Lesson 5 Days of the Week 教学设计.docx

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1、Lesson 5 Days of the Week 教学设计一、教学目标1 知识方面:能够认读、掌握、灵活运用Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday七个单词。能够理解、应答和运用下列句子:What day is it? Its MondayTuesday()能把所学单词灵活应用于日常口语交流中()了解西方关于星期的知识2. 过程与方法:能够观察出有关星期单词的特征,在合作学习中掌握有关星期的单词。3. 情感态度、价值观:了解东西方文化差异,继续产生并保持对英语的兴趣。二、教学重点学生能够正确地说、读、写,用Sunday

2、to Saturday七个单词.三、教学媒体录音机、磁带、电脑、单词卡片等。四、教学过程Step one: Class Opening and Review.1.GreetingT:Hello,boys and girls.S:Hello,Lucky!T:How are you ?S:Im fine,thank you,And you ?T:Im very well.T:Nice to meet you!S:Nice to meet you, too.2.Play a game猜猜Who is he/she?He is wearing a red sweater.She is wearing

3、blue pants.Step New concepts:1.What day is it?IntroduceT:Boys and girls.Look at here. This is a plan about me at the week. 出示Plan at the week由此引出Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday(并板书)T: How many days in a week?S: Seven.用汉语解释有关星期的知识。T: 老师先不说呢,我请同学们猜一猜,这些单词是从星期几到星期几。S1: S2: T: 大

4、家说得可真好。你们看老师把Sunday星期日放在了第一位,在加拿大,每周的第一天是星期日,人们不工作,一般去教堂或走亲访友,周一到周五工作,周六Saturday是一周的最后一天,也是放假的日子。如果大家留心观察的话,现在我们的日历也是把周日放在第一位的。依次学习7个单词,先领读,然后拼读后齐读。采用慢读、快读、正常读、男生读、女生读等形式读单词T: 今天的单词又多,又长,你有什么好办法能很快记住他们呢?小组之间先读一读,然后互相介绍和交流一下你的方法。学生汇报。老师补充、总结记忆单词的方法。每个单词都以day结尾。每个单词开头都要大写。(2)用汉语提问今天星期几,引出“What day is

5、it?”星期二 It is Tuesday.(3)PracticeRead the day as quickly as you can .Play “What is missing?Play “What day is it?”(4)Sing a song (5)Open your book, turn to Page10, listen and read.(6) 完成第五课练习册第三题2. Song Hes Wearing Red PantsT: Look at this picture.Who is he?S:He is LiMing.T:What is he wearing?S:He is wearing red pants.T:What day is it?S:It is Sunday.用同样的方法引出歌词放录音 听歌曲再次听歌曲,会唱的可以小声跟着唱。Step3 Class closing.1.Summary2.Homework板书设计Lesson 5 Days of the WeekWhat day is it? It is SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday


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