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1、教案本教师姓名: 授课班级:1722、1723、1712课程名称:新模式英 语1教 案编号: 版本: 流水号:科 目英语班 级1722、1723、1712授课日期第1周课 题Unit1 Our CommunityLesson 1 Places and services课 时2授课方式讲授法、演示法、讨论法、问答法辅助教具PPTcomputer学 习 目 标1.识别社区里各种公共服务场所的名称;2.了解我们在社区里可以获得哪些服务,能用对话交流;3.热爱和珍惜我们的社区环境。作业布置重 点掌握社区公共服务场所的作用难 点与服务场所相关的单词教 学 回 顾授课教师: 审阅签名:提交日期:2018.

2、03.05 审阅日期:教 学 过 程教学环节与时间分配教学内容warm-up3分钟Review 7分钟 New Lesson20分钟Interaction10分钟Read & Follow20分钟Practice15分钟Summery & Homework5分钟Step1.warm-up & Lead-in:1. 展示嬉戏谷照片,回顾秋游的快乐时光,去这类主题公园玩是同学们业余生活不可缺少的一部分,每个城市也都有类似的主题乐园,我们把这样的公共场所称为Parks & Receation.2. 解析receation:重塑、再创造、消遣、娱乐词根:create,前缀:re(再), 后缀:tion

3、(构成名词,表行为、状态等)3. 公园和休闲娱乐场所又是我们生活的社区里面不可缺少的服务场所。那我们这个单元的主题就是(社区)community。(练习拼读)4. Whats the community? 聚居在一定地域范围内的人们所组成的社会生活共同体,包括一定数量的人口、一定范围的地域、一定规模的设施、一定特征的文化、一定类型的组织。Step2.Group work & Discussion:1. Ask:Are there any important places in near your community?2. 将学生按座位分成左右两大阵营进行讨论交流,要求每个队伍出两位同学上黑板罗

4、列交流结果。(尽量用英文,实在不会可以写中文)3. 提示语:Where do you play with your friends?Where do you buy food or clothes?Where do you get money?If you are ill, where can you go?Where can you mail letters? Where can your cars go if they are hungry?What will you do if you are in trouble?.4. 老师出示与教材相关的图片和单词,结合同学们罗列的公共场所名称讲解

5、单词,使学生理解,并对本课生词有个大致印象,以便后面的深入学习。Step3. Interaction & Discussion:1. 同桌合作,自学Exercise C中的单词词组,边学边添加标注。2. 老师将方框中的单词逐个解释。(1) 简单讲解:park,house, doctors office, hospital,playground (学生已学过且简单)(2)着重解释:A: hostel:比宾馆装修简单一点,服务没有那么全。B:motel:汽车旅馆 motor+hotel 一般位于公路旁或郊区,便于机动车驾驶员投宿,楼下车库连接楼上的房间,为行车旅客提供一些服务。C:tennis c

6、ourt: court一般多用于球类运动的活动场地。3熟悉了这些内容,我们要将这些场地进行分类,老师往黑板上贴一个分类词卡,然后请学生说说这个类别下有多少场所名称?当分类得到大家的认可,就请学生们写到书上对应的位置上去。4.PPT呈现这些分类,带学生朗读。(1).Lodging:hostel, hotel, motel(2).Medical Care: hospital, dentists office, doctors office(3). Parks & Recreation:tennis court, playground, park(4). Residential Areas: apa

7、rtment, mobile home, house(5). Public Services: public library, post office, DWV(6). Emergency: police apartment, fire stationStep4.Read & Act it out:1. Listen and write the correct numbers under the pictures. 听场所描述,在对应的图片下面标上数字序号。2. 认识了这些公共服务场所,那我们在这些地方能享受什么服务呢?生活中遇到困难时能得到何种帮助?3. 请学生看表格,师生共读表格Place

8、Problem or ServicehospitalMy sister is ill.bankI need to get some money.DMV I need a drivers license.post officeI need to send a letter.tennis courtI want to play tennis with my friend.dentists officeMy mother has a toothache.libraryI want to read some books there.supermarketI need some bread and mi

9、lk.Step5. Role-play:Study the conversation and practice the conversations with your partner with new information.(1)A: Where are you going? B: Im going to the hospital.A: Why?B: My sister is very sick. (2)A:Where do you go? B:I go to the basketball court. A:Why? B: I want to play basketball with my

10、brothers.Step6: Homework: Let ss memorize the new words and expressions in this lesson编号: 版本: 流水号:科 目英语班 级1722、1723、1712授课日期第2周课 题Unit 5 Our CommunityLesson 2 Where is City Hall?课 时2授课方式The Communicative Language TeachingThe Task-Based Language Teaching辅助教具PPTcomputer学 习 目 标Be able to do a cluster a

11、ctivity.Be able to give and follow street directions.Be able to read a map and write locations.Be able to listen for directions.Be able to ask other students for information.作业布置 i. P86 I ii. 试做练习册的相关练习。重 点usage of words & expressionsGrammar: Imperative and in/on 难 点Focused listening, map reading 教

12、学 回 顾Ask students in groups to make a list of community places within one mile of the school. Ask them next to identify what street each place is on.授课教师: 审阅签名:提交日期:2018.03.05 审阅日期:教 学 过 程教学环节与时间分配教学内容warm-up3分钟Review 7分钟 New Lesson20分钟Interaction10分钟Read & Follow20分钟Practice15分钟Summery & Homework5分

13、钟I.Warming-up: (18minutes)i. Greetings. Hello, everyone. Welcome to my class! Nice to meet you. ii. Having a free talk.1. Make a big circle on the board. Write community inside the circle. Draw lines out from the circle and make four secondary circles. Label one of them lodging. Make lines form this

14、 circle to additional circles. Label these Hotels, Motels, and Hostels.2. Ask students to close their books and help you complete the cluster. Use Medical Care, Parks and Recreation, and Residential Areas for the remaining three secondary circles.3. In the Activity Bank CD-ROM template folder, there are cluster diagrams tha


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