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1、外研Module3 Unit1 She didnt walk to school yesterday教学设计彭州市实验小学 英语组 廖金媚教材分析:语言功能:谈论过去没有发生的事情与行为语言结构:She didnt walk to school.She didnt learn these things yesterday.教学目标:a.语言知识目标:学习目标语句She didnt walk to school.She didnt learn these things yesterday.及单词learn, National Dayb.语言技能目标:能口头运用She didnt walk to

2、school. She didnt learn these things yesterday.这类语句谈论过去没有发生的事或行为。c.情感态度目标:使学生了解国家的国庆日,热爱我们的祖国。教学重点:学习目标语句 She didnt walk to school. She didnt learn these things yesterday.及单词 learn National Day教学难点:能口头运用She didnt walk to school. She didnt learn these things yesterday.这类语句谈论过去没有发生的事或行为。学生分析:学生在三年级学习过

3、运用was 和were说明过去的特征与状态。在前一模块学习用规则动词过去式描述过去的行为但对这类句式没有接触。设计理念:强调教学应紧密联系学生的生活实际,创设尽量真实的语言情境,组织具有交际意义的语言实践活动。本课以昨天是国庆节为导线,学习Lingling平时做了而昨天没做的事情从而使学生学会谈论过去没有发生的事或行为。教学准备:录音机,小黑板,实物投影 ,课件,单词图卡。教学流程:Step1 Warming-up(热身活动)a. Say the chant of Module2.b. Talk about :What did you do yesterday?教师可能为学生提供这些单词:pa

4、int watch phone cook help 学生可能针对自己的实际回答问题:I painted a picture yesterday为了进一步激发学生的学习兴趣可以做个游戏:Guess! What did I do yesterday?让学生表演出他昨天做的一件事其他学生猜:He/She watched TVStep Presentation(任务呈现)教师向学生提问:When do you usually get up? How do you usually go to school?学生可能回答:I usually get up at 7:00. I walk to school

5、.等等提问的目的是让学生复习单词usually的用法教师接着提问:hen does she/he usually get up? And how does he/she usually go to school?学生可能回答:He/She gets up at 7:00. He/She walks to school. 这样的提问不但复习了usually的用法,可能检查其他学生是否在认真倾听,最重要的一点是帮助学生再一次理解语法项目:一般现在时第三人称动词后加的用法老师接着对学生说:Lingling usually gets up at 6:30, but she didnt get up a

6、t 6:30yesterday. Why?老师边说边做动作,尤其是说到didnt时,要摆手示意,让学生初步理解didnt的意思老师可能让学生先自由猜测一下Lingling昨天点半没有起床的原因Step New teaching (课文教学)a.Do a picture description.先做一个图片表达并解释Lingling昨天点半没有起床的原因是昨天是国庆节,Lingling不用上学b.Listen, point and find didnt.c.告诉学生,当我们要描述过去没做的事情或是行为的时候我们要用到didnt带领学生学习新单词learn, National DayShe usu

7、ally learns English and Maths. But she didnt learn these things yesterday.和目标语句:She didnt walk to school. She didnt learn these things yesterday.d.Listen and answer the questions: Did Lingling get up at 6:30 yesterday? Did Lingling learn English and Maths yesterday? Did Lingling walk to school yeste

8、rday?e.Listen and repeat the text.f.Listen and say.Step4 Practice(操练)a Point and say: 利用实物投影仪,向学生出示学生用书第页活动,让学生描述:She played with her toys. She didntb. Have the students work in pairs. They have to talk about things they didnt do yesterday.ExampleA: I didnt go swimming.B: I didnt go shopping.c.课件:参观

9、,浏览经历分享(也可以是照片或图片)利用课件播出学生所熟悉的大连景色,各大商场等,比如劳动公园花展,灯展星海公园烟花节,大连商场等等并用英语向学生介绍各处的风景,小吃等等I went to Xinghai park last weekend. I didnt played games, but I helped an old man. I didnt eat noodles. I ate hamburgers and chips. I was very happy? 引导学生用英语表达自己到这些地方做过与没做过的事情Step 5 Production(任务完成)a.完成课堂活动用书练习:老师播

10、放录音,学生做练习然后老师分别请几个学生说出自己的答案,全班订正b.Talk about your mother.Example: My mother usually get up at 6:00. But she didnt get up at 6:00 yesterday.Step 6 Summary and homework(小结及作业)a.本课我们学习了两个目标语句 She didnt walk to school. She didnt learn these things yesterday.及单词 learn National Dayb.口头运用She didnt walk to school. She didnt learn these things yesterday.这类语句谈论过去没有发生的事或行为。


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