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1、初一英语上测试题(120)Time:100 Name: Score: 一、情景对话。选择正确答语 (每小题1分,共10分)( ) 1. Whats your name?( ) 2. How do you spell “red”?( ) 3. Good morning.( ) 4. Sit down, please, Lingling.( ) 5. How are you?( ) 6. How many desks are there?( ) 7. Nice to meet you.( ) 8. Good afternoon.( ) 9. Whats this?( ) 10. Is this a

2、 pen?A. Good afternoon.B. A pen.C. Nice to meet you, too.D. R-E-D, red.E. Ten.F. Fine, thanks.G. Good morning.H. Yes, its a pen.I. Im Tom.J. Thank you, Miss Li.二、选择填空。(每小题1分,共35分)( ) 1. Can you play _ piano? No, but I can play _ football. A. a; the B. the; a C. /; the D. the; /( ) 2. Whats this _ En

3、glish?A. in B. on C. under D. at( ) 3. This is _ Li, and he is my teacher. A. Miss B. Mr. C. Mrs. D. Ms( ) 4. I like _ and _. A. swim; run B. swimming; run C. swimming; running D. swim; running( ) 5. My favourite food is_.A. book B. egg C. noodles D. red( ) 6. I can swim _ I cant dance. A. and B. or

4、 C. but D. so( ) 7. Whats your name? My name is _.A. Li xiaoLing B. Li Xiaoling C. Li Xiao ling D. Li xiaoling( ) 8. Mum, _ my friend, Jim. How do you do, JimA. this is B. that is C. it is D. he is( ) 9. What are these? _A. Its an apple. B. There are apples. C. This is an orange.D. They are pens.( )

5、 10. There are five _ in the fridge(冰箱). A. rice B. meat C. pear D. apples( ) 11. Can you ride a bike? _ . It is easy (容易的).A. Yes, I can B. No, I cant C. No, I can. D. Yes, I cant.( ) 12. Whats this? _ a red apple.A. This is B. Its C. It D. Thiss( ) 13. This is my _ and I am her son. A. student B.

6、teacher C. brother D. mother( ) 14. This is _ear and thats _ arm. A. an; an B. a; a C. a; an D. an; a( ) 15. How many books are there? _ seven. A. This is B. They are C. There are D. These are ( ) 16.Tom,Jim and Lily _ AmericanAis Bam Care Dbe( )17. _ Lingling and Daming students?- _,they areAIs;Yes

7、 BAre,Yes CIs;No DAre:No( )18.-Can you swim,Amy? - _AYes,I can BNo,She cantCYes,I am DNo,I am not( )19. Jim can _ footballAplays Bplay Cplaying Dplayed( )20. How many children _ in the classroom?Athere are Bthere is Care there Dis there( )21.There are _ books on the deskAany Ba Can Dsome( )22.Betty

8、is my good friend_ lives in Beijing nowAHim BHer CShe DHe( )23.There _ some meat and bananas on the tableAis Bare Cam Dbe( )24.Your mothers father is your _Agrandfather Bgrand motherCaunt Duncle( )25.Would you like _ Beijing with me?Ago Bgoing Cto go Dto go to( )26.-Would you like to see a film with

9、 me?- _AYes,I like BYes,I wouldCYes,I would like DYes,I d love to( )27-Lets go to the football match!- _!AYes,Lets see a film BNo,Lets goCGood idea DNo,Id go to a football match( )28.Lets go to the cinema _ Sunday!Aat Bin Con Dfrom( )29.We have breakfast _ half past ten _ the morningAinat Bat,in Con

10、,in Dat,on( )30._ favorite food is breadAMy sister BMy sisters CMy sisters DMy sisteres( )31.How many _ can you see in the picture?Abox Bbooks Cman Dwoman( )32.Are there _ animals in the zoo?Aa Ban Csome Dany( )33.-Does the tiger eat meat?- _AYes,it is BYes,it doesCNo,it isnt DNo,it doesnt( )34. -_ do you play computer games7-SometimesAHow BHow often CWhen DWhere( )35. He often goes to work _ bike.A. by B. on C. in D. at三、句型转换(每空1分,共10分)1. Do you often play football after school? (肯定回答) Yes, . 2. I can speak English. 一般疑问句: you



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