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1、宝箴塞小学2013年下期五年级英语学案(总第1节)主备:李强_ _ 执教: 课 题Module6 Self-assessment. Unit1You can play football well.教学内容Unit1You can play football well.教学目标知识与技能1. 通过学习使学生能听说、认读单词well, team, control, badly, really, catch, fantastic;学会使用恰当的句型来评价他人,如You can jump really high. You can catch the ball well.等。过程与方法Warm up,

2、teaching new words and phrases and text-learning.情感、态度、价值观使学生能主动表达自己,学会正确地评价自己和别人;培养学生良好的语言学习习惯,让英语课堂真正生活化。重难点重点1.can在陈述句和一般疑问句中的用法。2.课文中表示play football的一些动词短语。难点正确运用badly, well评价自己和别人。教具、学具、课件准备Computer, blackboard, PPT教学环节教 学 活 动旁 批预 习复习导入教师说一些学过的动词和动词词组,学生重复并做动作。play football play basketball play

3、 table tennisjump jump high jump farrun run fast run slowwalk walk fast walk slow学生回答问题:Can you run fast? Can you jump high? Can you play football well?学生回答:Yes, I can/No, I cant. 根据学生的回答引出单词:well badlyHe can play football well.He can play football badly.情景呈现T: Can you play football well?Can you pla

4、y basketball well?教师对学生的回答要做适当的反应。例如学生说自己踢得很好,而且很喜欢踢足球。教师可以问他We are going to set up a football team. Do you want to be in our school team? 引出单词:team 组词 football team/ basketball team询问:Do you want to be in our football team? 意思并单个提问学生。如果不愿意就问Why? 引到学生说出答案I cant play football well.或I can play footbal

5、l badly.展 示控制练习1)open the book,听课文录音。Amy: Lingling, do you want to be in our football team? Lingling: Yes, I do. But I dont play well. Sam: Can you run fast? Lingling: No, I cant. Sam: Can you control the ball? Lingling: very badly. Sorry.Amy: But you can jump really high! You were very good at bask

6、etball in China. Lingling: yes, I was. Sam: And you can catch the ball well? Lingling: yes, I can. Sam: So you can be a good goalkeeper. Lingling: Yes. I think I can do that well.Amy: Hooray! Lingling is a fantastic goalkeeper.Sam: You can play football well. Lingling: Thank you.2)生词学习,老师读单词或者短语,学生从

7、课文中划出,并写上汉语意思。 football team well run fast control badly really catch goalkeeper fantastic 老师领读,学生跟读单词,学生开火车读单词。(出示卡片)3)再听录音,注意生词的读音。control goalkeeper fantastic 4)学生预习,划出含有can的句子,并试着自己翻译。Can you run fast? No, I cant. Can you control the ball? But you can jump really high. And you can catch the ball

8、 well? So you can be a good goalkeeper. Yes. I think I can do that well. You can play football well.5)课件一句句展示课文句子,老师领读,简单解释意思。自由练习再读课文,思考问题找到玲玲擅长的运动。a. Can Lingling run fast? (No, she cant.)b. Can Lingling control the ball?(No, she cant)c. Can Lingling jump high? (Yes, she can.)d. Can Lingling catch

9、 the ball well? (Yes, she can.)学生回答问题的同时,教师在黑板上写fast, high这几个词。领读这四个词,确定学生已掌握词意。反 馈兴趣提升把全班同学分成三部分,分角色朗读课文。同桌俩人合作,找几组同学展示。Student A: catch the ball well. Play football well.Student: run fast. Jump high.拓展训练1.展示刘翔的照片T: Who is he?S: He is Liuxiang.2.让同学描述刘翔,老师总结He is good at running.He can run fast.He

10、is a fantastic runner.3.小组之间谈论个人喜欢哪些运动健将,为什么以及他们擅长什么项目。教师允许学生使用少量汉语。 示例: I like Tian Liang. He can dive very well. I like basketball very much. I like Michael Jordan. He can jump very high and run very fast.教后记宝箴塞小学2013年下期五年级英语学案(总第2节)主备:_李强 _ 执教: 课 题Module6 Self-assessment. Unit2I can do it very we

11、ll.教学内容Unit2I can do it very well.教学目标知识与技能学会can表达能力的,用在肯定、疑问及否定形式,并能谈论自己能与不能做的事情。评价自己和他人, 培养学生学会评价事物。 能了解字母p, pp, b, t, d在单词中常见的读音/p/ /b/ /t/ /d/;能朗诵诗歌How well do you play?过程与方法Warm up, teaching new words and phrases and text-learning.情感、态度、价值观使学生能主动表达自己,学会正确地评价自己和别人;培养学生良好的语言学习习惯,让英语课堂真正生活化。重难点重点C

12、an you run fast? Yes, I can./No, I cant. You can play football well. 难点control, really的发音。 Can you play football well? Can you run fast?教具、学具、课件准备Computer, blackboard, PPT教学环节教 学 活 动旁 批预 习复习导入Warming-up T: Good morning boys and girls. How are you today? Ss: Im fine, thank you. And you? T: Im fine, t

13、oo. Now, let us sing the song. Can you sing? Ok, let us sing together. Ss:唱歌曲 T: You can sing well。All the students did a good job. I can play basketball well, what can you do well? (问一学生) S:I can dance /sing /draw/swim very well T: Good! But I cant swim at all. What about you? Ss: I cant swim at al

14、l. T: What can you do well? (问刚才那学生) Ss: I can draw very well. T: What about you? S1: I can play football well. S2: I can play basketball well S3: I can jump high well.情景呈现T: Boys and girls. You can do so many things, Lingling and Sam can do so many things, too. Open your books, Lets look at part1.Can you do these things? Talk about in pairs. 2、做动作,说:I can do 1, I can do 1 very well. 做一个不会做的动作,说:I cant do it at all. 教学not .at all T: Can you do 1? Ss: Yes. I can do 1 very 1 well/


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