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1、七年级英语学科竞赛注意:请把答案写在答题卡上,只交第二张卷。一、单项选择(20小题,每小题1分,共20分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,将其标号填入题前括号内。( )1. -Im busy. I have much _ to do these days. A. job B. jobs C. work D. works( )2. Either these boys or the girl _ ice-cream _. A. eats; one B. eats; first C. eat; one D. eat; first( )3.There are over _ students

2、 in their school. A. hundreds B. nine hundreds C. hundreds of D. nine hundred( )4. Mike arrived _ the village_ a snowy night. A. at; on B. at; in C. in; at D. in; on( )5. I think its boring _ computer games on weekends. A. to play B. play C. playing D. plays( )6. Please remember _ off the lights whe

3、n you leave the classroom. A. turning B. to turn C. turn D. turns( )7. You can learn _ at the age of five. A. to swim B. swim C. swimming D. swims( )8. He likes working on the _. And hes going to be a _. A. farm; farming B. farmer; farm C. farm; farmer D. farmer; farming( )9. This is a wonderful sch

4、ool _ an beautiful garden. A. with B. at C. in D. on( )10. The trees are very important. Dont _. A. cut it down B. cut down it C. cut down them D. cut them down( )11. I cant go _ now, but I can _ with you tomorrow. A. shopping; shopping B. shop; shop C. shopping; shop D. shop; shopping( )12. I alway

5、s talk _ my friends about _ football. A. with; America B. about; American C. with; American D. about; America( )13. -Can you swim or play tennis? -_. A. Yes, I can. B. No, I cant. C. I can draw. D. I can swim.( )14. I often watch them _ tennis. I watch them _ tennis now. A. play; playing B. playing;

6、 play C. playing; playing D. play; play( )15. Jim looks _ his father. And he _ running with his father. A. likes; likes B. like; like C. likes; like D. like; likes( )16. My sports shoes are different _ yours. A. with B. of C. from D. in( )17. The skirt isnt nice. Can you show me _ one? A. another B.

7、 other C. other D. the others( )18. His grandma _ very young for her age. A. looks B. looks like C. looks at D. looks after( )19. The number of the workers in this factory _ about five hundred. A. are B. is C. be D. am( )20. There _ some milk, two eggs and a few cakes on the table.A. are B. is C. ha

8、ve D. has二完形填空(20小题,每小题1分,共20分) AGood morning, boys and girls. _21_ is todays school news on TV. An international group is_22_ our school this week. There are _23_ teachers and two students in the group. _24_! This is Mr. White and he is from the UK. The woman _25_him is Miss Green. She is from _26_

9、. The old man _27_ our students is Mr. Brown and he is from Canada. The beautiful girl is from Japan. Her name is Judy. _28_ that boy. He _29_ shy. Is he a _30_, too? No, he is from Chinatown in New York. He is an overseas Chinese!( )21. A. There B. These C. Those D. Here( )22. A. visit B. visiting

10、C. seeing D. see( )23. A. three B. five C. four D. two( )24. A. See B. Watch C. Look at D. Look( )25. A. front B. near C. next D. back( )26. A. American B. France C. French D. English( )27. A. talk with B. talking C. talking with D. talk( )28. A. See B. Look at C. Listen D. Listen to( )29. A. lookin

11、g B. look C. be D. looks( )30. A. Chinese B. Japan C. Japanese D. ChinaBJoan and Kate are good _31_. They live _32_ the same floor. Every morning they go to _33_ together. Joan is fifteen years old, and Kate is one year _34_ than Joan. Sometimes they go to school by bus, sometime on _35_. Joan likes

12、 _36_, but Kate doesnt like it, she likes Chinese. _37_ Joan wasnt at school. She was _38_ in bed. In the evening, Mike _39_ at Joans home to help her. Now Joan _40_ better, she is at school again.( )31. A. teachers B. friend C. friends D. boys( )32. A. on B. at C. in D. to( )33. A. park B. school C. here D. home( )34. A. older B. old C. elder D. oldest( )35. A. bike B. foot C. train D. bus( )36. A. English B. sing C. draw D. flowers(



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