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1、名词用法 李希强北京新东方GMAT语法、托福听力培训老师一、名词分类: (一)名词分为三类、具体名词:(1)具体名词直接用首字母代替,对语法分析影响不大。(2)具体名词难以变化,重要考点是单复数判断,难点是考生可能不认识该词汇。解题技巧:一、在GMAT语法中单词本身后面没有S, 没有复数后缀,一般都是单数,具体名词单复数不是GMAT语法考核重点。二、看单词后面的S 是否是后加上的,拿掉单词后面的S,读一读,看像不像一个完整的单词。例如dioxins去掉S,像是一个完整的单词,所以是复数;fungus去掉后面的S,不像是一个完整的单词,所以是单数。Diabetes虽然去掉S还像一个完整单词,但是

2、单数,是笔者在GMAT语法题中发现的例外。三、注意名词单复数同形的情况。Citrus 柑橘类水果,复数为citrus 或 citruses。means单复数同形,其含义为“手段”、“工具”,和mean没有关系。例如OG12-80/A report by the American Academy for the Advancement of Science has concluded that much of the currently uncontrolled dioxins to which North Americans are exposed comes from the inciner

3、ation of wastes.应改为 many of the currently uncontrolled dioxins to which North Americans are exposed come。Dioxins是可数复数,应该使用Many而不是Much。从句主语复数,从句谓语用come而不是comes。、 抽象名词:强调结果,由动词或形容词转化而来,例如 damage来源于同形动词damage, importance由形容词important转化。、 动名词:既名又动。动名词保持一定的动词特点,后面可带宾语 in damaging forests. 动名词降格,动名词能不用就不用

4、。动词没有对应的抽象名词才用动名词,是迫不得已的选择。若动词有对应的抽象名词就不用它的动名词。解题技巧:闪光识别,看到动名词结构,看看前面有没有所有格,想想有没有对应的抽象名词。例如Lan244-15/ In his research paper, Dr. Frosh, medical director of the Payne Whitney Clinic, distinguishes mood swings, which may be violent without their being grounded in mental disease, from genuine manic-dep

5、ressive psychosis. 改为between mood swings, which may be violent without being grounded in mental disease, and genuine manic-depressive psychosis. being是系动词be的动名词,可用在介词without后面,without being done正确,但being前面出现所有格their,要降格。(考点补充:一、固定搭配Distinguish A from B或distinguish between A and B两种表达均可,笔者不建议对两种表达作进一

6、步区分;二、情态动词 may不要混淆成maybe,不能改成 perhaps。解题技巧一、一、只要见到between就找and, 固定搭配;解题技巧二、Without ones doing降格。)(二)具体名词和抽象名词的区别抽象名词不与具体名词并列,例如不能说A dog, woman and importance。 (三)动名词和分词的区别:动名词和现在分词都是以ING结尾,容易混淆。1、作主语、宾语、介词宾语和所有格宾语优先使用名词,而动名词的本质就是名词。因此在这四个位置出现的是动名词,而不是分词结构。 2、分词是非谓语动词,本身是动词,但不充当谓语。(四)抽象名词和动名词区分、动名词强调

7、动作过程,抽象名词强调结果。 、动名词与抽象名词或具体名词并列,要去掉动词性,用冠词动名词doing结构(此点在平行结构一章进行重点分析)动名词后面带宾语,则体现动名词的动词特点。要使动名词失去动词特点,可在动名词前面加上冠词。冠词是冠在名词前的词,若前有冠词,动名词后不能再有宾语。 thedoingof是动名词名词化的经典结构。例如OG10-62/ Geologists believe that the warning signs for a major earthquake may include sudden fluctuations in local seismic activity,

8、 tilting and other deformations of the Earths crust, changing the measured strain across a fault zone, and varying the electrical properties of underground rocks.改为changes in the measured strain across a fault zone, and variations in。tilting体现出名词性,而changing the measured strain中change带了宾语,体现出动词性,不能平行

9、并列,要改为名词Changes。解题技巧:抽象名词和动名词宾语结构平行并列必错,应该是抽象名词和the+动名词+of结构并列。例如Lan294-19/The major areas of medicine in which lasers are effective is in the cutting and closing of blood vessels, and in the destruction of tumors.改为are the cutting and closing of blood vessels, and the destruction。动名词对应抽象名词:因为有抽象名词d

10、estruction, 不能用destroying充当介词宾语;因为没有相应的抽象名词,用thedoing+of表达名词,cutting和 closing对。(考点补充:一、主谓一致:主语areas复数,谓语复数are。二、And平行并列,大并列套小并列要两组and,而且还有一个逗号隔开 )(五)优选使用抽象名词四种情况: 、作主语、作宾语、作介词宾语、作所有格宾语解题技巧:敏感撇S “s”,用所有格名词形式,不用“s”Doing,即GMAT语法中所有格Doing 降格。例如Lan242-6/In virtually all types of tissue in every animal sp

11、ecies, dioxin induces the production of enzymes that are the organisms trying to metabolize, or render harmless, the chemical that is irritating it.改为attempt to metabolize, or render harmless, the chemical irritant. 优先使用名词的四种情况:做主语/ 做宾语/ 做介词宾语 /所有格结构宾语: 所有格名词。敏感s,所有格后用名词形式,不用Doing。 Trying改为名词attempt

12、。 (考点补充:一、句子结构分析: 两个动词用同一个宾语,render harmless使其没有害处,只有render对应harmless,metabolize不对应harmless, 所以用逗号隔开; 二、Try的用法:Try to do ()/ Try doing ()/Try and do ()/ Try that ();三、Attempt用法:Attempt 不再接 Try ,语义重复。Attempt 意思等同Try, 也是 to do, Attempt at doing 错。)(五)降格使用抽象名词 、There be抽象名词 解题技巧:注意There be抽象名词有正确的时候。可以

13、说There bedone和Therebeing结构错。闪光识别的关键是要非常精准,如果记忆成there be结构错,反而帮了倒忙。例如OG10-53/ There is no consensus on what role. if any, is played by acid rain in slowing the growth or damaging forests in the eastern United States.改为damaging or slowing the growth of使得damaging and slowing the growth of都指向forests。未划线

14、处there be+抽象名词consensus是正确表达,考生一定不能记忆为there be+抽象名词错误。例如Lan243-10/ However much United States voters may agree that there is waste in government and that the government as a whole spends beyond its means, it is difficult to find broad support for a movement toward a minimal state.原文正确,不能改为 There is

15、agreement among United States voters that。There be表示自然存在状态,there be+抽象名词有时对。“There be +抽象名词降格”特指其它选项含有同根的形容词、动词,改为“There be+抽象名词”是故意复杂化。(考点补充:一、宾语从句要有that, 且that 平行对称,However much United States voters may agree that .government and that the government. 要求对称。对And要敏感,从句并列。 二、强烈语气表达要尽量保持,However=No mat

16、ter how无论如何,强烈的语气表达。一般来讲强烈语气表达原文中有,正确答案就有;原文无,正确答案就无。三、情态动词May不能随意添加省略。)解题技巧:there be必错的三种情况:There be+done错;There+being错;There be+抽象名词,如果其它选项有相应的同根动词或者形容词,错。、同根形容词优于抽象名词 经典结构是So形容词优于Such同根抽象名词。例如Lan245-20/An array of tax incentives has led to a boom in the construction of new office buildings; so abundant has capital be


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