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1、小学六年级英语总复习练习卷 学校: 姓名: 学号: 成绩: 一、 正确抄写下列句子。1、what will you do in summer Im going to take a camera with me 从右栏中选择正确的翻译,并将序号写在题前的括号里。(A)( )1、go swimming A、在天空中( )2、in the sky B、值日( )3、go home C、做家庭作业( )4、on duty D、去旅游( )5、do my homework E、回家(B)( )1、照相 A、Good luck( )2、过得愉快 B、Turn right( )3、向右转 C、take pi

2、cture( )4、听音乐 D、have a good time( )5、祝你好运! E、listen to music二、 情景问答,从右栏中选择合适的答语,并将序号写在题前的括号里。(A)( )1、How are you? A、Yes,I do.( )2、Do you like apples B、Glad to meet you,too.( )3、Whats your favorite season? C、Sure.Here you are.( )4、Give me a ruler,please, D、Im fine. Thank you.( )5、Glad to meet you. E、

3、Spring.(B)( )1、How does he go to school? A、It Hu Pings.( )2、Whose jacket is this? B、Its sunny. ( )3、Whats your hobby? C、He goes to school( )4、How is the weather today? D、All right.( )5、Please ture off the light. E、I like playing chess. 五、情景运用,根据提示选择相应的答案,并将序号写在题前的括号里。( )1、询问对方的名字,应该怎么说?A、Whos he? B、

4、Whats your name?( )2、当你向别人寻求帮助,但别人无法帮助你时,你可以说: A、 Thank you. B、Thank you all the same.( )3、询问对方来自哪里,应该怎么说?A、Where are you from? B、Who are they?( )4、当你赞美别人衣服很漂亮时,可以说: A、Your sweater is beautiful. B、Thank you.( )5、当你询问对方会不会游泳时,可以说: A、Do you swim? B、Can you swim?( )6、当你询问对方暑假是否玩得愉快时,可以说: A、 Were you ha

5、ve a good time in your summer vacation?B、 Did you have a good time in your summer vacation?( )7、当别人跟你说“Thank you”时,你可以说: A、Dont Thank you. B、youre welcome.( )8、假如今天是你的生日,你收到别人的礼物时,应该说: A、 Happy birthday. B、Thank you.五、 给下面的句子选择正确的翻译,并将序号写在题前的括号里。()1、太阳比月亮大。A、 The moon is bigger than the sun.B、 The s

6、un is bigger than the moon.C、 The sun is smaller than the moon.()2、请问我要怎么到图书馆?A、 Excuse me. How can I get to the library?B、 Excuse me. What can I get to the library?C、 Excuse me. Where can I get to the library?()3、请不要挂断。A、 Hold in,Please. B、Hold off,Please. C、Hold on,Please.()4、What do you want to b

7、e?A、 你以后想去哪里?B、你以后想当什么?C、你叫什么名字?()5、I wear a coat in winter.A、 我在夏天穿T恤。B、 我在秋天穿毛衣。C、 我在冬天穿外套。三、选择正确答案 (20分)( ) 1. - Where is Mrs King? - She is _ the bus stop. A. in B. on C. up D. at( ) 2. -How much _ the jackets? A is B are C an D am ( ) 3. -Its cold(冷)now. _ I _ my coat? - Yes, please.A.Am; put o

8、n B. Shall; put on C. Am; take off D. Shall; take off( ) 4. -Excuse me, is this _ school? - No, _ is next to the post office. A.your; our B. yours; ours C. yours; our D. your;ours( )5. -Hi! _ you Mr Read? -No, Im not. Look! The man in black _ Mr Read. A. Are; is B. Am; is C. Is; am D. Is; are( ( ) 6

9、. Pingping _ a small bedroom, but his parents _ a big one. A. have; has B. have; have C. has; have D. has; has( ) 7. - I want some grapes. - OK. _ A. Here it is B. Give you, please. C. Here you are D. Have it, please ( ) 8. -How does Amy feel? -She is _. A. younger B. tired C. tall( ) 9.-_ does your

10、 uncle do? -He is a doctor. A. Who B. Where C. What( )10.-Is that _ eraser?-Yes, it is. A. he B. you C. your( ) 11.I am _than you 。 A. small B. big C. thinner( ) 12.-What_ you do on the weekend? A. do B. am C. are( ) 13.- Who is this man? -_. A.He is my father B. She is my mother C. She is my sister

11、.( ) 14.- How can I get to ZhongShan park? -You can go _ 。 A.next to the cinema B. by the No.15 bus C. on the left.( ) 15.-_ are you? -Im fine, thanks. A. How B. What C. How old( ) 16.-what _is it? -Its seven. A. time B. colour C. name( ) 17.How heavy are you ? A. I am 163cm B. I am 48kg. C.I am short.写出五个元音字母的大小写-;


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