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1、 Lesson 1 1. Good morning honey. Howd you sleep?早啊,亲爱的,睡得怎么样?(Good) morning早上好。用于打招呼howd足how did的缩略询问某人睡得如何:(Did you) sleep well?How was your night?2Slept like a log!睡得可好了!sleep like a log睡得很香log /lag/ (n.)原木l didnt go anywhere.I went to bed earlyand slept like a log.我昨天哪儿也没去,早早就上了床,睡得很香。3. lm going

2、 to sleep like a baby.我要睡个美美的觉。sleep like a baby睡得很熟4. Did we sleep through the night?我们这是睡过去了吗?sleep through在过程中一直睡得很死l never heard the storm last night.1 musthave slept through it我昨天晚上完全没听到暴风雨的声音,我肯定睡得死死的。5Never slept better.我从来没睡这么香过。6. Someone who sleeps so soundly andpeacefully that I have to c

3、heck her pulsesometimes.睡觉睡得那么平静那么沉,以至于我不得不偶尔去检查下妣的脉搏。soundly (adv.)酣睡地peacefully (adv.)安详地sleep soundly and peacefully睡得沉稳平和7. Thats good. You are just in time forbreakfast.那就好,正好赶上吃早餐。be just in time for sth刚好赶上某事just (adv.)正好,刚刚好in time及时l arrived just in time for my flight toLondon.我刚好赶上去伦敦的飞机。j

4、ust in time to do sth正好赶上去做某事We ran all the way to the corner just intime to see the bus disappearing up thestreet.我们一路跑到转角处,正好看到公交车消失在街的尽头。8. Oh, what are we having?噢,咱们今天吃什么?What are we having for breakfastlunchdinner?我们今天早饭午饭晚饭吃什么?Mom, what are we having for dinnertonight?妈,今儿晚上吃什么?9. Same old. H

5、ope youre hungry.迹是那些啦,希望你饿了。same old= the usual老样子my usual我常吃的hungryhArjgri/ (adj.)饥饿的sb is hungry某人饿了appetitepitait/ (n.)食欲有食欲:haveget an appetitehaveget appetites胃口好:have a good appetitehave good appetiteshaveget a healthy appetite Lets just say hes got a healthy appetite.就当他这人胃口好吧。haveget (a) he

6、arty appetite(s)heartyharti/ (adj.)(尤指食物)大量的,丰盛的lve got a hearty appetite.我的胃口很好。haveget (a) ravenous appetite(s)ravenous rvanas/ (adj.)极其饥饿的Growing boys have ravenous appetites.正在长个的男孩儿,食欲都特别旺盛。10. So hungry I could eat a horse!确实是很饿,饿到能吃一头牛了!so hungry (that)l could eat a horseso_that_大以至于胃口不好:l se

7、em to have lost my appetite lately.我最近胃口似乎不太好。lose ones appetite丧失食欲,没有食欲l suffer from headaches and loss ofappetite.我头疼,而且食欲不振。suffer from遭受,患病loss of appetite食欲不振l havent got much of an appetite.我没什么胃口。11.1 am famished. You ready to order?饿死了,你准备好点菜了吗?famishedfmijt/ (adj.)非常饥饿的(=very hungry)12. lm

8、 starving. Can l have somecookies?我饿死了,能吃点饼干吗?starvingsto rvirj/ (adj.)非常饥饿的13. Nice. Heres some coffee. Carefulthough, its piping hot!很好,这是你的咖啡,小心别烫着!here这是用于句首以介绍某人或某物careful是be careful昀省略说法警告某人注意,小心(危险的事情)piping (adv.)piping hot= very hot(食物或饮料)非常热的,滚烫的 1. You made us breakfast?你给我们做早点了?make sb b

9、reakfastlunchdinner为某人做早餐午餐晚餐2.- You made me a boblette?-l made you lunch.- He made me a bob-wich.一你给我们做了满汉全席?一我给你做了午饭。一他给我做了个私房三明治。omeletteam,alat/ (n.)煎蛋饼3. Three eggs filled with pancakes,bacon and cold pizza.我给你们做了个鸡蛋夹煎蛋饼,培根和冷披萨。刷with填满,塞满pancake (n.)薄煎饼syrupsirap/ (n.)糖浆4. Oatmeal and fresh fru

10、its.燕麦片和新鲜的水果。oatmeal/ootmiU (n.)燕麦片milk (n.)牛奶black tea红茶orange juice橙汁5. This is the best boblette lve ever had.这是我吃道的最好吃的满汉全席。This is the best.lve ever had.这是我有生以来遇见的最好的。This is the best coffee lve ever had.这是我喝过的最好喝的咖啡。 窿衄匝盈躅Howd you sleep?你睡得怎么样啊?(Did you) sleep well?你睡得好吗?How was your night?睡得

11、怎么样?sleep like a log睡得很好sleep like a baby睡得很香sleep through睡得很熟Never slept better.从没睡过这么好。sleep soundly and peacefully睡得平稳安详be just in time for/to do sth正好赶上(做)某事What are we having for breakfastlunchdinner?我们早饭午饭晚饭吃什么?same old老样子themy usual(我)常吃的lm hungry我饿了。lm famished我好饿。lm starving我好饿。haveget an a

12、ppetite有食欲haveget appetites有食欲have a good appetite食欲好have good appetites仓欲好haveget (a) goodhealthyheartyravenous appetite(s)食欲旺盛lose ones appetite没食欲loss of appetite没食欲l havent got much of an appetite.我没什么食欲。piping hot非常热make sb breakfastlunchdinner给某人做早饭午饭晚饭fill with填满,塞满This is the best.lve ever h

13、ad.这是我吃过最好吃的。 Lesson 2 1Jeff, time to wake up!Jeff,起床了!Ll起床:(lts) time to wake up.wake upCome on, wake up. Breakfast is ready.快点起床了,早饭都做好了。2. Amy, get up. lts time to go to work.艾米起床,该上班了。叫起床:get uplts time to get up.Time to get up.3. Come on, honey! Get out of bed!快起床,宝贝,别赖床了!get out of bed起床4Rise

14、and shine.起床。5. Five more minutes! lm too sleepy!再睡五分钟!我好困!more (adj.)更多的再给多长时间的表达:数字(基数词)+ more+分钟小时sleepy (adj.)乏困的,瞌睡的lm sleepy我困了。Shes sleepy她困了。Theyre sleepy他们困了。sleepyhead (n.)瞌睡虫Come on, sleepyhead, lets get you tobed.快点儿,瞌睡虫,我带你上床睡觉。类似表达:Can l sleep some more?我能再多睡一会吗?lm so tired that I cant get up.我太困了,起不来。lm too tired to get up.我太困了,起不来。6. Get up.ropen the curtains. Put onyour clothes!起床了,我要拉窗帘了,把衣服穿上!open the curtains挹窗帘拉开close the curtains把窗帘拉上put on sthput



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