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1、2022年3月山东省日照市普通高中2022届高三下学期3月一模考试英语试题祝考试顺利(含答案)本试卷共三部分,满分120分。考试时间100分钟。第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。ATeen adventure: Europe coast to coast 2022I f you are i nterested i n Europe Coast to Coast for the summer of2022, p I ease reach out to us and we wi

2、 I I not i fy you when we ve pub I i shed the 2022 scheduIe and opened the appIicat ion.Hol land, Belgium, Par i sOur group wi I I gather in Amsterdam and spend the f i rst night in the ancient Dutch city of Haar Iem before picking up the we Il-traveled Nordzeeroute b i ke route. Th i s protected, c

3、oastaI path winds its way a long the coast of the North Sea for near Iy 300 mi Ies, past windmi I Is and over banks. We I I make our way through charming Dutch and Belgian towns and cross the border into France. Once in France, we I I ride quiet country roads through sma I I vi I I ages, enjoy i ng

4、the many de I i ghts of rura I French I i fe along our way. We I I continue south to Chanti I Iy and take a train in to spend a day in the City of Light.RuraI France, Germany* s BI ack Forest & the BodenseeFrom Par i s, we cont i nue east through the v i neyard (葡萄园)covered hills of the Champagne re

5、gion, into the green va I Ieys of Alsace-Lorraine, and then on to Strasbourg, r ight on France* s border with Germany. We I I cross the Rhi ne Ri ver and fol low Germany5 s outstanding network of bike paths through the charming Black Forest to the shores of Lake Constance, a I so known i n Germany a

6、s the Bodensee. We I I Iook across 【导语】这是一篇说明文,密苏里大学的一项新研究表明,植物可能有“听”的能力,对饥饿昆 虫的声音有免疫反应,这项发现可以应用于农业以保护庄稼。【12题详解】细节理解题。根据第一段中“More spec i f i ca I I y, p I ants have been shown to exh i b i t an immune (免疫)response to the mere sound of a hungry insect.(更具体地说,植物已经被 证明对仅仅是饥饿昆虫的声音都有免疫反应。)”及第二段的研究过程“For

7、the study, researchers p I ayed the sound of a caterp i I lar chew i ng to a group of p I ants, wh i ch caused s I i ght v i brat i ons (振动)on the p I ants I eaves. The p I ants were ab I e to recogn i ze these vibrat ion patterns as danger, and responded by mount ing the appropr iate immune respons

8、e.(在这项研究中,研究人员向一组植物播放毛毛虫咀嚼的声音,这会引起植物叶子的 轻微振动。这些植物能够将这些振动模式识别为危险,并通过建立适当的免疫反应做出反应。)” 可知,这项研究的目的是查明植物对声音是否有反应。故选A项。【13题详解】细节理解题。根据第四段内容Once researchers ident ify the exact mechani sms at play in this process, it couId Iead to advances in crop protection. Farmers couId potent i a I Iy I earn to use sou

9、nd to cause a pI ant5 s natura I chemicaI defenses aga i nst i nsect threats, rather than turn i ng to poi sonous chemi ca I s.(旦研究人员确定了在这 一过程中发挥作用的确切机制,它可能会导致庄稼保护方面的进展。农民有可能学会用声音来 让植物的天然化学物质抵御昆虫的威胁,而不是使用有毒的化学物质。)”可知,研究人员的这 一发现的潜在用处是保护庄稼。故选B项。【14题详解】推理判断题。根据最后一段内容,结合前两句The study adds to the growing

10、I i st of ways that pI ants have been shown to sense the i r env i ronments. They are not the bor i ng organ i sms that many peop I e assume they are.(这项研究增加了正在增长的植物感知环境的 方式。它们不是许多人认为的那种乏味的生物体。)”可知,植物并不是乏味的生物体,下文举 例说明植物能够互相交流,所以本段想要告诉我们植物比我们想的更加活跃。故选B项。【15题详解】主旨大意题。通读全文,结合第一段中“Plants don t have ears

11、 or a centra I nervous system, but new research out of the University of M i ssour i has demonstrated that they might still have the ability to hear” .(植物没有耳朵或中枢神经系统,但密苏里大学的一项 新研究表明,它们可能仍然有“听”的能力。)”可知,本文主要讲述一项新研究表明,植物可能 有“听”的能力,并讲述了这项发现的潜在应用。故C项“植物能听到自己被吃掉的声音 吗”适合作为文章标题。故选C项。第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12.

12、5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选 项。The vast major i ty of parents expect the i r chi Idren to grow up to be hea I thy, happy, and productive members of society. 16 If we don, t gi ve parenting everything we ve got, our kids wi I I wind up unemployed, I iving in our basements, and there wi

13、 I I be no one to bIame but ourseIves. That s what I like to call the perfect parent myth, .The standards of perfection for parents these days are extreme Iy high. Perfect parent ing expectat ions begin with a drug free naturaI bi rth. Once our young are born we must breastfeed each baby for years.

14、I f we can* t breasted, we must at I east feed on demand. 17 Let s a I so not forget to organ i ze our children s days so they are engaged i n educat i ona I pursu i ts i n case they fa I I beh i nd the curve (弯道).We must be invoIved in every aspect of our chi Idren s schooIs. There is no free time

15、for the perfect parent. 18These standards are unreasonable. They* re a I so crazy. Parents can* t be perfect. Why? Because we* re human and so are our ch i Idren. 19 They are pred i ctabIe and when they are unruIy we can shut them down. Parent i ng i s noth i ng I i ke that.20But, by the parent be i

16、 ng I ess than perfect, the ch i I d wi I I need to adaptand develop skills to overcome IittIe d i sappoi ntments. There i s fI ex i b i I ity and room for real-life mistakes and I imitations to our parenting abi I ities.A. We must make our own baby food.B. They are push i ng themseIves too far.C. Robots wouId be much eas i er to parent.D. There i s on Iy unI imi ted devot i on to our ch i Idren.E. A good enough parent meets the



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