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1、2020-2021年点_中考英语语法填空知识点汇总(全)经典一、初三中考语法填空(含答案详细解析)1阅读下面的短文,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词或情态动词。 I never saw my father home from work late or ill, nor did I ever see my father take a night out with the boys. He had no_ (hobby) but just took care of his family. For 22 years, since I left home for college, my

2、father called me every Sunday at 9:00 am. He was always _ (interest)in my lifehow my family as doing. The calls even came when he and my mother were in Australia, _ (English) or Florida. Nine years ago when I bought my _ (one) house, my father, 67 years old, painted my house himself. He worked eight

3、 hours a day. He would not allow me _ (pay) someone to have it done. All he asked was a glass of iced tea, and that I hold a paintbrush for him and talk to him. But I was too busy, for I had a law practice to run, and I could not take the time to hold the paintbrush, or talk to my father. Five years

4、 ago, my 71yearold father _ (spend)five hours putting together a swing set(秋千)for my daughter. Again, all he asked was that I get him a glass of iced tea, and talk to him. But again, I had laundry to do, and the house to clean. The morning on Sunday, January 16, 1996, my father telephoned me as _ (u

5、sually), this time he had seemed to have forgotten some things we had discussed the week before. I had to get to church, and I cut the conversation short. The call came at 4:40 am. That day my father _ (send)to hospital in Florida, I got on a plane immediately, and I vowed(发誓)that when I arrived, I

6、would make up for the lost time, and have a nice long talk with him and _ (real)get to know him. I arrived in Florida at 1:00 am, but my father had passed away at 9:12 pm. This time it was he who did not have time to talk, or time to wait for me. In the years since his _ (die) I have learnt much abo

7、ut my father, and even more about myself. As a father, he never asked me for anything but my time. Now he has all my attention, every single day.【答案】 hobbies;interested;England;first;to pay;spent;usual;was sent;really;death 【解析】【分析】 这篇短文中作者给我们讲述了她的父亲,她父亲是一个很顾家的人,眼里只有他的家人。作者在短文中讲述了生活中的几件事情,从这些事情中我们可以

8、看到,作者因为太忙,跟父亲没有太多的交流,当作者想要弥补时,父亲却离开了她。 (1)句意: 他没有爱好,但只是照顾家人。hobby是可数名词,表示泛指用复数形式,故填 hobbies。 (2)句意: 他总是对我的生活感兴趣。be interested in,固定搭配,对.感兴趣,故填 interested。 (3)句意: 这些电话甚至是在他和我妈妈在澳大利亚、英国或佛罗里达的时候打来的。 根据 in Australia 可知此处是表示国家的名词,England,英国,故填 England。 (4)句意: 九年前,当我买下我的第一栋房子时,我67岁的父亲亲自粉刷了我的房子。one,基数词,一,表

9、示第一个,用序数词,first,故填 first。 (5)句意: 他不允许我付钱给某人去做这件事。allow sb to do,固定搭配,允许某人做,故填 to pay。 (6)句意: 五年前,我71岁的父亲花了五个小时组装秋千给我女儿。根据 Five years ago 可知是一般过去时,spend的过去式是spent,故填 spent。 (7)句意: 1996年1月16日星期日的早上,我父亲像往常一样7点给我打电话,这次他似乎忘记了我们一周前讨论过的一些事情。as usual,固定搭配,像往常一样,故填 usual 。 (8)句意: 那天,我父亲8被送到佛罗里达州的医院。根据 That d

10、ay可知时态是一般过去时,send与主语father是被动关系,故是被动语态,主语是第三人称单数,助动词是was,send的过去分词是sent , 故填 was sent。 (9)句意: 我发誓当我到达时,我会弥补失去的时间,和他好好长谈,然后真正地了解他。副词修饰动词短语get to know,real的副词是really,故填 really。 (10)句意: 在他去世后的几年里,我了解了很多关于我父亲的事情,甚至更多关于我自己的事情。 his是形容词性物主代词,其后是名词,death,是名词,故填 death。 【点评】考查语言综合运用能力,注意谓语的时态,语态,词性,搭配等多种用法。2阅

11、读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Ernest Hemingway, the son of a doctor and a music teacher, was born in 1899 in Oak Park, Illinois. Hemingways father_(teach) him early on how to hunt and fish, two activities Hemingway loved throughout his life. Instead of _(go) to college, Hemingway became a r

12、eporter for the Kansas City Star. Later, in Europe, he worked as a driver _the Italian army until he was wounded and shipped home, where he again wrote for newspapers. Two years _, he moved to Paris, where he hoped to improve his writing. There he became friends with other _(America) writers, includ

13、ing Gertrude Stein and F. Scott Fitzgerald. Hemingway developed _style of writing that was simple and direct. He chose words sparingly(俭省地), avoided using adjectives, and trusted the reader to understand _(mean) of his writing. As he put it, I always try _(write) on the principle(原则) of the iceberg(

14、冰山). There is seven eighths of it under water for every part that shows. This style continues to influence Writers today. In his career(生涯), which lasted some 40 years, Hemingway earned the Pulitzer Prize and the Nobel Prize. He was one of the finest writers of the_(twenty) century. For a while Emes

15、t Hemingway lived in Key West, Florida, where he had nearly 50 cats. One of them was a cat with six toes(脚趾), which a ships captain had given him. Today his Key West home is a museum, and many cats still live there. Some of them are _(child) of Hemingways six-toed cat. Hemingway was married four times and had three sons. He died in 1961.【答案】 taught;going;for;later;American;a;meaning;to write;twentieth;children 【解析】【分析】本文介绍了海明威及其写作风格。 (1)句意: 海明威的父亲很早就教他如何打猎和钓鱼。描述过去用一般过去时,teach的过去式是taught,故填 taught。 (2)句意: 海明威没有去上大学,而



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