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1、英语(六年级下册)Unit 7 Summer holiday plansStory timeTeaching contents 教学内容Story time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 能正确理解故事内容,有感情地朗读和复述故事。2. 能用词汇Beijing, Hong Kong, London, Taipei, Ocean Park, Disneyland, how long, go back to来谈论暑期计划。3. 能用句型 Where/When/How long/What/Who/How will you.? 及其回答/Wi

2、ll you?及其回答Yes, I will. No, I wont. Ill/Well来谈论暑期计划。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点1. 教学重点:能正确理解故事内容,有感情地朗读故事,并能用词汇和句型来谈论他们的暑期计划。2. 教学难点:学生能用词汇和句型谈论暑期计划。Teaching procedures 教学过程Step1 Pre-reading 1. Free talkT: Hello, boys and girls. How is the weather?S:Its sunny.T:Its s

3、unny. It is a good day.Lets begin our class in a good day.S: .2. Lead in the topicT: Lets enjoy some photos about summer holiday. S:.T:These photos are about their summer holidays.They look interesting .Do you like their summer holidays?S: Yes.T:They often travel in summer holiday.What do you often

4、do in your summer holiday?S:.T: The summer holiday is coming.Are you excited?S:.T:Me too. For my summer holiday, I will go to Hong Kong.Do you want to know more about my holiday ?S:Yes.T:Now, you know where I will go. Can you ask some questions about my holiday?S:What will you do for the holiday?T:I

5、 will go to Disneyland and Ocean Park.Do you know Disneyland ?lets have a look.(播放视频,跟读单词Disneyland) What about Ocean Park?(播放视频,跟读单词Ocean Park) (板书what)T:Lets go on asking questions.S:How will you go to Hong Kong?S:.板书how/how long/who/when展示My summer holiday planI will go to Hong Kong for the summe

6、r holiday.I will go by plane.I will visit Disneyland and Ocean Park.(PPT呈现这两个地方的视频)I will go there in July.I will stay there for five days.T: This is my summer holiday plan.So lets talk about our friends summer holiday plans. (板书标题)【设计意图:观看视频,展示我的学生暑假的照片,调节课堂气氛,激发学生的学习兴趣,引入summer holiday 的话题,让学生讨论他们

7、的暑假生活,为本课文的学习做铺垫。然后引导学生提问介绍我的暑假计划,导入本课标题,提前让学生感知暑假计划的内容。】3.Step2 While-reading 1. Look and sayT: Lets talk about our friends summer holiday plan.Look ! Who are they?(板贴Mike,Yang Ling, Su Hai and Liu Tao)T:Work in pairs and talk about where they will go ?Then watch a cartoon and check where they will

8、 go. Lets check(核对时板贴地方的图片,然后介绍台北,PPT展示中国地图。)2. Read and writeT:Lets know more about their holiday plans.Take out this exercise paper. Read the text and write the key words on the exercise paper.(学生核对答案,并说说怎么知道的,把关键句子划出来)3.GuessT:How will Mike go to London? Who will Yang Ling go with?.We dont know.

9、Can you guess?Work in group four and talk about their plan and finish the form of their holiday plans.【设计意图:设置课堂作业,让学生整体阅读文章,根据表格的问题在文章中寻找相关信息,整体把握课文的框架,了解暑期计划的内容。并在阅读后设问,培养学生的想象力和思维能力】4.Read after the tape.5.Happy readingWork in four and read.6.RetellChoose a student and talk about his or her summe

10、r holiday plan.Step 4 Post-reading Make a summer holiday plan T: Lets enjoy a video about famous places.(呈现世界著名城市的视频) T:Do you want to go there?S:Yes.T:Lets make our summer holiday plan. Look! There are seven envelopes with seven different summer holiday plans. Six students work in a group. Each gro

11、up has one envelope.Each envelope has six cards with key words.each student has one card and try to say with the key words on the card.But pay attention. If your group choose Envelope A, each student says one sentence with the key word. For example:If your group choose Envelope B, one student makes

12、a small dialogue with another student according to the key words. For example:【设计意图:在巩固环节中,先让同学看有关地方介绍的视频,为之后的活动做铺垫。然后分七各小组,七张信封呈现了七种暑期计划,激发了学生的好奇心和兴趣。每位成员一张卡片,根据关键词说一说,最后组成小组的暑期计划,让每一个小组成员能够参与进来,调动他们的主动性和积极性。信封内容分为信封A和信封B,选到信封A的小组进行自述他们的假期计划,选到信封B的小组进行对话展示假期计划。让学生以自述和对话两种形式进行表达,培养学生的语言综合运用能力。通过小组合作

13、的方式,培养学生的组织领导能力和合作互助的精神。】Step 5 Homework 家庭作业1.Listen and Read the dialogue three times.2.Finish the exercises on page 70 in the English book.3.Write your plan for the summer holiday. And tell your friends and parents about your plan.Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备:教学课件。板书设计:Unit 7 Summer holiday plansNameWhereWhatWhoHow How longWhenMikeLondonvisit grandparentsYangLingBeijingvisit aunt and uncle by trainfor a monthSu HaiHong KongGo to Disneylandand Ocean Parkher familyLiu TaoTaipeitake some photoshis parents



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