8B Unit 2-4 Vocabulary 导学案.doc

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1、8B Unit 2 Travelling第4课时 Vocabulary班级_ 姓名_ 自我评价_【学习目标】1. 知识目标:理解名词构成形容词的后缀。2. 技能目标:理解不同的后缀表达所表达意思的差异。 3. 情感目标:能用正确的形容词来描述事物。学习过程【预习指导与检测】一、预习指导本课时训练你如何使用词缀“ful”和“less”把名词变成形容词。在名词后加-ful -less可以构成形容词。-ful 表示“充满”或“具有的品质, -less表示“没有”或“不具有的品质”。如果我们能够掌握一定规律就能丰富我们的词汇量,同学们可要认真学习哟!如:use用途useful有用的useless无用的

2、;help帮助helpful有帮助的helpless无帮助的二、预习成果(一)在Reading中找出含有词缀“ful”和“less”的单词,并把它们写出来,可要仔细找呀! (二)你能说出下面划线单词的中文意思吗?1. Helen is a careful student. But Henry is a careless one. 2. Some people think that leaning English is useless. Thats wrong. Its useful. 3. I like watching Zhou Xingchis films with delight. Th

3、ey really make me delightful. 4. Nobody will be cheerful_ on such a cheerless_ rainy day. 5. There is endless homework to do before the exam. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (三)用所给词的正确形式填空。1. Lee is a _ student. He always _ others in his class. (help)2. They cried: “ _” when they saw one of the seven _ in the world

4、in Egypt. ( wonder )3. They waited and waited because they _ to visit it. But it seemed to be now. ( hope )4. The road seems to be for us to reach the _ of it. (end)5. To ones ., the weather was very . ( delight )【课堂导学与互动】任务一:师生互动。复习Reading,回答老师的提问。1. What do you think of Disneyland? Is it wonderful

5、?2. Can you say something about it?任务二:小组活动。1将对迪士尼乐园的描述补充完整,学习生词,特别注意带-ful, -less后缀的词。2思考含有这两种不同后缀的形容词的意思有何联系。任务三:自主、合作练习。1. 完成 Part A,与你的搭档核对答案。2. 思考:你能再举出一些用相同方法构成的形容词吗?快和搭档分享呀!任务四:活学活用。1完成 Part B部分,在小组中进行交流。2. 全班一起朗读短文。任务五:小试牛刀。用“ful”和“less”后缀填空,完成表格,然后在小组中展示。名词形容词反义词beautycarecolourharmlengthhea

6、lthnoise任务六:自我检测。写出划线形容词的反义词。 Today, Mary wears a colourful dress. She looks very beautiful. Mary is not only kind but also helpful. Besides, she is very careful. She finds it useful to learn English well, so she always works hard and gets high marks in English tests. However, her classmate Tom is v

7、ery different from her. He often makes some noise in the class. He spends too much time playing computer games though it is meaningless. 12345678【总结提升】从课本 第30页上任选出若干名词以及其形容词和反义词,描述你的学习、生活经历或周围的事物,在小组中交流,态度可要积极,谁表现好有奖励的呦。【当堂反馈】(一)用所给词的正确形式填空。1. Its for your health to smoke. But exercise is _ for your

8、 health. (harm) 2. This TV dropped to the ground and couldnt be mended. Its _ (use) now.3. Mr. Smith is a very _ (forget) person. He often forgets this or that.4. Everything in the house was so _ that I wanted to live in it. (beauty)5. Amy saw so many _ dresses in the shop that she couldnt stop buyi

9、ng one after another. (color)6. I heard the _ of the crowd, and I knew that our team was winning. All the players were very _. But for the other team, today was a _ day. ( cheer)7. Im _ to you for your help. (grate)8. The _ mother was so excited that she couldnt say a word. (thank)9. Miss Zhou gave

10、him a _ look in class and he understood her _ quickly. ( meaning)10. He is a _ mountaineer(登山者). He is my hero. (fear)(二)用后缀-ful. less补全单词,使短文意思完整。One day the traffic was heavy on the city roads. The cars were end_1_. It seemed to be hope_2_ to walk across the street. It was use_3_ for us to wait an

11、d see. So we decided to walk over the footbridge. My daughter was cheer_4_ in her colour_5_ dress. She always thought that life was meaning_6_ and wonder_7_. But to her surprise, she found that a 3-year-old boy was begging on the footbridge. He looked so help_8_. Why doesnt he go back home? She aske

12、d. I didnt know how to answer it.12345678【课后拓展】(一)完形填空。Mrs Brown lived in a small town near a big farm. One Friday afternoon after she finished _1_ housework, she went to her small shop. She opened the window of the shop and _2_ outside. She liked to see the green farm. There were many cows, horses

13、and small animals _3_ the farm. Suddenly she saw a kangaroo(大袋鼠) under her window. It was interesting to see that it was _4_ an old jacket. It stood there and looked hungry. Mrs Brown gave some bread _5_ water to it. The kangaroo ate them _6_. Then it became happy and jumped away. Suddenly something dropped on the _7_ from its jacket pocket. It was a wallet! She picked it up, opened and found there was $ 300 and a photo in it. That was a mans photo with his name John on it. John? She looked more _8_ and remembered she had a brot



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