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1、 初中英语听力训练:不良信用Alisha: This is the second time Ive been turned down for a credit card in a month. I dont know what Im doing wrong. 这是我这周其次次办理信用卡被拒了。我不知道哪里出了问题。 James: Have you checked your credit report recently? Maybe you have a bad credit rating. 你检查了你最近的信用报告没有?可能你的信用评级不好。 Alisha: I have a full-tim

2、e job with a good income, which they can easily verify, and I dont have any outstanding debt, so what could be the problem? 我有全职工作,收入不错,他们很简单核查,我也没有未偿债务,究竟是什么问题呢? James: Have you had a credit card before? 你之前有过信用卡吗? Alisha: Yes. 有过 James: Did you always make your payments on time? 你准时还款了吗? Alisha: W

3、ell, no. 呃,这个,没有。 James: Then that may be your answer. Your payment history makes a big difference with the credit bureau. If youve missed payments or been late, thats a big strike against you. 可能这就是问题所在了。你的还款记录对信用卡中心很重要。你要是没还或者是没准时还钱的话,对你很不利。 Alisha: You mean if I were late a few times, I wouldnt b

4、e able to get another credit card? 你意思是假如我晚还几次的话,我就无法申请另一张信用卡了? James: A few times? How many times? 几次,多少次啊? Alisha: Well, maybe a lot of times. 呃,可能有不少次呢。 James: And why do you need another credit card if you already have one? 你都有一张了,你为什么需要另一张信用卡? Alisha: Had one, past tense. The credit card company cancelled it. 曾经有一张。信用卡公司给我停了。 James: Ah ha, I think weve just found the crux of the problem. 啊,我想我们找到问题所在了。


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