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1、PEP小学英语三四年级知识分类汇总颜色类:colour 颜色;red 红色;yellow 黄色;white 白色;pink 粉红色;purple 紫色;brown 棕色;blue 蓝色;black 黑色;green 绿色;orange 橘红色、橙色数字类:one 1;two 2;three 3;four 4;five 5;six 6;seven 7;eight 8;nine 9;ten 10;eleven 11;twelve 12;thirteen 13;fourteen 14;fifteen 15;sixteen 16;seventeen 17;eighteen 18;nineteen 19

2、;twenty 20;twenty-one 21;thirty 30;forty 40;fifty 50;sixty 60;seventy 70;eighty 80; ninety 90 first (1st ) 第一;second (2nd ) 第二;课程类:Chinese 语文;English 英语;P.E. 体育;math 数学;music音乐;art美术;science 科学天气类:weather 天气;rainy下雨的;sunny晴朗的;snowy下雪的;windy刮风的;hot炎热的cloudy多云的;warm温暖的;cold寒冷的;cool 凉爽的;rain雨; cloud;云;

3、sun太阳rainbow彩虹wind风动物类:rabbit 兔子;cat 猫;dog 狗;duck 鸭子;pig 猪;panda 熊猫;bird 鸟;hen母鸡;cow 奶牛;lamb 羊羔;goat 山羊;sheep 绵羊;horse 马;bear 熊;giraffe 长颈鹿;monkey 猴子;donkey 驴;kangaroo 袋鼠;lion 狮子;tiger 老虎;deer鹿;squirrel 松鼠;snake 蛇; fish 鱼;mouse 老鼠;elephant 大象水果类:apple 苹果;pear 梨;orange 橘子;banana 香蕉;grapes 葡萄;watermel

4、on 西瓜; strawberry 草莓食物类:fish 鱼;beef 牛肉;chicken 鸡肉;rice 米饭;noodles 面条;tomato 西红柿;potato 土cucumber 黄瓜;carrot 萝卜;bread 面包;egg 蛋;onion 洋葱;tea 茶;milk 牛奶; coffee 咖啡;Coke 可乐;juice 果汁服装类:pants 长裤;jeans 牛仔裤;socks 短袜;shoes 鞋子;T-shirt T恤衫;shorts 短裤; dress 连衣裙;boots 靴子;shirt 衬衫;skirt 裙子;jacket 夹克衫职业:doctor 医生;f

5、armer 农民;driver 司机nurse 护士;teacher 老师;student 学生时间:oclock点钟;today 今天 morning 早上; afternoon 下午; evening晚上 建筑类:library 图书馆;school 学校;park 公园;supermarket超市;garden 花园;gym体育馆playground操持;art room 美术室;teachers office 教师办公室;living room 客厅; study书房;kitchen厨房;bathroom浴室;bedroom 卧室;washroom卫生间 classroom 教室交通工

6、具:train 火车;bike自行车;plane飞机;car 汽车;jeep 吉普车;ship 轮船;bus 公共汽车;boat小船方位词: in 在里面;on 在上面;under 在下面; near 在附近;日常用品家具类:ruler 尺子;pen 钢笔;pencil 铅笔;pencil-case 铅笔盒;book 书;schoolbag 书包;notebook笔记本;story-book故事书; picture 图画; board 板; teachers desk 讲台桌; light 灯; kite 风筝;computer 电脑;football 足球 bed 床; chair椅子;de

7、sk 桌子;window 窗户;table台桌; phone 电话; sofa 沙发; shelf书架; fridge电冰箱; knife刀; plate盘子; spoon 调羹;fork叉子; chopsticks筷子;key钥匙 door 门; floor 地板;wall 墙称呼类:family 家庭;father 父亲;mother 母亲;brother 兄弟;sister 姐妹;grandparents祖父母;uncle 叔叔;aunt阿姨;parents 父母;baby 婴儿;boy 男孩;girl 女孩;friend 朋友描述人物的形容词:strong 强壮的;thin 瘦的;ta

8、ll 高的;short 短的,矮的;big 大的;small 小的;long 长的;young 年轻的;old 老的;heavy 重的;cool 酷的;smart 聪明的;quiet 安静的;funny 滑稽可笑的;fat 胖的星期类:Monday. 星期一;Tuesday. 星期二;Wednesday. 星期三;Thursday. 星期四;Friday. 星期五;Saturday 星期六;Sunday 星期天;day 天国家、城市(countries & cities):China/PRC中国America/USA美国UK联合国England英国Canada/CAN加拿大Australia澳

9、大利亚New York纽约London伦敦Sydney悉尼Moscow莫斯科人体(body):foot脚head头face脸hair头发nose鼻子mouth嘴eye眼睛ear耳朵arm手臂hand手finger手指leg腿tail尾巴句型类:1.Whats your name? My names Sarah.或 Im Sarah.2. May I have a look? Sure. Here you are.3. Can I have some chicken? Sure. Here you are./ Certainly.4. Have some juice. No, thanks. I

10、 like Coke.5. How old are you? Im ten/.6. Where are you from? Im from China/England/America.7. Whos that/this woman? Shes my mother.8. Whos that/this man? Hes my father.9. How many kites can you see? I can see eleven.10.How many crayons do you have? I have 16.11.Do you like peaches?Yes, I do./ No, I

11、 dont.12.What about pears?I like them very much.13.Mom, where is my car ?On your desk ?No.In the toy box ?No. Oh .Its under the chair.14. Excuse me, Amy. Can I use your pencil? No problem.15.Where is my seat? Its near the door.16. Lets clean the classroom. All right.17. Whats his name? His name is Z

12、hangPeng.18. Whats her name? Her name is Sarah.19. What would you like for dinner? Id like some fish and rice.20.Is this a teachers desk? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.21. What time is it? Its two oclock.22. Its 9:45. Its time for math class. 23. What colour is it? Its white.24. Its warm today. Lets play football.25. How much is it? Its ten yuan. 26. How much are they? Theyre three yuan.27. Are they ducks? No, they arent. Yes, they are.28. How many horses are there? Twelve.29. Are these tomatoes? Yes, they are. No, they arent.30. Where are the keys? Theyre in the door.1



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