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1、新版PEP四年级英语下册第三单元测试题四年级下册第三单元测试题(二)Name_ Class_ Mark_一、单项选择,将正确选项的字母标号填写在题前括号内。() 1、 _it cold ?() 2、Whats the weather like in Sydney? It s hot_sunny.A. ForB. to() 3、 Where are my _?A. ShoesB. TheyC. those() 4、 Can I go outside now?A. Yes,you cantB. Yes,you can.C. No, you can.() 5、 This is the _ repor

2、t.A. .B. weatherC. music() 7、 _ about New York?A. What sB. HowC. Where()8、Whats the weather like _Beijing.A. OnB. AtC. in() 9、 Can I have some soup ?A. Yes,you can.B. No,it isnt .C. Yes, I can.() 10、Is it hot today?A. Yes, it isnt.B. No, it is.C. Yes, it is二、情形反响。1、() Whats the weather like there?2、

3、 () Where are my pens ?3、 ()What time is it?4、 () Can I go outside now?5、 () Is it cool?A. No, you cant.B、Yes, it is.C、 It s rainy.D、It s twelve oclock.E、Theyre on the desk.三、找出不一样类的单词。()1 A teacher)2 A he)3 A forty)4 A what)5 A rainyB dogB theyB oldB whereB sunnyC studentC sheC elevenC thisC Sydney

4、四、连词成句。1、todayiswarmIt(.)2、goI outsideCan now(?)3、theweatherWhats inlikeBeijing (?)4、It coldis andrainny(. )5、BeijingaboutHow(?)五、阅读短文,达成以下各题。Good morning, this is the weather report. Its rainy in Shanghai. Youmust take your raincoat. Its cold in Beijing. Please put on your boots.It s snowy in Harbi

5、n, we can make a snowman. Its sunny and warm in HongKong. You can play football. Thats all. Goodbye.() 1、Whats the weather like in Shanghai?A. It s rainy.B. Its snowy.C. It s sunnyandwarm.() 2、 Is it cold in Beijing?A. Yes, you can.B. No, you cant.C. Yes, it is.() 3、 Can you make a snowman in Harbin

6、?A. Yes, you can.B. No, you can t.C. Yes, it is.() 4、Whats the weather like in Hong Kong?A. It s rainy.B. Its snowy.C. It s sunnyandwarm.() 5、 You can playin Hong Kong.A. FootballB. BasketballC. Volleyball六、翻译单词。1. girlsin.(手挽手)2. a(卡片 ) with a(汽车)。3. a女孩with her(小鸟 ) .4. No(水) near the(电脑 )七选出不一样类的

7、一项。()1.C. breakfast()2.C. ten()3.C. classroom()4. A. PEB. EnglishC. AM()5.B. insideC. Be careful八找出字母发音同样的选项,把代号填到后边A. carD. hurtE. winter九单项选择()1、the weather like today?A、WhatB、WhatsC、WheresD、 How()stoday(今日) .A、sunB、a sunC、sunnyD、 sundy():Can I go nome now ?B:.A、Yes, you cant. B、 No, you can. C 、N

8、o, you cant. D、 Yes, youare.()4. Its rainy in Beijing.A. Its sunny. B.Whats the matter?C. How about New York?()5. Is it hot today?.A. Yes, it isnt B. No, it is. C. No, it isnt.十、句子搭配。1、() What s the weather like in New York?A. No, itsnot.2、() Where is the library ?B、 No, you cant.3、()What time is it

9、 now?C、 It s windy.4、() Can I go outside?D、It s on the second floor.5、() Is it cool?E、It s eleven oclock.十一连词成句。1.the like in ZaoZhuang whats weather (?)2. ishot it andsunny( .)3. timeitiswhat ( .)4 is rainy it(?)5. Isomecanhavesoup (?)十二句子排序()It s rainy. Whats the weather like()Hi , Chen Jie. This

10、is Mark.()Can you go outside ?()No, it isnt. Its 26 .()Hi , s the weather like in New York?()Yes, I can.in Beijing? Is it cold?十三阅读理解,判断对错,对的打“T”,错的打“ F”。I m ZhangPeng. It s 6:40. Its time to get up. I wear my new T-shirt( T 恤) .It s yellow. And I wear my green shorts(短裤) . I have . class at threetw

11、enty today, so I wear my white shoes(鞋子 ). At 7:, I have some hamburgersand milk for breakfast. Then I go to school at 7: have English class at nine oclock.()1、I get up atsix fourteen.()2、I have a yellow shirt.()3、I have PE class at 3:20.()4、I wear green shoes today.()5、I have English at 10:00.四年级下册

12、第三单元测试题(三)Name_ Class_ Mark_听力部分一、依据录音内容,圈出与录音相切合的图片字母1、2、3、ABABAB4、5、ABAB二、听音,依据你听到的信息,给图片摆列正确的次序。()()()()()三依据你在录音入耳到的问题, 将下边每组答句中最适合的答案选出来,将其字母序号填入句子前面的括号里。()1、A、Yes, itisnt.B、No, itisnt.Its warm.C 、Yes,there is.()2、A、Yes, you can.B、Yes, I can.C、I can wear my newdress.()3、A、Its sunny.B、Its 12:00.

13、C、Itspurple.()4、A、Theyre on the desk. B、Its under the chair. C、Theyre four.()5、A、It s my coat.B、Its on the second floor.C、It s windy.四、听音,依据你听到的信息,给图片画哭脸或许笑容。32-2 15()()() () () () ()()五依据所听内容,选择正确的答语,听两遍。()1. A. It s forty .B. Its seven forty.C. I have three.()2. A.Sorry, I cant. B. I can see a cake.C. Its over there.()3. A.It



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