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1、(精品word)车床主轴箱设计实例目录一、设计目的1二、设计步骤11.运动设计11.1 已知条件11。2 结构分析式11。3 绘制转速图11。4 绘制传动系统图32.动力设计32。1 确定各轴转速32。2 带传动设计42.3 各传动组齿轮模数的确定和校核53。 齿轮强度校核63.1校核a传动组齿轮63。2校核b传动组齿轮73。3校核c传动组齿轮74。 主轴挠度的校核84。1 确定各轴最小直径84。2 轴的校核95。 主轴最佳跨距的确定95。1 选择轴颈直径,轴承型号和最佳跨距95。2 求轴承刚度96. 各传动轴支承处轴承的选择107. 主轴刚度的校核107。1 主轴图107.2 计算跨距10三

2、、总结11四、参考文献11紧紧围绕中央、省、市、县关于法治政府建设的工作部署,以加强法制宣传教育,增强干部群众的法律意识和法制观念,推进依法治乡进程为根本出发点,把法制宣传教育、依法治理同经济建设和精神文明建设紧密结合起来,积极开展法治政府建设工作。new measures to promote work, the courage to take responsibility, dare to break hard to ensure district, Government decisions and arrangements to implement. (B) strengthening

3、supervision, severely punish acts of violation. One is to open the channels of supervision. Vigorously promote the party affairs public, open, widely accepted supervision by the masses, pay attention to social groups and public opinion supervision, the powerful force formed to urge party members and

4、 leading cadres properly exercise their powers. Second, strong supervision and inspection. Democratic life into full play, important briefings, reports related to personal matters and evaluation of cadres study of inner-party supervisory system, a comprehensive grasp of guidelines for the implementa

5、tion of the independent Commission against corruption-related cases of leading cadres of party members, focus on strengthening key areas of project selection, funding, officials monitor, detect and rectify the problem, promote honesty in politics. Third, strengthen disciplinary investigation. Seriou

6、sly the implementation of JI .Recently, the County leading bodies at the county level to carry out three trees practice, which is to improve the governing ability and promoting the development of XX effective measure. I carefully follow your deployment requirements, and actively participate in the t

7、hree trees campaign. Read Group, prepared by the Department in the near future of the ideological and political construction of leading cadres in the city reader, read the relevant information, larger harvest, inspired. I think the ability of repelling is to strengthen the partys governing capacity

8、in questions of the construction of meaning, an important topic remains in front of party members and cadres at all levels, we need to further explore and ponder. The ability of repelling the name suggests, is asking party members and cadres at all levels in particular, leading cadres at all levels,

9、 not only ourselves, establish a correct concept of the independent Commission against corruption, political integrity, self-discipline, rejection of corruption, made for the people, pragmatic, honest leadership, and strengthen the sense of responsibility, earnestly implement the responsibility of u

10、ncorrupted, implementation of the baolian anti-corruption measures to ensure the realization of business-building, construction of a win-win situation. Next, I combined with their thinking, experience and contact XX practical, on how to enhance the ability of repelling, on four aspects of cognition.

11、 Irregularities, please comment. First, the construction of the propulsion system, and enhance the system of corruption since the founding of our party, have been thinking about tackling corruption. Currently, democratic legal system, management system and supervision mechanism is not perfect, admin

12、istrative acts are not very standardized, Enterprise behavior and market behavior, corruption presents a diverse, pluralistic, complex trends, this shift the struggle between the two, will accompany1一、设计目的通过机床主运动机械变速传动系统得结构设计,在拟定传动和变速的结构方案过程中,得到设计构思、方案分析、结构工艺性、机械制图、零件计算、编写技术文件和查阅技术资料等方面的综合训练,树立正确的设计

13、思想,掌握基本的设计方法,并具有初步的结构分析、结构设计和计算能力。二、设计步骤1。运动设计1.1已知条件1确定转速范围:主轴最小转速。2确定公比:3转速级数:1。2结构分析式 3 从电动机到主轴主要为降速传动,若使传动副较多的传动组放在较接近电动机处可使小尺寸零件多些,大尺寸零件少些,节省材料,也就是满足传动副前多后少的原则,因此取方案.在降速传动中,防止齿轮直径过大而使径向尺寸常限制最小传动比 ;在升速时为防止产生过大的噪音和振动常限制最大传动比。在主传动链任一传动组的最大变速范围.在设计时必须保证中间传动轴的变速范围小.检查传动组的变速范围时,只检查最后一个扩大组: 其中,, 所以 ,合

14、适。1.3 绘制转速图选择电动机一般车床若无特殊要求,多采用Y系列封闭式三相异步电动机,根据原则条件选择Y-132M4型Y系列笼式三相异步电动机。分配总降速传动比 总降速传动比 又电动机转速不符合转速数列标准,因而增加一定比传动副。(3)确定传动轴轴数 传动轴轴数 = 变速组数 + 定比传动副数 + 1 = 3 + 1 + 1 = 5。确定各级转速并绘制转速图 由 z = 12确定各级转速:1400、1000、710、500、355、250、180、125、90、63、45、31.5r/min。在五根轴中,除去电动机轴,其余四轴按传动顺序依次设为、。与、与、与轴之间的传动组分别设为a、b、c。

15、现由(主轴)开始,确定、轴的转速: 先来确定轴的转速传动组c 的变速范围为,结合结构式,轴的转速只有一种可能:125、180、250、355、500、710r/min。 确定轴的转速传动组b的级比指数为3,希望中间轴转速较小,因而为了避免升速,又不致传动比太小,可取 ,轴的转速确定为:355、500、710r/min。确定轴的转速对于轴,其级比指数为1,可取 ,,确定轴转速为710r/min.由此也可确定加在电动机与主轴之间的定传动比。下面画出转速图(电动机转速与主轴最高转速相近)。(5)确定各变速组传动副齿数传动组a:查表81, ,时:57、60、63、66、69、72、75、78时:58、60、63、65、67、68、70、72、73、77时:58、60、62、64、66、68、70、72、74、76可取72,于是可得轴齿轮齿数分别为:24、30、36。于是,可得轴上的三联齿轮齿数分别为:48、42、36。传动组b:查表81,时:69、72、73、76、77、80、81、84、87时:70



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