UNIT 4 What do you collect学 法.docx

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《UNIT 4 What do you collect学 法.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《UNIT 4 What do you collect学 法.docx(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、UNIT 4 What do you collect?学 法指 导个性化备 课教学内容:Part 1教学目标:知识与技能:l 能听懂并指认单词stickers,stamps,autographs,postcards.l 能用句型表达Whats this?What are these?ItsTheyre并指认图片l 正确区分单复数过程与方法:l 通过讨论交流等方式,完成教学任务。情感态度价值观:l 培养学生收集纪念物品的兴趣。l 培养学生良好的学习态度。教学重点:学生能够掌握新单词:stickers,stamps,autographs,postcards.帮助学生掌握并运用新句型:Whats t

2、his?What are these?ItsTheyre教学难点:使学生掌握并应用新句型:教学准备:收录机,单词卡片。教学过程:Step 1.Warm up1. Greetings.2. Brain storm: Guess the title “collect”.(通过游戏的方式,凸显本课的重点单词,使学生记忆犹新)Step 2.Presentation1. Introduce the new words:stickers,stamps,autographs,postcards.2.Ask and answer:What have you got?Do you like?How many h

3、ave you got.2. listen and tick the things you hear.3. Check the answer.4. Listen to the 1b,feel the dialogueWhat words can you hear?5.Open your book.Listen again and point.Step 3. Practise1. Read the sentence follow the tape.2. Pay attentionA stampstampsA stickerstickersA postcardpostcardsAn autographautographs3. ask and answer:Whats this? ItsWhat are these?Theyre作业设计1. Revision the words.2. Read the dialogue.板书设计UNIT 4 What do you collect?stickers,stamps,autographs,postcards.Whats this? ItsWhat are these?Theyre教学反思



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