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1、2023中考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号码填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在条形码区域内。2答题时请按要求用笔。3请按照题号顺序在答题卡各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。4作图可先使用铅笔画出,确定后必须用黑色字迹的签字笔描黑。5保持卡面清洁,不要折暴、不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。. 单项选择1、Surfing first started on the island of Hawaii, didnt it?Yes, but now it _ by people all over the world.Ais

2、 enjoyedBis enjoyingChas enjoyedDwill enjoy2、To keep the kids , parents should put away the things like knives in the house.I cant agree more.AtidyBwarmCsafeDtall3、 How do you like _ school? Well, its fine. Just a bit smaller than _.Atheir; ours Btheirs; our Cthem; our Dtheir; us4、 What about a cup

3、of coffee? Youll feel better. Thanks, I am sleepy. I really need _.AoneBthatCthisDit5、If one kind of food is _, it is from a country which is not your own.AspecialBexcellentCforeign6、After hearing my holiday plan, Dad said; It sounds good,_ I dont think we have enough money.AbutBorCsoDand7、一Lucy, do

4、 you have any plans to spend your five-day holiday?一I will go to Xiamen a second time. I have never visited cityAa most fantastic Bthe most fantastic Ca more fantastic Dthe more fantastic8、-Alberts birthday is on next Saturday, and Im planning a surprise party for him.-_. Ill bring some wine.AYou ar

5、e welcomeBIt dependsCJust a minuteDSounds like fun9、-Shall I l show you_?-No, thanks. I think I can find it.Awhat does it meanBhow can you get thereCwhere the hotel isDwhether the shop has a sale10、Many students dont know how to _the new words in the dictionary.I think theyd better ask their teacher

6、s for help.Alook outBfind outClook forDlook up. 完形填空11、Im glad its Sunday again. I can stay in bed 36 I like, drinking tea and 37 those thick newspapers that are brought38 the newsboy through the letterbox at 8:30. In this way, I can catch up with all the 39 I havent got time to read during my work

7、time.When I 40 the papers, I then prepare my bath. The Sunday morning bath is 41of the week. Theres no need to hurry because theres no bus to 42 and my friends are told not to call me up before noon on Sundays, so there is no danger of 43 by the telephone. 44 spend the afternoon after lunch is alway

8、s a bit of problem. In summer I can go to the park and sit in a chair 45 boys playing football, while in winter I sit in front of the fire and 46 when reading a book, sometimes I turn on the television and sleep through an old film. Then theres the 47 ahead of me. Perhaps Ill call on some friends or

9、 go to the cinema 48 a new film I want to see or to town for a concert. Oh, there are 49 pleasant ways of passing Sunday evenings. The only sad thing is that Monday morning is getting 50 .1Aas long as Bas soon as Cas well asDas much as 2AreadBreadingCto readDam reading 3AfromBwithCandDby4A. thingsBb

10、ooksCinformationDknowledge 5Aam readingBhave readChad readDread 6A the much pleasantBthe more pleasant Cthe most pleasantDthe very pleasant 7AsitBcatchCget inDtake 8AtroubleBbeing troubledCtroublingDto be troubled 9AWhat toBHow toCWhen toDWhere to 10AlookingBseeingClooking at Dwatching 11Afall aslee

11、pBgo to sleepCgo to bedD get to sleep12A supper BfriendCeveningDwork 13Awhether theresBif there is C. when there hasD. if there will be1A. so manyB. such manyC. a lotD. quite few2A. busierB. longerC. nearD. away . 语法填空12、阅读短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式(不多于3个单词)。Spring, summer, autumn and winter ma

12、ke a year. We clearly know each season is important. If I 1(ask) which season is the most beautiful, Id like to say all of them are beautiful.Spring 2(show) a wonderful picture with the blue sky and white clouds, green trees and clear air, shining sun and warm wind. Nature has woken up. Where is spr

13、ing? It shines 3 the eyes of children, it dances among peoples gestures(姿态)and expressions. The sunshine is making everything wake up. People will have a new4(begin) in spring which is the 5(good) time to start the whole years work.Summer is 6 active season. We can go boating and have fun in the wat

14、er. What I like best in this season is the lotus(莲花).Whenever I am sad, it encourages me to try my best to make my dream come true.I was born in autumn. It has seen my growth, happiness and sadness. 7 the past months are sometimes bad, I own a new beginning. It brings love, hope and enjoyment into 8 life.I love winter because I have fun with friends 9(play) in the snow, making a snowman, enjoying the white world with the song Edelweiss(雪绒花)


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