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1、小学英语(六年级下册)Unit 5 A party (Period 3)Teaching contents教学内容:Cartoon time & Culture time Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:1 能熟练运用本单元所学的词句谈论有关派对的内容。2 能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,能在教师的指导下表演故事。3 了解西方国家的派对文化习俗,能说出一些相关的注意事项。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点:1能正确理解、朗读

2、Cartoon time中的故事。2了解西方国家的派对文化习俗,能说出一些相关的注意事项。Preparation教学准备:PPT 教材Teaching procedures教学过程:Step 1 Warm up1. Free talk T: On Childrens day, the children are going to have a party at Mikes house. Do you still remember? Lets recall together.2. RevisionLets talk. (pair work)T: Look at the picture, lets

3、talk about parties!Please using the sentences like this. Step 2 Culture time1 Think and talk (group work) T: When we go to a party, what should we do? S: We should 2. Culture time T: When you go to a Western party, you should take a gift. Do not arrive too early. You can be a few minutes late. (teac

4、h the new word) 3. Lets learnT: Boys and girls, lets learn more information about parties (T can write the sentences on the blackboard, and encourage Ss to say as much as possible.)Step 3 Cartoon time1. Lead in :T: Sam, Bobby and their friends are very happy. What are they going to do?Lets listen to

5、 the tape and find the answer.2. Listen and circle.Show the question on the PPT, then check the answer. Bobbys class is going to _ soon. 3. Read and matchT: Bobbys class is going to have a party soon.What are they going to do at the party? This time, please read and then do the match(PPT shows the r

6、ules)T: Check the answer with Ss.4. Think and answerT: Does Bobby enjoy being the king? Why?5. Reading timea. Read after the tapeb. Read by themselvesc. Read in roles6. Acting timeAct it out in groups.7. Complete the passagea. Ask Ss to fill the blanks.b. Check c. Read them together and in groups of

7、 4.d. Ask able students to retell it according to the pictures and key words. Step 4 Ticking time Checked the aimStep 5 Homework1. Read and act out the story.2. Surf the Internet and find more information about parties.Blackboard design板书设计:Unit 5 A party put on a playWe should play the piano tell a story


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