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1、 Abstract: Multicultural education reveals the cognitive awareness of cultural diversity and multiple choices, which enable people to re-examine the motives and ultimate destination of the main stream culture education, and consequently can face up to the limitations of education.Through referring t

2、o some foreign writings, multicultural and multiculturalisms concepts are defined. By combined with the description of multicultural educations concept, emphatically elaborated its basic ideas. Then, according to the real of Canada and its historical process, this paper analyses the reasons for Cana

3、das multicultural learning and summarize Canadas multicultural policy. Finally, the analysis the same point between the Canadian multicultural education and Chinese national cultural education, from the perspectives on confirming multicultural education philosophy, fostering students the cross-cultu

4、ral skills and structuring cultural connotations with national cultural history, some inspirations can be explored that brings from the Canadian multicultural education to Chinese national education. Key words: Canada; multi-culture; multicultural education; inspirations 中文摘要: 多元文化教育揭示了人们对文化多样性与文化多元


6、民族教育的启示。关键词: 加拿大;多元文化;多元文化教育;启示 1. Induction1.1. Related notions1.1.1. Multi-culture and multiculturalism National culture is one factor of multi-culture composition, the symbol of nation state and the main feature to certify countrys own independent identity. It originated from a specific ethnic ge

7、ography, environment and long-term social practice. As a national co-precious spiritual wealth, national culture not only to shape the nations life style, but also to construct the specification of the value of the nation, is the fundamental source of national community cohesion.In the “Multicultura

8、l Citizenship: A Liberal Theory of Minority Rights”,Will Kymlicka believed that cultural provides the possibility for citizens to choose a meaningful life. As a multi-ethnic nation-state, Canada should proceed from freedom and respect the cultural rights of citizens, inclusive “National citizenship”

9、 and “Thin identity” to integrate ethnic nation-state. Nation-state not have to create a unified national culture, but only to ensure that all ethnic groups have the opportunity to maintain a different culture, so that it can ensure that members of all ethnic and cultural identity gain equal protect

10、ion. Due to the different situation of different cultural groups, truly equal treatment of these minority cultures is to give unequal treatment.Canadian migration tide caused diverse national cultural integration, and made Canadian culture emerged a pattern of multicultural. According to the explana

11、tion of “multi-culture” from the “Canadian Encyclopedia” which edited by James H Marsh, generally, there are three meanings: First, it refers to a racial or cultural heterogeneity characteristics of the society; Second, it was the perception of the concept of equality and respect between ethnic or c

12、ultural groups; Third, it was the policies that Canadian federal and provincial government implemented since 1971.Hall considered that the multi-cultural and multiculturalism segment is a useful approach in “Unsettled Multiculturalism”. He thought, multicultural as an adjective described the coexist

13、ence of many cultures in the social community, and attempted to establish a common life, but it also can retain the original identity social characteristics. While, Multiculturalism tends to refer to those strategies and policies for governance or management differences in a multicultural society, i

14、t is a political ideology.Although scholars disagree, each has focused particularity on, but all actively agrees the core meaning of multiculturalism that respect for differences, giving full rights to minorities, implementing differentiated politics, and advocating the real democracy, in order to r

15、ealize the coexistence of multiple.1.1.2. Multicultural education Since the date of submission, Multicultural education as a concept attracted the attention of the multi-ethnic countries. Many countries, from different angles, in different ways to define multicultural education, although have divers

16、e statement, but generally they have the same meaning. Several representative theories are summarized as follows:James Lych, the British multicultural educationist, considered that multicultural education is an reform movement in order to meet the needs of the various minority groups or individuals in the culture consciousness and self-evaluation. Its purpose is to help all the d



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