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1、易北河第四隧道4th Tube of Elbe Tunnel工程名称:易北河第四隧道 地区:德国汉堡 隧道用途:公路隧道 (单孔2车道) 工程发包:联邦德国 咨询设计:汉堡市建设局 承包商:易北河第四隧道 合营公司Dyckerhoff &Widmann公司,Philipp Holzmann公司,Bilfinger+Berger建筑公司,Wayss & Freytag公司,Hochtief公司,Ed.Zublin公司 全长:3100.75,其中2561米采用盾构掘进 横断面:外径14.14, 内径12.25米 合同金额:约8亿德国马克 工期:1995年开工,从1997年11月27日开始使用盾构。

2、 完工日期:2003年 1975年前已开通的易北河公路隧道有3条,共计6车道,但仍不能解决每天高峰时高达140,000辆车通过隧道所带来的交通堵塞问题,双向等待长达1600小时,使得隧道成为整个交通系统的瓶颈。因此通过修建第四隧道来增强德国北部地区的交通基础设施。1983年完成了首次研究论证。1986年至1987年,各施工公司为获得此计划进行了竞争。最后确定采用盾构开挖易北河第四隧道。这与采用沉埋法施工的第1隧道完全不同。 易北河第四隧道是利用私人筹资建设的示范项目。政府从2002年开始还贷,包括再筹资成本在内,15年内还清。 规划的第四隧道距现有隧道约35至70米。一般认为,在这个地区会出现

3、已有的3条隧道施工遇到的以及调查时获得的地质条件。但是考虑到第4纪沉积物的多相性,则又有差别。因此沿线路钻了36个探洞,其中8个是易北河流经的区域。勘测的地质状况为:既有松散又有密实的层状砂土,狭长有裂缝的侵入岩,带有含水扁豆层状砂土的冰川泥灰岩,冲积土层,石子石块,泥灰岩和粘土的夹杂岩层等。 第四隧道通过3个安全通道与现有隧道相连接。安全通道长为15-70米,内径为3.5米。合资公司从Herrenknecht公司订购了一台混合式盾构挖掘隧道。盾构的长度与直径分别为12米和14.17米,易于操作和驾驶。装配好的盾构能承受高达50米的水压。 所选择的刀盘装有8个齿刀轮辐,这些轮辐通过一个齿环垫圈

4、连成一个刀盘。轮辐之间允许通过的岩石最大尺寸为1米,因此,用液压碎石机在工作仓里将其粉碎。刀盘上的轮辐设计成盒状,以便更换工具。此外,盾构还安装了一个直径为2.5米的中心齿刀,这样就可防止刀盘扭转和减小接触压力。刀盘可相对盾构钢壳盘前移约800毫米。在必要时可形成厚约600毫米的混合泥浆密封墙。密封墙采用压缩空气进行支护和借助刀盘进行机械支护。这样,在进入工作仓时,可显著提高安全性。在出碴仓有可能进行地震超前探测,因此,可以发现棱缘大于1米的岩石。 如有必要,盾构可在离岩石一定距离内停下来,以便能在密封墙的保护下进行岩石切削。第四隧道的设计结构是密封的钢筋混凝土衬砌硬壳式结构。BACKHOME

5、Name of Project4th Tube of Elbe Tunnel LocationHamburg, Germany Tunnel UseRoad tunnel (single tube, 2 lanes) ClientBundesrepublik Deutschland Consulting EngineerFreie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Baubehorde ContractorJoint Venture 4. Rohre ElbtunnelDyckerhoff & Widmann AG Philipp Holzmann AG Bilfinger+Be

6、rger Bau AG Wayss & Freytag AG Hochtief AG Ed.Zublin AG Total Length 3100.75mincluding 2561 m shield tunnelling Cross-section Outer diameter 14.14mInner diameter 12.25mContract Value appr. 800 Mio. DM (award)Construction Time Start 1995, start of shield drive Nov.27, 1997Date of Completion planned f

7、or 2003 The existing Elbe Tunnel with 3 tubes and 6 lanes for traffic was opened in 1975. It can no longer cope with traffic peaks of up to 140,000 vehicles per day. With 1,600 hours of traffic at standstill in both directions, it has become a bottle-neck. Through building a fourth tube, it is inten

8、ded tostrengthen the transport infrastructure in northernGermany. A first study was completed back in 1983.In 1986/87 a competition to obtain ideas was held among construction companies. Since then, it has beenevident that the 4th tube of the Elbe Tunnel, in contrast to the first tunnel, which was b

9、uilt by theimmersion method will be completed along its entire length via shield tunnelling.The Elbe Tunnels 4th tube is a pilot project for aprivate financing scheme. Including refinancing costs, the state will acquire this privately financedmotorway section in 15 annual instalments as from the yea

10、r 2002.The projected 4th tube will be located some 35 to 70 m alongside the existing tunnel. In this zone, it can be generally anticipated that the subsurface known from the experience and investigations known from constructing the 3 existing Elbe Tunnel tubes will be encountered, but differences co

11、uld certainly occur with regard to the heterogeneity of the quaternary deposits. As a consequence, 36 bores have been undertaken along the route including 8 in the zone where the Elbe is passed under. Loose to firmlybedded sands, silt intrusions, glacial marl withwater-filled lentils of sand, alluvi

12、al layers right up to intercalations of stones and blocks, marl and clay.The 4th tube will be linked up with the existing tunnel via 3 escape tunnels between 15 and 70 m long with roughly 3.50 m internal diameter. The joint venture ordered a Mixshield from Herrenknecht GmbH for the drive. With a 12.

13、00 to 14.17 m ratio between the length of shield and the diameter, the shield will be easy to manoeuvre and steer. The shield will be geared to withstanding the expected pressures of up to 50 m water head. The selected cutting wheel with 8 spokes, which are joined to form a wheel through a ring-shap

14、ed rim frame, allows blocks of up to 1.0 m in size to pass between the spokes so that they can be reduced in size in the working chamber by means of a hydraulic crusher. The spokes of the cutting wheel are designed as chambers, from which tools can be changed. In addition, the shield will also be eq

15、uipped with a central cutter with a diameter of 2.5 m. In this way, the torque and the contact pressure will be reduced. The cutting wheel can be advanced roughly 800 mm vis-a-vis the position of the shield jacket, this enables it, if necessary, to create a 600 mm thick sealing wall from a cementmixture. This wall, supported with com



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