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1、教学内容知识点一:一般现在时【知识梳理】(1)一般现在时的基本结构和变化1.一般现在时的结构be动词:主语+be(am, is, are)+其它。e.g. I am a boy.我是一个男孩。 行为动词:主语+行为动词(+其它)。一般现在时主要用动词的原形表示,如果主语是第三人称单数,则在动词原形后加-s或-ese.g. He gets up early in the morning.2.否定句和疑问句的变化be动词的变化: A.否定句:主语+ be + not +其它。 He is not a worker.他不是工人。 B. 一般疑问句:Be +主语+其它。 -Are you a stud

2、ent? -Yes. I am. / No, Im not. C. 特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句。 Where is my bike? 行为动词的变化:A.否定句:主语+ dont( doesnt ) +动词原形(+其它)。 I dont like bread. / He doesnt like bread. B. 一般疑问句:Do ( Does ) +主语+动词原形+其它。 -Do you often play football? - Yes, I do. / No, I dont. - Does she go to work by bike? - Yes, she does. / No,

3、 she doesnt. C. 特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句。How does your father go to work? (注意回顾动词第三人称单数形式变化规则) 一般情况下在词尾加s helphelps, cleancleans, playplays, wearwears, givegives; 以s, x, ch, sh结尾的动词在词尾加es dressdresses, fixfixes, watchwatches, finishfinishes;以“辅音字母加y”结尾的动词,把y变为i,再studystudies, carrycarries, flyflies )(2)一般现在时

4、的用法1.表示经常性或习惯性的动作或行为。常与always, sometimes, often, usually, never等副词连用。 e.g. I go to school every day except Saturdays and Sundays. My mother often gets up at 6 oclock. 2.表示现在的状态,能力,性格,个性。e.g. My father teaches maths. Lin Yan dances well. 3.表示普遍真理或客观事实。e.g. The earth moves around the sun. The sun rise

5、s in the east.【注意】此用法如果出现在宾语从句中,即使主句是过去时,从句谓语也要用一般现在时。如:Our physics teacher said that light travels much faster than sound. 我们的物理老师说光的传播速度比声音的传播速度快得多,在时间、条件、比较等状语从句中,用现在时表示将来的动作,从句的谓语动词用一般现在时。如:I will e-mail you as soon as I get to Beijing. 我一到北京就给你发邮件。 If you come this afternoon, we will have a mee

6、ting. 如果你今天下午能来,我们就开会。【例题精讲】例1. Who is that lady? Shes Miss Green. She _ us music, and she is so good. A. taught B. teaches C. will teach D. is teaching例2. I think Ill take a bus to the meeting. The bus? If you _, you will be late. A. do B. have done C. will do 例3. Unless the weather _, we will have

7、 to cancel the picnic. A. improve B. improves C. improved D. will improve例4. We dont know if our friend _. If he _, well let you know. A. comes; comes B. comes; will come C. will come; comes 例5. Our geography teacher told us that the earth _ the sun. A. went around B. goes around C. is going around

8、D. was going around【课堂练习】1. Look! A dog _ a blind man across the road. A. leads B. lead C. is leading D. led2. They usually _ TV in the evening. A. watch B. will watch C. are watching D. watches3. He hardly _ up early A. gets B. get C. doesnt get D. dont get4. John _ football. A. likes playing B. li

9、kes play C. like play5. Frank usually _ in touch with his primary school teachers by email. A. keep B. keeps C. kept D. will keep知识点二:一般过去时【知识梳理】(1)一般过去时的基本结构和变化1. 定义:表示过去某时发生的动作或存在的状态。2. 结构:“主语 + 动词的过去式”3.句型转化: be 动词的过去时的句型如下: A. 否定句: 主语 + be动词的过去式(was, were)+ not B. 疑问句: be动词的过去式(was, were)+ 主语 ?

10、a. He was busy yesterday. (肯定句) 他昨天很忙。 b. He was not busy yesterday. (否定句) 他昨天不忙。 c. Was he busy yesterday? (疑问句) 他昨天忙吗? d. There werent any boys in the room.房间里没有男孩儿。e.g. There werent any boys in the room.房间里没有男孩儿。 Were there any boys in the room? 房间里有男孩儿吗?行为动词的否定式和疑问式: A. 否定式:行为动词前加上did not或缩略式did

11、nt, 并把这个行为动词改为动词原形。 a. I called Lin Tao yesterday afternoon. I did not / didnt call Lin Tao yesterday afternoon. b. I borrowed a book from Sun Yang last Sunday. B. 一般疑问式:若在陈述句中只有行为动词的过去式, 那就得在句首加上一个助动词did来帮助提问, 然后把句中的行为动词由过去式改为动词原形, 并在句末打上问号。回答时别忘了还用did。 a. We stayed there for 10 days last month. Di

12、d you stay there for 10 days last month? Yes, we did. / No, we didnt. b. Mary had a delicious dinner yesterday evening. Did Mary have a delicious dinner yesterday evening? Yes, she did. / No, we didnt.(2)规则动词的变化过去式(规则变化)一般情况下,直接在动词词尾加-ed。watch watchedplant planted以不发音字母e结尾的动词在词尾加-d。like likedmove mo

13、ved以“辅音字母 + y”结尾的动词,先变y为i,再在词尾加-ed。study studiedcarry carried重读闭音节动词且词尾只有一个辅音字母,先双写词尾的辅音字母,再在词尾加-ed。stop stoppedshop shopped过去式(be动词)(不规则变化)am / is was are weredo did (3)不规则动词的过去式和过去分词第一组AAA1. costcostcost 2. cutcutcut 3. hithithit 4. letletlet5. putputput 6. setsetset 7. readreadread 第二组ABC1. breakbrokebroken 2. choosechosechosen 3. speakspokespoken 4. stealstolestolen 5. wakewokewoken 6. forgetforgotforgotten7.taketooktaken 8.givegavegiven 9.hidehidhidden 10. drivedrovedri



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