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1、六下Unit 5A party (Story time) 北京东路小学分校红太阳小学 朱敏【教材分析】本单元围绕“举办聚会”这一话题,把有关一般将来时的日常交际用语词汇和语言结构有机结合起来,重点学习句型What are you going to .? I am going to .Are you going to .?Yes,I am./we are.No,I am not/we are not.等将来时的表达方式。在四五年级课本中学生已经接触be 动词am,is,are的用法,也为本单元的学习做了一定的铺垫。在教学过程中,教师可根据学生的年龄、身心特点,利用图片、照片等积极创设各种生动活泼

2、并较为真实的情景来引导学生理解和运用所学的知识,帮助学生巩固本单元所学的日常用语及单词,进一步提高学生听、说、读、写的能力和综合语言运用的能力。【教学重点】1.在教师设计的教学活动的引领下能够整体理解语篇,提高学生的阅读能力。2.能在现实生活中比较自如地运用本单元日常交际用语和句型与他人进行日常交流。【教学难点】 1.比较熟练地掌握关于聚会的名词英文表达。 2.表演story time 。【教学过程】Step 1. Pre-reading Class begins1. What holidays do you know?How do people often celebrate holiday

3、s?(由学生回答) Lets enjoy a video about a party.There are many parties in the video. What are they ?Lets enjoy.What parties can you see in the video?2. What parties do you know?Do you like parties? Why?What do you do at party? Did you have the party before? Whose birthday party did you go before? Do you

4、usually have a birthday party? What do you do at the birthday party?What should you do for the party? (master, guest)New words: snacks, balloons.Tip: If we go to others house, we should take some presents.such as flowers ,chocolates.Step 2. While-reading1. Just now, we talked about parties.Now ,lets

5、 learn a new lesson (贴课题). Look! Our friends are going to have a party . About their party, what do you want to know? (学生提问,师板书,教师可引导) I think you can ask some questions? (任意学生提问)Any other questions?I have a question. What party, Where, When, What bring/do?2. T: What party is it? When and where is t

6、he party? Please listen and fill in the form. (表格式) Did you get the answers?Look and say3. What are the children going to bring to the party? (出示左边4副图)Ss: Su Hai/Liu tao/Yang Ling is going to bring (学生可以随意先说哪一幅图,教师根据学生说的及时板书)若学生预测错误也没有关系,后面看动画再修改板书 (A tip for you: We can get useful information from

7、the pictures.)Watch and findWhat are the children going to bring to the party?Oh , before the party, you think they are going to bring these things. Are you right? Lets watch cartoon and have a check.They are at the party now. Look , the clown appears .Who is the clown? (教授clown,appear)What are they

8、 going to do first? They are going to 拓展:What else are they going to do ?(引导学生充分想象,拓展他们还会玩什么呢)Happy reading跟读-小组读-抽查一组-齐读Retell带着学生看重板书进行retell(语篇的形式)You can retell one by one ,you can retell together.Childrens Day is coming.The children are going to .Su Hai is going to bringWang Bing isYang Ling is

9、It is .The children bring things to.But . does not come.Just then, appears. He is .He brings. When the party beginsThe children have.表演(对话式)6人一组(示范)先带着学生逐图想象,2人一组。What will they say?Before the party 先带着学生说场景,再让学生讨论一分钟P1 in supermarketP2 they are making a telephone call.P3 Liutao is going to prepare

10、sh,we dont know.(学生说老师板书)We know they are going to bring so many things to the party. What happened? What will they say before the party ? Can you imagine?Su Hai: Dad , Id like some chocolate and chips ,because Im am going to bring them to the party .Dad: Would you want to bring some drinks?Su Hai:

11、Of course, a big bottle of Cola please . I want to share with my friends.Dad: OK, lets buy them.Su Hai: Thank you.Yang Ling: Hello. Is that Wang Bing?Wang Bing: Yes. This is Wang Bing speaking.Yang Ling: Hi, Wang Bing. This is Yang Ling. What are you going to bring to the party tomorrow?Wang Bing: I

12、m going to bring some oranges and some apples. And you?Yang Ling: Im going to bring the badminton ,dolls and some chessSee you tomorrow.Wang Bing: See you.Mike: Wow ,a clown.LiuTao: Who am I ? GuessMike: Are you Liu Tao?LiuTao: Haha ,you are right. Lets play chess and have fun first.Mike: Good idea.

13、Now its time to read the passage.跟读、小组读、一个小组展示、齐读Can you try to say something about their party?10. We know the title of the passage is a party. Can you make the title more specific? What do you think of their party? 【作业布置】Step 3. Homework1. Listen to the tape and read the text three times.2. Share your ideas of Bobbys party with others.【板书设计】 Unit 5A party


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