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1、Unit5 What do they do?江阴市华士实验小学 许杨【教学内容】义务教育教科书英语五年级上册 Unit5 What do they do? (Story time)【教学目标】1.知识目标 词汇teacher, teach, write, work, doctor, help, worker, nurse 句型及日常交际用语 What does he/she do? Hes/ Shes a teacher/writer/factory/worker/2.能力目标学会谈论职业名称和工作内容,训练综合运用语言的能力;3.情感目标通过谈论职业话题,引导学生尊重每一种职业。【教学重难点

2、】能正确流利地朗读课文,整体理解语篇,并能灵活运用所学句型谈论职业的话题。【教学准备】课件、板书图片【教学过程】Step1 Warming up and lead in1. Sing the song: What do you do? 2. Lets talk (1)Talk about the song:T: Whats the name of the song? S: The name is “What do you do?” T: “What do you do?” is a question to ask your job. Boys and girls, what do you do

3、? S: Im a student. T: What do I do? S: Youre a teacher. T: Our topic for today is “ What do they do?”. We can use it to get to know peoples jobs. T: In this song, there are a lot of jobs. What jobs do you know? S: Doctor, farmer, (2)Look and say:T: (呈现图片)In this world, there are a lot of people. The

4、y have different jobs and do different things. What do they do? Can you say something about them?What does she do? What does he do?For example, he is a cook. He can cook nice food.Can you choose one to talk about it?S1: He is a teacher. He can teach English.S2: T: Look at these people. Their jobs ar

5、e different, but I think every job is very important. They work together to make the world go around and make the world beautiful. One day, boys and girls, when you grow up, you will be one of them and do a good job. You are the future of the world. But now, what do you do?Ss: We are students.T: Wha

6、t do I do?Ss: You are a teacher.T: So lets focus on “Now”, to be a better teacher, to be a better student.Step2 Story time1. Look and say:T: Look at this picture, what do you know from the picture?S: (Who? Mike and Su Hai. Where? At Mikes home. What? They are talking.)T: See? Pictures can tell us a

7、lot. So we must look at the pictures very carefully.2. Watch and answer:T: By the way, what are they talking about? Guess!S: They are talking about jobs/hobbies/familiesT: Lets watch and answer it.S: (Watch the cartoon and try to answer the question.)T: Here are two pictures. They may help you. S: T

8、hey are talking about their parents jobs. (教师将Mike和Su Hai父母的图片贴在黑板上)3. Read and answer: What are their jobs?Scan the story and find the answer: Mikes father is a teacher.Mikes mother is a writer.Su Hais father is a doctor.Su Hais mother is a factory worker.Teach: a teacher, a writer, a doctor, a fac

9、tory worker4. Know more details: What do they do?Part 1 Mikes parentsT: Su Hai wants to know Mikes parents jobs. How does she ask?S: What does your father do, Mike? What about your mother?T: Yes. They are the questions to ask jobs.T: Mikes father is a teacher. What does he teach?S: He teaches Englis

10、h at school. (Teach: teaches)T: How about his mother? What does she write?S: She writes stories. T: Where does she work?S: She works at home.T: Look at the words: teaches, writes. Why do we use them? I have a tip for you.T/S: 当主语是第三人称单数时,动词要用第三人称单数形式。T:We call the words like “teaches” and “ writes”

11、the third person singular form of the verb. (动词第三人称单数形式)T: We know Mikes parents jobs. What do you think of their jobs? Are they important? Why?S: Part 2 Su Hais parents Work in pairs and fill in the form:1. 遇到生词,根据上下文猜测。2. 找出关键信息填入表格。WhoJobsWhatSu Hais fathera doctorSu Hais mothera factory worker T

12、: How about their jobs? Are they important? Why? S:Step 3 Reading time 1. Listen to the computer and read after it. 2. Read after the teacher.3. Read together.Step 4 Consolidation1. Retell the story according to the keys on the blackboard.2. Ask and answer.(P50)3. Think and write.(P50)Step 5 1. Know

13、 your friends parents jobs.S1:What does your father do,?S2: My father is a . He S1: How about your mother?S2: My mother is a She2. What do you know or learn from this lesson?S: Jobs are different./ Every job is important.T: We should work together and make the world better.Step 7 Homework1. Read the story time and try to recite it. 2. Introduce your parents jobs and write it down.


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