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1、新概念二Lesson16小测试新概念二Lesson 16小测试一、按原文填空Lesson 16 A polite request 彬彬有礼的要求If you your car the , a traffic policeman soon it。 You will very lucky if he you a ticket. , this does not happen。 Traffic police sometimes very 。 a holiday Sweden, I this note my car: Sir, we you to city. This is a area。 You wi

2、ll your here if you to our 。 This note only a . If you a like this, you cannot to it!二、单项选择(每小题1分,共20分)1 We listened carefully but could _ understand what the policeman said.A。 hardB. hardlyC. alsoD. /2 Could you please _ the window?-Its very cold outside.A。 not openB. openC。 not to openD。 dont open

3、3 The art exhibition will _ me rich and famous.A. doB。 haveC. helpD。 make4 Eating Dangshen and Huangqi _ good for people if they are weak and tired.A. isB. areC. wereD。 was5 Chongqing is bigger than_ in Japan。A。 any other cityB. any cityC. the other citiesD. any cities6 She read this book last Monda

4、y, _ she?A。 didB。 doesntC。 didntD。 does7 My friend came to see me this morning, but I was _。A。 at homeB. inC. outD. out of8 Its dangerous(危险的) _ you _ in the street.A. of, to playB。 for, to playC。 of, playD. for, playing9 She with her sister _ born _ a sunny afternoon.A. was; inB. was; onC. were; in

5、D. were; on10 It took her much time _ English out of class.A. practice speakingB。 to practice to speakC。 to practice speakingD. practice to speaking11 Why is Town Cinema the best movie theatre to go to?Because its _ school.A. the closestB. the closest toC. closestD. the closer to12 Well have an Engl

6、ish exam this afternoon._.A。 Thats greatB。 Glad to hear thatC。 Good luck to youD. Sorry to hear that13 -_ do you go fishing every month?Three or four times a month。A. How longB. How manyC. How muchD. How many times14 Whats the matter, my boy?Im not feeling _.A. badB。 goodC. wellD. sad15 The weather

7、is _ for people to swim。A。 enough hotB. hot enoughC. hot tooD. too hot16 -Would you like to go for a walk with us?_.A。 Yes, Id likeB. No, I cantC。 Yes, Id love toD。 Yes, I would17 You can watch TV, but please _ it _ , because my baby is sleeping。A. turn; offB. turn; onC. turn; upD. turn; down18 Do y

8、ou have _ to say?-Nothing。 A。 something elseB. else anythingC. else somethingD. anything else19 Must they clean the classroom now?No, they _.A. cantB. needntC。 mustntD. dont20 Listen! Who is singing?It _ Dennis。A。 soundsB。 sound likeC. sounds likeD。 sounds love三、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)London is a beautiful

9、 city。 It is very large. The Thames River runs 42 the city from west to east. So the city has 43 parts: the South and the North。 In the North, there are important buildings, shops, big parks and interesting places。 The weather in London is good。 In winter it is not very cold and in summer it is not

10、very hot 44 the city is near the sea。 People say 45 London is a foggy city and it often rains。 It is true. Last year, when I 46 in London I met one of the 47 fogs in years. You could hardly see your hand in front of your face。 Cars and buses moved along with their lights on。 When evening came, the w

11、eather got 48 worse。 The fog was as thick as milk. 49 the buses and cars stopped. I had 50 an important meeting on the other side of the town, but it was impossible to find a car. I had to get there 51 . 21 A. about B. through C. in D。 along 22 A. four B. six C。 five D. two 23 A。 because B. so C. bu

12、t D. or 24 A。 what B。 where C。 that D。 which 25 A。 were B. am C。 be D. was 26 A。 big B。 bigger C. bigest D。 biggest 27 A. woreB。 evenC. veryD. some28 A. All B. Each C. Every D。 None 29 A. to join B. to go toC。 take part in D。 join in30 A. by car B。 by bus C. on foot D. on the footAs teenagers, you h

13、ave many dreams。 These dreams can be very big, like winning the Nobel Prize, or they can be small. You may just want to become one of the ten best students in your class.Once(一旦) you find a dream, what do you do with it? Do you ever try to make your dream real? “Follow Your Heart” by Australian writer Andrew Mathews tells us that making our dreams real is lifes biggest challenge。 You may think youre not very good at some school subjects, or that it is impossible for you to become a writer。


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