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1、动词时态和形式一、在英语表达中,发生在不同时间的动作,谓语动词的表现形式是不一样的。这样就形成了不同的时态。你能判断下列各是什么时态,并根据要求做题吗?(一) 下列情况叫什么时态?_。1 定义:表示目前经常性、习惯性的动作或存在的状态。2 标志词:usually, often, always, sometimes, every等。如:I often get up at six.3 完成下列各题:1) My name_Li Ming and I_ a worker. (be)2) Amy often _ (read) books in the evening.3) Sometimes Sarah

2、_ (have) an English class.4) Lucy with her sister_ (like) science.5 What _ tom usually _ (do) at the weekend?6) Where _(be) Liu Yun now? She is at home.4.根据不同的划线部分对句子进行提问:1) Tom listens to the radio every morning. (变一般疑问句,并作肯定与否定回答) _? 肯定回答:_. 否定回答:_. 2) Tom listens to the radio every morning. (划线部分

3、提问) _?3) Tom listens to the radio every morning. (划线部分提问) _?4) Tom listens to the radio every morning. (划线部分提问) _?(二) 下列情况是什么时态? _.1. 定义: 表示对将来的打算或准备做什么。2 标志词:tomorrow, tomorrow morning, from now on ,next year, next week, in fifteen minutes, in five days, in the future, soon等. 如: I am going to schoo

4、l tomorrow.3. 用所给词的适当形式填空:1) Zhang Peng _(play) football tomorrow. 12) We _(have) a picnic next week.3) I _(be) a scientist in twenty years time.4) Liu Yun with her parients _(go) to Beijing next month.5) What _ you _ _ _tomorrow? We are going to climb a mountain.4 根据不同的划线部分对句子提问。1) I am going to pl

5、ay basketball this afternoon.(变为一般疑问句并做肯定和否定回答) _? _. _.2) I am going to play basketball this afternoon. _?3) I am going to play basketball this afternoon.-_? 4) I am going to play basketball this afternoon. _?5) I am going to play basketball this afternoon._?6) 用will 改写句子。 _.7)用yesterday 替代this aft

6、ernoon改写句子。 _.(三) 下列情况是什么时态? _.1.定义:表示目前正在进行的动作或发生的事情。2标志词: now; look!; Listen!; Its seven oclock;Dont make any noise等。如: Look!The monkeys are climbing the mountain.3. 用所给词的正确形式完成句子。1) The students _ (have) an English class. 2) Listen!Amy _(sing) a pop song.3) What are you doing now?We _(fly) kites.

7、 24) Its seven oclock. The Greens _ (talk) and _(watch) TV. 5) Dont make any noise. Dad is _(read) a piece of newspaper and my baby sister _(sleep).4. 根据不同的划线部分对句子进行提问。1) The students are having a meeting in the classroom. (变一般疑问句并作肯定和否定回答)_? _. _.2) The students are having a meeting in the classroo

8、m. (划线部分对句子进行提问)_?3) The students are having a meeting in the classroom. (划线部分对句子进行提问)_?4) The students are having a meeting in the classroom. (划线部分对句子进行提问) _?5) The students are having a meeting in the classroom. (划线部分对句子进行提问) _?6) _. (用tomorrow 改写句子)二、下列情况虽不能称为句子的时态,但也表明了一些动词的用法,也就是说非谓语动词的用法。(一) 不

9、定式:I want _(go) home. Id like _(swim) this afternoon.He asked me _(help) him with his English.Let me _ (tell) you a story. The song made her _ (smile).They have us _ (sit) behind them. He told me _ (leave) at once.He teach me how _(climb) a tree. Tell the boy not _(sit) like that.(二)现在分词或动名词:Lets go

10、 _(swim) tomorrow. She _(do) some _ (clean) now.I enjoy _(sing) English songs. I am good at _(draw).Knife is used for _(cut).用适当的系动词填空:1 She _ engineer last year.A. became B. is becoming C. is D. turned 32 It _ colder and colder in winter.A. becomes B. get C. becoming D. is coming3 Dont eat the food. It _ bad.A. go B. was getting C. goes D. smell4 That music _ beautiful.A. is sounding B. sounds C. is sounded D.sound



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