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1、语法自助餐 动名词和不定式作主语的比较 贵州盘江煤电集团公司高中 李进才 在中学英语课本中,动名词和不定式作主语的句子较为常见,但它们的含义有所不同。现在将动名词和不定型式作主语的含义、位置及习惯用法分述如下: 一、动名词和不定式作主语的含义 一般来说,动名词作主语表示一种抽象的和泛指的动作,而不定式作主语则表示一次性的、具体的动作。换句话说,动名词作主语通常不与特定的动作执行者联系在一起,而不定式作主语往往与特定的动作执行者联系在一起。例如:Lying is wrong.(泛指lying的做法或作风)To lie is wrong.(对于说谎者是谁,说话人心中是有所指的)To live in

2、 Beijing is the height of Toms ambition.(对某个特定的动作执行者而言)Swimming is good exercise.(指游泳这项运动)二、动名词和不定式作主语的位置1动名词作主语通常有两种位置,一种是把动名词直接置于主语的位置。例如:Saying is easier than doing.Seeing is believing.Crossing the Atlantis(大西洋)by plane takes only a few hours.第二种是用it作形式主语,把作真正主语的动名词置于句末。这通常用于某些形容词或名词之后。例如:Its int

3、eresting planning a holiday.Its rather tiring walking around in a city.Its fun having guests for the weekend.We dont think its a bore doing the same kind of work every day.动名词作主语的上述两种位置有时可以互换,但第一种形式比第二种形式的泛指意义更强些。例如:Lining in Beijing must be wonderfulIt must be wonderful living in Beijing2不定式作主语通常也有

4、两种位置,与动名词作主语时的位置相同,即第一种是把不定式作直接置于句首担任主语。例如:To learn English is not an easy thing.To be here is a great pleasure.To remember to cut off the electricity is important.To hesitate is a pity.不定式作主语的这种形式一般用得不多。现代英语倾向于用it作形式主语,把不定式置于句末。例如:Its a pity to hesitate.It took(us )five hours to get here.It made me

5、 happy to find Mary there.It needed hard work to finish the job.注意:(1)如果主语和表语都是不定式,则只能采用第一种形式。例如:To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to the people.To see is to believe.(2)如果是疑问句或感叹句,则只能采用第二种形式。例如:What is it like to be there?How long did it take you to finish the work?What a joy it was to read Bar

6、baras book!三、动名词和不定式作主语的习惯用法虽然动名词和不定式都可以作主语,但以下几种情况时,人们习惯用动名词,而不用不定式。1主语与表语一致,即当表语是动名词时,主语也要用动名词;当表语是不定式时,主语也要用不定式。Teaching is learning.(= To teach is to learn)Seeing is believing2在“There BE+no+主语”这种结构中,通常用动名词作主语,而不用不定式。这种结构表示“不可能、无法”,相当于“It is impossible to do sth”。例如:There is no getting along with

7、 him.(=It is impossible to get along with him.)There is no joking about it.注意:本句型中的no有时可用not any或never any代替。例如:The man is a bore,but there is not any getting him away.There is never any telling what will happen in the future.3当use,good,waste,bore,fun,shame,encouragement,misery等名词作表语时,通常用it作形式主语,把作为

8、真正主语的动名词后置。例如:Its no use talking to him again.Its no good(your)refusing to do it.It is a waste of time trying to reason with him.Its a bore doing the same kind of work every day.Its fun having guests for the weekend.Its such an encouragement being able to pass all the exams.注意:“Its no use /good+动名词”

9、这种结构可改成“There BE+no+use /good+动名词”结构。例如:Its no use talking to him again .= There is no use talking to him again.Its no good(your)refusing to do it .= There is no good(your)refusing to do it.4当,interesting,tiring,terrible,nice,better,foolish,enjoyable,worthwhile,useless,dangerous等形容词作表语时,通常也用it作形式主语,

10、把作为真正主语的动名词后置,例如:It is dangerous risking climbing a tree.Its terrible not being allowed to smoke at all.Its interesting planning a holiday.Its nice talking with you,John.注意:important,necessary,possible,impossible,essential等形容词不适用于上述结构。例如,不能说:Its important learning foreign languages.应改为:Its important

11、 to learn foreign languages.5在疑问句中,多用动名词的复合结构做主语,而不用不定式的复合结构。例如:Isnt our saying so right?Isnt his leaving like that strange?1动词不定式的用法1)作主语。如:To build the Great Wall took them many years. 建成万里长城花费他们许多年时间。To play tricks on others is wrong. 捉弄别人是不对的。动词不定式作主语常常用先行代词it替代,称之为先行主语或形式主语,而将真正的主语-动词不定式放在后面。上面

12、两句可分别改写为:It took them many years to build the Great Wall. It is wrong to play tricks on others. 如果要说明动词不定式的动作是谁做的,可以在不定式前加一个for引起的短语。如:It will be a mistake for us not to help them. 我们不帮助他是错误的。某些形容词如 kind, good, nice, wise, clever, silly, wrong, foolish, stupid, right, careless, rude, considerate 等作表

13、语时,不定式前常可加一个of引起的短语,来说明不定式指的是谁的情况。如:It is awfully good of you to come and see me off. 非常感谢你来送我们。2)作宾语。某些动词如 decide, hope, want, wish, learn, afford, agree, determine, expect, fail, manage, offer, refuse, prefer, promise, pretend, require, choose等通常用动词不定式而不用动词-ing形式做宾语。如:I cant afford to buy a car. 我

14、买不起小汽车。He offered to help us. 他主动提出帮助我们。有些动词如 tell, advise, show, teach, learn, decide, forget, find out等常接一个带连接代词或连接副词的不定式作宾语。如:No one could tell me where to get the book. 没有人能告诉我在哪里能买到这本书。某些复合宾语中,可以先用it作形式宾语代表动词不定式,而把不定式放到后面去。如:I found it necessary to argue with him about it. 我觉得有必要和他讨论此事。The teac

15、her made it a rule only to speak English in class. 老师规定课堂上只能讲英语。3)作宾语补足语。有些动词如 ask, tell, order, cause, allow, want, like,advise, force, permit, oblige, get, beg, wish, expect, warn, encourage 等用名词或代词作宾语,后面再用动词不定式作宾语补足语,说明作宾语的名词或代词的行为。如:Lucy asked him to turn down the radio. 露西请他把收音机开小一点。You must get your friends to help you. 你必须请你的朋友们帮助你。有些动词如 think, consider, believe, know, suppose, find, feel, imagine 等用名词或代词作宾语,后面再用to be加一形容词或名词作宾语补足语,to be常可省略。如:They found her to be an able woman. 他们发现她是个能干的妇女。They all



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