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1、中文题目:跨区间无缝线路技术及养护维修专 业:土木工程跨区间无缝线路技术及养护维修毕业设计任务书跨区间无缝线路技术的探讨目的在通过研究其所运用的主要技术,以此来更好的对跨区间无缝线路的设计及其养护维修提供技术支持。跨区间无缝线路的养护维修目的在于保障、恢复甚至提高原运营能力,进一步提高铁路运输能力,加强线路技术条件,综合提高线路的设备质量,提高行车速度和承载能力。跨区间无缝线路是轨道结构的一项重要技术,是世界铁路线路未来的必然发展趋势,是提高列车运营速度的技术保证措施之一。一、毕业设计的主要内容1、开题报告(按有关要求填写)2、探讨跨区间无缝线路的优势及其发展的条件3、跨区间无缝线路的基本结构

2、与基本原理4、跨区间无缝线路设计5、跨区间无缝线路养护维修方法6、专题研究(常见病害及处理维修措施)二、线路资料及主要技术指标根据你单位工务部门的实际资料,选取一段10公里多的线路,该段线路要含桥梁。需要掌握以下数据。(仅供参考,以你单位工务部门的实际资料为准)设计地区: 1、铁路等级为级,正线数目为双线,闭塞类型为自动。2、牵引种类为电力,机车类型为客车动车组及SS(Vmax=160Km/h),货车为SS(Vmax=80Km/h),到发线有效长为850m/1050m。3、直线线间距为4.4m,最小曲线半径为3000m,困难为2800m,限制坡度为4,最小坡段长度一般不小于400m,个别困难条

3、件下不小于200m,竖曲线半径15000m。4、限制坡度:12。5、钢轨:60Kg/m(U71Mn),D(夏季)=35000N/mm, D(冬季)=45000N/mm。6、轨枕:型混凝土枕,1840根/Km,弹条型扣件。7、道床:最小厚度为30cm,肩宽40cm。8、轨温:Tmax=60.5,Tmin=-21。9、其它所需资料查阅有关资料。三、主要采用的技术路线1、收集现有线路设计资料,了解其设计原理和方法,研究概况。2、明确线路大修的目的、意义及内容和设计原则,按技术标准要求和设计目标要求进行平、纵断面设计。3、依据工程的情况及特点,综合考虑跨区间无缝线路及其养护维修的相关技术。四、其他需要

4、说明的问题1、论文要求和格式、日期按学校要求完成2、运用相关资料,对设计要从全局上把握,思路清晰,有个人独到得见解。3、培养综合分析问题的能力。五、前期工作查询资料,准备设计参数,写出开题报告(文献综述、选题目的及意义、研究方案、进度计划);补充学习必要的计算机和绘图语言;建立和规定好自己的工作计划;初步进行对应题目的研究设计工作。开题报告完成后要让教师审阅。六、参考文献AutoCAD使用手册中国铁道出版社出版的相关资料,如:铁道工程教材铁路施工技术设计手册线路分册铁路线路大修工程(王其昌)铁路无缝线路(广钟岩) 等七、基本指导方法辅导、答疑和检查。摘 要跨区间无缝线路是同重载高速铁路相适应的


6、质道砟、无缝道岔是与跨区间无缝线路相适应的轨道结构。 研究了跨区间无缝线路的两项关键技术,即钢轨绝缘接头的处理和可动心轨无缝道岔的应用,研制了两种钢轨绝缘接头胶接技术,比较了厂制胶接轨与胶接绝缘夹板的使用效果,认为胶接绝缘夹板是一种可以替代厂制胶接轨的实用技术,更便于跨区间无缝线路的推厂应用。总结可动心轨无缝道岔的结构特点,养护维修技术条件,认为该道岔是实现无缝线路跨区间的重要结构保证。着重论述了跨区间无缝线路的养护维修技术条件、技术标准及方法。提出跨区间无缝线路铺设前,应对线路进行整修,铺设初期仍要继续整修,是发挥无缝线路优越性的基础工作:在日常养护维修中,要严格控制锁定轨温变化,使无缝线路

7、经常保持稳定状态;无缝道岔更是养护维修中的重点,加强岔区锁定,确保岔区的大平大向,及早处理基础问题,达到“下部稳、上部准”,提高岔区的质量,可以延长跨区间无缝线路设备使用寿命。关键词:跨区间无缝线路、胶接绝缘钢轨、胶接绝缘夹板、可动心轨、无缝道岔、维修养护AbstractInterregional LWR is a kind of track structure which applies for high speed and heavy haul operation. Because of joint free rail, track structure is strengthen, rid

8、ing condition is optimized, railway condition is improved, material of maintenance and consume of staff is reduced, and advantage of LWR is obvious. So LWR has been trend of rail track development in china. The development of interregional LWR is summarized, many test in this domain in our country i

9、s introduced, and a great deal of practice experience is summed up in this paper. According to these experience, I think that improving the quality of rail weld, success of glued insulated joint and developing swing nose frog are precondition of generalizing interregional LWR.Basic structure and the

10、ory of LWR are elaborated in this paper. In order to meet the requirement of high speed and heavy haul operation, interregional LWR and turnout should be welded together, and turnout must be welded into joint free turnout. It can be concluded that 60Kilogram per meter or heavier rail, modelandconcre

11、te ties, modelandfastenings, glued insulated joint, high quality ballast, and joint free turnout are track structures which accord to interregional LWR.Two kinds of key technology for interregional LWR, disposal of glued insulated joint and application of swing nose frog turnout, are researched in t

12、his paper. Two kinds of technology for glued insulated joint, gluing rail in factory and glued insulated bar, are also developed. Comparing effect of gluing rail in factory with glued insulated bars, I think that technology of glued insulated bar is more applied and more convenient to generalize on

13、the spot. Character of structure and condition of maintenance for swing nose frog turnout are summarized, then, it can be concluded that turnout is a key point of paving interregional LWR.Maintenance technical specifications, technical standard and methods of glued insulated joint and application of

14、 swing nose frog turnout, are researched in this paper. Two kinds of technology for glued insulated joint, gluing rail in factory and glued insulated bar, are also developed. Comparing effect of gluing rail in factory with glued insulated bar I think that technology of glued insulated bar is more ap

15、plied and more convenient to generalize on the spot. Character of structure and condition of maintenance for swing nose frog turnout are summarized, then, it can be concluded that turnout is a key point of paving interregional LWR.Maintenance technical specifications, technical standard and methods

16、of interregional LWR are disserted in this paper. It can be brought forward that the track should be rebuild before paving interregional LWR, and in early days, the track should also be repaired, In order to keep LWR stable, preferred rail laying temperature must be controlled strictly in daily maintenance


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