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1、Sutra Spoken by the Sixth Patriarch on the High Seat of The Treasure of the LawThe Sixth Patriarchs Dharma Jewel Platform Sutra六祖大师法宝坛经Recorded by Ven. Fa Hai ( Tang Dynasty)唐释门人法海录Chapter I Autobiography行由品第一AutobiographyChapter 1: Action and Intention行由品第一When the patriarch had arrived at Treasure

2、 Forest Monastery ( Bao Lin), Governor Wei of Shaozhou and other officials went there to ask him to deliver public lectures on Buddhism in the great hall of Great Brahma ( Da Fan) Temple in the City in Guangzhou.At one time the Great Master arrived at Boe-larm. Magistrate Wei Chu of Sil-Tzau and oth

3、er local officials climbed the mountain and invited the Master to come into the city to the lecture hall of the Ta Fan Temple to speak the Dharma to the assembly.时大师至宝林。韶州韦刺史。(名琚)与官僚入山。请师出于城中大梵寺讲堂。为众开缘说法。One thousand people gathered to hear the Patriarch speak including Da Fan, Governor Wei, Governm

4、ent officials and Confucian scholars, Bhikkhus and Bhikkhunis, Taoists and laymen. After the Patriarch had taken the high seat, the assembly bowed in homage and asked him to speak on the fundamental laws of Buddhism. The Patriarch said:When the Master had taken his seat, the Magistrate and over thir

5、ty other officials, more than thirty Confucian scholars, and more than one thousand Bhikshus, Bhikshunis, Taoists, and laypeople, all made obeisance at the same time, wishing to hear the essentials of Dharma.师升座次,刺史官僚。三十余人。儒宗学士。三十余人。僧尼道俗。一千余人。同时作礼。愿闻法要。大师告众曰:Learned Audience, our True Nature (Bodhi)

6、 is pure by nature, and by making use of this mind alone we can reach Buddhahood directly. Let me now tell you something about my own life and how I came to realize the teaching of the Chan ( Dhyana) School.The Great Master said to the assembly, “Good Knowing Advisors, the self-nature of Bodhi is or

7、iginally clear and pure. Simply use that mind, and you will straightway accomplish Buddhahood. Good Knowing Advisors, listen while I tell you about the actions and intentions by which Whai-Nung obtained the Dharma.”善知识。菩提自性。本来清净。但用此心。直了成佛。善知识。且听慧能行由。得法事意。My father, a native of Fan Yang, was dismisse

8、d from his official post and banished to be a commoner in Xinzhou in Guangdong. I was unlucky in that my father died when I was very young, leaving my mother poor and miserable. We moved to Guangzhou, living in very bad circumstances.“Whai-Nungs stern father was originally from Farn-Yerng. He was ba

9、nished to Sun-Tzau in Ling-Narm, where he became a commoner. Unfortunately, my father soon died, and my aging mother was left alone. We moved to Nan Hai and, poor and in bitter strait. 慧能严父,本贯范阳。左降流于岭南。做新州百姓。此身不幸。父又早亡。老母孤遗。移来南海。艰辛贫乏。I was selling firewood in the market one day, when one of my custom

10、ers ordered some to be brought to his shop. After making the delivery and receiving my money I ran into a man reciting a Sutra just outside the shop. As soon as I heard the text of this Sutra my mind opened. I asked the man the name of the book and was told that it was the Diamond Sutra ( Vajracched

11、ika or Diamond Cutter). I enquired as to where he came from and why he recited this particular Sutra. He said he came from Eastern Chan Monastery in the Huangmei District of Qizhou. The abbot in charge of this temple was Hong Ren, the Fifth Patriarch, who had about one thousand disciples studying wi

12、th him. Ha had traveled there to pay homage to the Patriarch and attend lectures on this Sutra. He also told me that the Patriarch encouraged the laity as well as the monks to recite this scripture, because by doing so they might realize their own true Nature and thereby reach Buddhahood directly.Wh

13、ai-Nung sold wood in the market place. Once a customer bought firewood and ordered it delivered to his shop. When the delivery had been made, and Whai-Nung had received the money, he went outside the gate, where he noticed a customer reciting a Sutra. Upon once hearing the words of this Sutra: “One

14、should produce that thought which is nowhere supported.” Whai-Nungs mind immediately opened to enlightenment. Thereupon he asked the customer what Sutra he was reciting. The customer replied, “The Diamond Sutra.” Then again he asked, “where do you come from, and why do you recite this Sutra?” the cu

15、stomer said, “I come from Tung Chan Monastery in Tarm-Tzau, Worng-Mooid Province. There the Fifth Patriarch, the Great Master Hung Jen dwells, teaching over one thousand disciples. I went there to make obeisance and heard and received this Sutra. The Great Master constantly exhorts the Sangha and la

16、ity only to uphold The Diamond Sutra. Then, they may see their own nature and straightway achieve Buddhahood.”于市卖柴。时又一客买柴。使令送至客店。客收去。慧能得钱。却出门外。见一客诵经。慧能一闻经语。心即开悟。遂问客诵何经。客曰。金刚经。复问从何所来。持此经典。 客云。我从蕲州黄梅县东禅寺来。其寺是五祖忍大师。在彼主化。门人一千有余。我到彼中礼拜。听受此经。大师常劝僧俗。但持金刚经。即自见性。直了成佛。It must be due to my good karma in past lives that I heard about this and was given ten taels for the maintenance of my mother by a man who advised me to go to Huangmei



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