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1、1.教学设计学科名称:(初中英语七年级)Unit 6 Winter in Canada Lesson 47 Two Seasons or Four?2.所带班级情况,学生特点分析:本学期我带七年级一班和三班,两个班的学生情况不同,三班英语学习基础较一班扎实,优秀学生所占人数略比一班多,学生较为老实,一班差生面广,知识掌握死板,不灵活。3.教学内容分析:本课主要讲述加拿大与中国季节的不同,通过詹尼、丹尼和李明三人的对话,我们可以了解到加拿大冬季漫长,夏季极短,全年冷多热少;而中国石家庄的气候是冬冷夏热,春秋气温宜人。当然不同的气候造就了孩子们不同的喜好,也就引发了不同的室外活动,课文后的一首歌曲

2、弹奏出了一年四季不同的天气以及孩子们的嬉戏,为本课又烘托出了一个欢快的氛围。4.教学目标:知识目标- 掌握词组和短语能力目标- 能正确使用关联词,明确事物的比较方法 情感目标- 热爱大自然,热爱生活,养成健康活泼的个性品质5.教学重难点分析:重点词汇的掌握以及比较级的运用,季节的特点和活动6. 教学课时:一课时7.教学过程:Step 1 Class opening: 1.Sing a song. Listen to The Season Song twice.2. Review (1) Duty report: date and weather(2) Review the months by

3、asking and answering.How many months are there in a year? What are they? Can you spell them?Step 2 New concepts: Presentation1. Build up a language situation.T: Look, whats this in English? (Show the card of the sun) Ss: Its the sun.T: Whats this in English? (Show the card of the rain) Ss: .2. Lead

4、in the new words.T: So the sun is very hot. What a hot, sunny day! It means summer is coming. (Write summer on the blackboard)Use the same way to introduce other three seasons: rain-cool-spring wind-warm-autumn snow-cold-winter sunny-hot-summerFinally, lead into four” seasons in a year.3. Drill. Ask

5、 the students to work in pairs. They can ask: How do they feel in different seasons and how to divide the seasons.4. Practice (1) Divide the whole class into four groups. Each group stands for one season. The students can join any group as they like. Thenthe teacher asks like this:T: S1, Is spring y

6、our favourite season? S1: Yes, it is.T: Why? S1:(Help them if necessary) Because I like to.Work on other seasons in the same way.(2) Talk in pairs.Step 3 Class closing: 1. Sum up the new language and underline the important sentences.2. Talk about My favourite Season to the class.3. Sing The Season

7、Song.9:作业安排: 4. Homework: Write a passage My Favourite Season.8.课堂练习:一、选词填空 winter, summer, autumn, spring, season 1. In America, people call _”fall”. 2. We can go skiing in _. 3. In _, we can wear shorts and go swinmming. 4. _ is coming. Everything begins to grow. 5. Whats your favourite season? -

8、Spring. 二、根据句意及提示写单词 1. How many _ are there in a year? Four. 2. I like _ best because I can swim in the river. 3. The weather becomes _ in spring. 4. _ is from September to November. 5. When spring comes, the flower begins to _ out. 三、找错并纠正 1. He eats too many food every day. 2. I like spring also. 3. Summer is hoter in Shijiazhuang, 4. Spring is warm and rain. 5. There are four season in a year in most countries.11.自我问答:图片的使用使本课的知识一目了然。对课文歌曲的演唱活跃了课堂气氛,对四季的描述因词汇的缺乏,需要老师的帮助。


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