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1、 2022年职称英语考试珍藏句型分析宝典(八)1结构主词+be 动词+as+形容词+as+(形容词)+can be说明此句型意为“极,不亚于任何人”。此借重複同一个而成为强调此的说法。常用的此类有:as plain as plain can be(再明白不过了),as wise as wise can be(再聪明不过了),as white as white can be(白得不能再白了),as wrong as wrong can be(错得太离谱)等。His failure is as plain as plain can be. 他的失败是再明白不过了。He is as handsome

2、 as (handsome) can be. 他潇洒极了。She is as kind as can be. 她极为和颜悦色。Mary is as hardworking as can be. 玛丽在班上之用功不输任何人。He may not be so clever as Peter, but he is as industrious as can be.他也许不如彼得聪明,但却用功极了。 as . as ever 结构as+形容词/副词+as ever说明此句型意为“与平常一样”。He seems to be as busy as ever. 他好像和平常一样劳碌。He works as

3、hard as ever. 他和平常一样努力工作。She was as beautiful as ever after so many years. 过了那么多年,她美丽如故。 . times as . as . 结构倍数词+as+形容词/副词+as说明此句型意为“是的几倍”。“两倍”是 twice,而三倍以上的“倍”,通常用 times。An ordinary subway train, approaching the station, can be twice as loud as the loudest jet.寻常的地下火车接近车站时,发出的声音可能是声的喷射机的两倍。This lin

4、e is four times as long as that one. 这条线是那条线的四倍长。I am twice as old as he. 我的年纪是他的两倍。She studies three times as hard as I. 她用功的程度是我的三倍。He earns twice as much as he used to. 他比平常多赚二倍的钱。She spent half as much money as you. 她花掉的钱只有你花掉的一半。 . times the/my N . 结构倍数词+the(或全部格)+名词说明此句型意为“是的几倍”。与之间肯定有 the 或。有

5、时可改为“+as+”。三倍以上的“倍”,通常用“times”。而“more than+the(或)+”译为“是的几倍还不止”。It was over twice the distance of the earth from the sun. 那是地球到太阳的距离的两倍多。Line A is four times the length of line B. 线条 A 是线条 B 的四倍长。I have five times the number of Toms books. 我有五倍于汤姆的书。He has three times my money. 他的钱是我的三倍。He has more t

6、han three times my money. 他的钱是我的三倍还不止。The river is ten times the length of the Tamsui River. 这条河的长度是淡水河的十倍。Holland has two-thirds the inhabitants of the state of New York, which is four times the size of Holland. 荷兰的居民是纽约州的三分之二,而纽约州却是荷兰的四倍大。 more than . as . as 结构more than+倍数词+as+形容词/副词+as说明此句型意为“是的

7、几倍还不止”。“两倍”是twice,而三倍以上的“倍”,通常用times。He is more than three times as rich as I. (=He is three times richer than I.)他的财富是我的三倍还不止。He studies more than three times as hard as I. 他用功的程度是我的三倍还不止。I am more than twice as old as he. 我的年龄是他的两倍还不止。He has collected more than three times as many stamps as I (hav

8、e).他搜集的邮票是我的三倍还不止。 . times .er than . 结构倍数词+形容词或副词比较级+than说明此句型意为“比大几倍”。“两倍”是twice,而三倍以上的“倍”,通常用times。We now know that X-ray waves are 2,000 to 10,000 times shorter than light waves.我们现在知道X光波比光波短二千到一万倍。This street is four times shorter than that one. 这条街道比那条短四倍。The mother elephant is one hundred times heavier than the baby elephant.这只母象比小象重一百倍。It is ten times louder than another. 它比另外一个的声音大十倍。This street is three times wider than that one. 这条街比那条街宽三倍。I am twice older than he. 我的年纪比他大两倍。


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