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1、PEP Book3 Unit6 B Lets learn 上高四中 杨春华教学目标1,知识与技能目标:a.能听,说,读新授单词: baseball player, driver, farmer,doctor, nurse.b.能综合运用句型:Whats he He is a .He is .He likes.2,情感态度:培养学生从小树立树立远大理想的情感.3,文化目标:了解多种职业的特征.教学重,难点1,重点:掌握5个单词的读音.2,难点:掌握句型:Whats he He is a .课前准备:(教具)单词卡片,彩色职业徽章,若干图片,录音机,多媒体设备,职业道具.教学步骤1.Warm-up

2、(热身)Listen and do T:walk/jump/run/swim/play PingPong/ playbasketball/play volleyball从听听做做入手,展现与本文相关的信息,直接切入主题,一方面活跃课堂气氛,另一方面为新知识的呈现起到了很好的铺垫作用.2.Lead-in(导入)drive the bus/drive the jeep/drive the car(CAI shows the word:drive)导入自然,不露痕迹Presentation and practise(呈现和操练)Teach driverdrive the car, drive the

3、 car, He is a driver.driver (er,er,/,/,/)Ss read: driver ,driver ,He is a driver.T:Guess,what colour cars does the driver like S1:He is a driver. He likes cars.(CAI)Ss: He is a driver. He likes blue cars.(注:本环节对说得好的学生奖励印有driver的职业徽章)渗透字母组合发音,为语音学习打下基础.通过猜颜色,将新旧知识有机结合,达到知识循环的目的将课堂评价与教学内容巧妙结合,体现评价真正为课

4、堂服务的作用.Teachfarmer(1)T: Lets drive the car to the farm.(CAI shows the word:farm)(2)Let Ss listen to the poem:悯农T:Whats he farmer(er,er,/,/,/)(3) Ss read: farmer,farmer,He is a farmer.(4)T: Guess,whats the farmers hobby S1:He is a farmer. He likes (CAI) Ss:He is a farmer. He likes playing balls.(注:本环

5、节对说得好的学生奖励印有farmer的职业徽章)听学生熟悉的古诗,既自然呈现新知,又能很好地渗透德育教育.farm+erfarmer给学生神通单词后面加er可以表示一类人的概念.3,Teachbaseball player(1)T:What kinds of balls do you like S1:I like(2)T: The farmer likes playing many kinds of balls.Look!(CAI)football Beckhamfootball playerbasketball Yao Mingbasketball playerPing Pong Kong

6、LinghuiPing Pong player(Teach the word :player er,er,/,/,/)baseball a boybaseball player (3)Ss read:player, player,a baseball player(4)(T shows a toy baseball stick)T:Im a baseball player.(T pass it to S1)从学生喜欢的球类和球类明星入手,生动,直观,扩大了知识面,又为新知识的呈现降低了难度,整个过程清晰,流畅.Presentation and practise(呈现和操练)S1: Im a b

7、aseball player.(接龙操练:S1S2S3Sn)(注:本环节对说得好的学生奖励印有baseball player的职业徽章)通过表演棒球运动员的方法来提高学生的学习兴趣,同时棒球棒在学生之间自由传动,体现了生生互动.Teach the sentence:Whats he (1)(CAI:象征职业人物的黑影图)T:Whats he S1: Hes a baseball player/driver/farmerWhats he (2)Ss read : Whats he (3)Ss ask:Whats he/she S1:Hes/Shes a(T指向带有职业徽章的学生)(注:此处对表现

8、好的学生奖励职业徽章时可让他们自己选择学过的:I like)利用黑影设置语言交际的信息沟,在猜一猜中增加孩子的学习兴趣,同时又很自然地呈现出新句型.将戴有职业徽章的学生作为操练对象,真实形象,也使评价的作用又一次得到体现.Teach:doctor(1)(CAI)T:Whats he doctor(2)Ss read: Dctor,doctor,he is a doctor.(3)T: I dont like doctors. What about you S1:I like/dont like doctors.T:So I eat an apple a day. Because there i

9、s a saying:An apple a day keeps the doctor away.Ss read the sentence.Let Ss sing the song: An apple a day(注:本环节对说得好的学生奖励印有doctor的职业徽章)复习旧歌曲,活跃了课堂氛围,也使新知识进一步得到巩固.6,Teach: nurse(1) T shows some tools (e.g. 听诊器,司机帽,护士帽)S1给S2戴上工具,S1:Whats he /she S3:He/She is a (2)T shows a nurse cap and put it on a gir

10、ls head and ask:Whats she nurse(3)Ss read: Nurse,nurse,she is a nurse(ur,ur,/,/,/)CAI shows 6 nurses.T: I like Nurse1.She is kind.Group work:4 students discussS1:I like Nurse. She is.(注:本环节对说得好的学生奖励印有nurse的职业徽章)将生活带进学生课堂,创设语境,增强语言交际的真实感.小组内讨论个人喜爱的护士形象,这个环节从学生的生活经验出发,从学到用,强调真实.Consolidation and exten

11、sion(巩固和延伸)1,Review the words(1)Read all the words(2) Listen and do T: Act like a driver Ss do action(3)Let Ss open the books and read Lets learnand practice Lets do (4) Ss practise: Lets do通过读课文中的内容,使学生养成良好的学习习惯,并为下一步口头交际训练打下基础.2,(CAI)Task: 评选你最喜欢的职业人物:每小组推荐一名优秀的职业人物代表,由小组内成员介绍,每人介绍一至二句.要求用上以下句型:Whats he He is a (职业)He is (特征)He likes(爱好)(用上学生身上佩带的职业徽章)培养学生的合作意识,增加交际氛围,引导学生结合语境,促进学生的实践能力.评价的多种作用在这里再一次得到淋漓尽致的发挥.Homework(1)设计一张二十年后自己的名片(2).搜集其他职业的英语表达方法引导学生将课堂上获取的语言信息运用在自己的实际生活中;鼓励学生运用多种学习渠道拓宽知识面



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