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1、小升初专项训练祈使句基础题一、选择题1-No problem . Let me_you .-Thank you .A. to help B. helping C. help2_sing . The boy is sleeping.A. Not B. No C. Dont3 Here are your babies. _A. Here you are. B. Thank you. C. You are welcome.4ALets_ school. A. go to B.go C.to5Its cold . _ the window, please.A. Close B. open C. Ope

2、n6Im very hungry. _ go to a restaurant.A. Let B. Lets C. Lets7_ litter here please!A. Cant B. Dont C. Isnt8_ your book _ the desk,Jim.A.put,with B.Touch,with C.Put,on9_clean the desk.A. Let B. Lets C. Lets10_ the window. A. Turn on B. Put up C. Open11_clean the classroom.A. Let B. Lets C. Lets12_ th

3、e window. A. Turn on B. Put up C. Close13clean the classroom !A. Let we B. Lets C. Lets me 14_ worry , little Tom . Ill go with you .A. Dont B. Doesnt C. cant15_ when you cross the road.A. Do care B. Care C. Be careful16Lets _a card for our parents.A. make B. makes C. to make17Lets _the candles and

4、sing the birthday song.A. lights B. light C. lighting18 Let me _ you .A. helping B. helps C. help19_ play in the toilet.A. No B. Not C. Dont20Lets _ the lake.A. to go to B. go to C. to go21 argue!Whats the ?A. Not, matter B. Dont, matter C. Do, matter22.-Put away your books. - A. Thanks. B. All righ

5、t. C. Sorry.23如果你想叫别人开门,可以这样说:A. Go to the door.B. Open the door, please. C. Close the door, please.24你想告诉朋友去客厅看电视,你应该说:A. Go to the living room take a shower. B. Go to the study watch TV. C. Go to the living room watch TV.25 walk on the grass .A. Dont B. Doesnt C. Do26_ make the room mess.A. Dont B

6、. Do C. Will D. Are27当你看到他人哭泣时,你应该说:_A. Dont worry. B. Dont cry.28看图,读句子并判断对()错()。( )Dont litter.( ) Dont touch.( )Dont be afraid.( )No smoking.( ) No climbing . 29Dont touch.A. 别触碰。 B. 别乱扔垃圾。30看图,读句子并判断对()错()。( )Dont cry.( )Dont touch.( ). Dont be afraid.( ). Dont worry.( ) Heres your camera.31让我试试

7、。A. Here you are! B. Let me try.32我可以帮助你。A. I can help you. B. Can you help me?33别害怕。A. Dont touch. B. Dont be afraid.34Lets _ and see.A. go B. to go C. going35Come and_my family.AlookBlookingCmeet36_the door, please.A. opens B. Open C. Opened37Lets _!A. paint B .paints C. painting38_ your hands.A.

8、Clap B. Stamp C. Touch39Dont _on the road.A. run B. to run C. running40_(起立), Lingling.A .Stand up B .Sit down C. Goodbye41_ draw a monkey .A. Let B. Lets C. Lets42Dont your car here.A. park B. parking C. parks43_ me todays paper, and _ this banana to your grandpa, please.A. Bring; take B. Take; bri

9、ngC. Carry; bring D. Take; carry二、填空题44用祈使句写出以下标志的含义。45在方框内选择适当的单词或词组,填在句子中的横线上。_, Helen. Youre late for school.Im ill,Mum. I dont want to _ today._ Su Yang.But I am not hungry. Im thirsty._ then.Thanks, Dad.Shall we go and _?Good idea. But Im tired. I cant now.OK. Lets _. Can you _?Yes. I LOVE CHIN

10、A._ our new library there.Its nice. Lets go and _.提升题非选择题46根据所给单词的适当形式填空1) In our school, we have many _ (club).2) Helen can _ (speak) three languages.3) The Whites have four _ (child), two daughters and two sons.4) My pen pal _ (live) in Japan.5) I want to eat _ (a) apple.6) Please come and _ (help

11、) me.7) She _ (have) a dictionary.8) There isnt _ (some) tea in the cup.47词汇运用。用所给词的适当形式填空。1) Please come and _ (help) me2) She _ (have) a dictionary.3) There isnt _ (some) tea in the cup.4) Last year we _ (fly) to Shanghai.5) Lets go _ (boat).All right.32023学年参考答案1【答案】C【解析】句意:没问题,让我来帮助你吧。谢谢你。这是let句型的祈使形式,意为“让我们做某事吧。”let后面必须用动词原形,因此这道题选C。2【答案】C【解析】句意:别唱了,这个男孩儿睡着了。这是否定形式的祈使句,在句首写Dont,表示“不要做某事”。3【答案】B【解析】该题考查交际用语。根据题意“这些是你的孩子。”,答句该为表示感谢的句子,故选B。4【答案】A【解析】Lets+动词原形“我们一起去做吧”, go to school“上学”,故选择A。 5【答案】A【解析】句意是“天冷了,请关上窗户。”,而且句首字母应大写,故选A。6【答案】B【解析】句意:我非常饿了,咱们去饭店吧。这是lets祈使句型,意为“让我们”,lets是le


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