥辣味玉米片burrito 不类头墨西哥卷饼(kfc) taco 他口墨西哥玉米饼potato skins 焗烤马铃薯皮tossed

11、 salad 凉拌沙拉coleslaw 抠死落凉拌菜丝沙拉antipasto帕什锦拼盘tofu/bean curd 豆腐pretzels 蝴蝶饼macaroni 怄通心粉rolls 小圆面包roll 卷,筒buns 面包muffin 松饼bagel 背狗硬面包圈danish/ pastry A丹麦酥饼croissant 夸萨牛角包waffles 华夫饼savoury muffin 玉米松饼cheese platter 芝士点心pita bread 皮塔饼(似千层饼) frittata 鸡蛋饼(菜肉)omelet 鸡蛋饼scrambled eggs 炒蛋poached eggs 荷包蛋fried

12、 eggs 煎蛋boiled eggs 水煮蛋blt 培根生菜番茄(三明治) green salad 蔬菜沙拉hostess 带位女侍donut store 甜甜圈店fast-food restaurant 快餐店host 老板diner 用餐者a party of sb 随行人员buffet 波费自助餐;餐具柜,小卖部booth 包厢booster seat 儿童垫高椅high chair BB凳busperson 传菜生leave a tip 给小费a la carte 阿拉卡特点菜buy one portion 买一份set the table 摆放碗筷clear away table

13、收拾桌子serve food 端菜上桌seat the customers 带客人入座a table for two 双人桌in the corner/by the window 角落hold the table 留桌drink fluids 补充水分set meal 套餐combo 套餐counter meal 简餐go well with 跟相配bouncer (酒吧)保安luncheon 午宴,正式的午餐calcium 钙magnesium 镁calcium carbonate 碳酸钙crispy 松脆的hot pot 火锅porridge (马)大米粥congee(港)大米粥cerea

14、l 麦片粥plain rice 白米饭laver egg soup 紫菜蛋花汤shrimp cocktail 鲜虾盅why is it taking so long? 这么久allergic to seafood 海鲜过敏soup is too greasy 汤太油meat is overcooked 肉太老not cooked properly 还没熟in season 应季taster plate 餐前小菜beef satay 沙嗲牛肉sundae 圣代冰激淋kebab 烤肉串family bucket meal 全家桶onion rings 洋葱圈chicken nuggets 鸡块deep fried 油炸gutter oil 地沟油cooking oil 食用油light meal 便餐doggie bag 打包袋box up 打包pack the leftovers 打包to go/take away 带走for here/eat in 堂食settle the bill 结账food keeper 保鲜盒sandwich bags 保鲜袋plastic wrap 保鲜膜aluminum foil 哦路米喃铝箔纸


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