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1、 剑桥少儿英语口语:让我们来猜一猜She is a person who teaches children at school.她是一个在学校教孩子的人。This is a big thing which can fly up with a lot of people in it.这是一个可以容纳许多人在天上飞的东西。This is a person who can make you happy.这是一个人,他可以让你快乐。This is a thing that we can use to take photos.这是一个我们可以用来拍照的东西。This is a thing that we

2、 can play games and work on.这是一个我们可以玩嬉戏和工作的东西。This is a person who is the brother of Peter”s father.这是一个人,他是彼得爸爸的兄弟。This is a small white or grey animal which has two long ears.这是一个小小的、白白或灰灰的、有两个长耳朵的动物。This is an animal which has only got two colours on its body.这是一个身上只有两种颜色的动物。This is a beautiful t

3、hing that only girls wear on hot days.这是一个只有女孩能在酷热天气时穿的漂亮物品。This is a person who is the sister of Mary”s mother.这是一个人,她是玛丽妈妈的姐妹。 【唱唱跳跳】 Three blind mice, 三只瞎老鼠,see how they ran?看到他们是怎样跑得吗?They all ran after the farmer”s wife.他们都在农夫妻子的后面跑。Who cut off their tails with a carving knife.是谁用雕刻刀切了他们的尾巴。Did

4、 you ever see such a sight in your life,在你的生活里有看到过这样的场景,As three blind mice?像这三只老鼠一样? 【听答复演】 1) Who is the boy that is talking to Jane in front of the blackboard? 那个在壁橱前和简说话的男孩是谁?Oh! Don”t you know? He”s my cousin.哦!你不熟悉吗?他是我的堂兄。Why is he talking to her?他为什么和她说话?They are in the same clsaa now.他们现在在同

5、一个班级。I see.我知道了。 2) Who is the girl that is talking with our teacher? 那个和教师说话的女孩是谁?Oh. Don”t you know? She”s a new student in our class.哦。你不熟悉吗?她是我们班的新同学。Where is she from?她来自哪?She is from USA.她来自美国。 3) Who is the man with a moustache? 那个有胡子的男人是谁?Oh. Don”t you know? He”s my grandpa.哦。你不熟悉?他是我的爷爷。When did he come here?他什么时候到这的?He came here only yesterday. And he”ll stay with us for a month.他昨天刚来。他会在这住一个月。That”s nice.太好了。



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