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1、By Edward A. Taub, M.D., FAAP, with Michael Levin & David OliphantThe stress that we experience from rushing through our lives has a negative effect on our health. Here are 6 secrets from Managing Your Stress in Todays World on how to take back your time.我们一生冲刺过程中,总能遇到压力。这些压力对于我们的健康有着负面作用。以下是来自今日世界压

2、力管理中如何挤时间的六个秘诀。Take on Tasks One at a Time一次一个任务We think we are reducing stress by accomplishing more than one thing at a time, when in fact, we are causing ourselves more stress than ever. Stress-busting tip: leave multitasking to your personal computer. Do one thing at a time, do it well, and move

3、 on to the next item on your list. Thats the best way to regain a sense of control over time.我们自认为同时做几件事可以减轻压力。而事实上,压力反而比以往更大。减压秘诀:在多项任务在你的个人电脑上列出。每次只做一件事,把它做好,然后再去做你清单上的下一件事。这是重新获得时间控制这种感觉的最好方法。Make an Effort to Do Less努力少做这些事情Think for a moment about where in your life you are spending valuable ti

4、me on something that you could possibly live without. Think about getting away from the TV and computer screens that are mental vampires, sucking the life out of us by stealing our time and attention. By doing less and by carefully choosing which activities give you the least amount of benefit for t

5、he time commitment they require, youll actually end up creating more time in your day.仔细想一下:你的一生中在哪些地方把宝贵的时间花在就算没有你也能活下去的事情上。不妨考虑一下远离诸如电视和电脑屏幕等等。它们是精神吸血鬼,通过窃取我们的时间和注意力而吸干我们的生命。少做这些事情,仔细衡量下哪些事情在承诺时间内所得到的却最少,那你就可以在一天中创造更多的时间了。Scale Down Your Priorities按优先级逐步完成Make a list of four things that you would

6、like to accomplish today. Keep the list with you and stay with each item until you have completed it. Then go to the next item on your list and repeat the process. Keep doing this until youve gotten to the end of your list. Most of us place overwhelming demands on ourselves, or we expect far too lit

7、tle of ourselves. The goal is to hit the “sweet spot,” where our expectations of what we can accomplish in any given 24-hour period are in line with reality. If youre afraid that you wont accomplish all four things, well, thats why they invented tomorrow!做一个清单,然后在上面列出今天要完成的四件事。将这份清单带在身上,每完成一个项目,就去掉。

8、然后继续清单上的下一个项目并重复以上过程。持续这样做直到你把清单上的所有项目都完成了。我们大多数人都对自己索取太多,或者对自己期望太低。我们的目标就是达到“甜蜜点”:对任何给定的24小时内完成任务的期待完成与现实吻合。如果你害怕自己完成不了所有的四件事的话,这,就是明天之所以存在的原因了。Clear Out the Clutter理清混乱When our homes, our workplaces, and our vehicles have a sense of orderliness to them, we actually feel more peaceful and less stre

9、ssed out. Weve all gone through the agony of trying to rush out the door when we cant find our car keys, wallet, or purse! Keeping your personal space clutter-free makes it easier to manage your time when youre in a hurry.当我们的家庭,工作环境和汽车都整齐有序时,我们真正感到平和,压力也会更小。我们都经历过找不到汽车钥匙,皮夹或钱包时想奔出门的折磨。将你的个人空间弄得整齐一点

10、,可以让你在忙乱之中更好地掌握自己的时间。Replenish Your Body with Rest注意休息Most of us constantly have our fingers on the fast-forward button, when we really need to hit the pause button for a while. Every time we add another activity or responsibility to our lives, we generally take the time for that activity out of our

11、 sleep. We can only carry on not sleeping enough for a while before it catches up with us, causing all sorts of health disorders, including a terrible sense of frustration and stress.当我们确实需要敲打暂停按钮休息片刻的时候,我们中的大多数都将手指放在快速前进的按钮上。每次我们增加一个新任务或责任时,我们通常为了完成它不惜牺牲自己的睡眠时间。在它们完成之前,我们总是少睡觉也要把它们尽力完成。结果,导致了各种健康紊乱

12、,其中就包括严重的沮丧和压力。Learn about the most common sleep thieves and discover strategies for getting the good nights sleep you deserve.了解一下常见的睡觉“偷窃者”,并为你应有的睡眠寻找一些方法吧。Think Positively About Time对时间予以肯定We all know how weeds can overtake a garden, so it is our job constantly to notice and uproot any negative t

13、houghts in the garden that is our mind. As a result, positive thoughts can take root, bloom, and create the beauty that we need in order to enjoy our lives to the fullest. If you hear yourself saying, “I dont have enough time,” then say, and preferably out loud, “I have all the time I need for all t

14、he things I need to do.” A declaration like that has a relaxing and liberating effect on every cell in your body, which relieves tension.我们都知道种子是如何成长为一片花园。我们的工作,也一样,能够发现并连根拔起我们心灵的花园中负面的思想。结果,积极的思想能够生根,发芽并创造出我们所需的美历,从而让我们的生活更加完美。如果你听到自己说,“我没时间,”然后,大声说出,“我把所有的时间都花在了我所必需的事情上。”这样的一种宣告可以放松并解放你身体内的每一个细胞,从而缓和压力。文档可能无法思考全面,请浏览后下载,另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意! /



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