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1、Unit 1 Going to CollegeText A CollegeA New ExperienceI Introduction and outline 1. Introductory questions Is your college life the same as you expected? What came into your mind when you became a college student? Are people around you at college nice and friendly to you? 2. Introductory remarks coll

2、ege is a place many young people are longing for. They are fond of college life for different reasons. In this passage, the author gives us her reasons why she likes college. 3. Outline para.1:Brings up the main idea of the article :Being on my own ,talking with friendly people, and having Fridays o

3、ff these are just some things I like about college. Para.2:Living at college gives me a sense of responsibility of being on my own. Para.3:Friendly peoplePara.4:I love having Fridays offPara.5:ConclusionII New words and phrasesadjust to: to get used to by changing behavior or ideas e.g. We must adju

4、st ourselves to the new situation.我们必须适应新的形势。 The body adjusts itself to changes in temperature.(人的)身体自身能适应气温的 变化.handle: control; deal with e.g. My secretary will handle all the details. handle的用法: e.g. handle a machine开机器,这里handle的意思是操纵,驾驭 Wash your hands before handling your plates. 洗手后再拿盘子。此句中“h

5、andle”指的是“触,摸,拿”。 Shes very good at handling difficult customers. 她很善于(很会)对待不同的顾客。 “handle”这儿是“cope with”的意思。 handle还有另一种意思是表示“经营,买卖” e.g. This shop handles paper and stationery. 这家商店经营文具和纸张account: 1. 帐户,帐目 e.g. Have you got a bank account?open the account 2.a written or spoken description of an ev

6、ent e.g .She gave a vivid account of her recent visit to China at the meeting yesterday. 3. 同account一起构成的习语有: take in account 考虑,重视 settle accounts with 与某人结清帐目,喻算帐account for (1)说出钱的用途 (2)说明(原因等)(3)(指数量等)占 e.g. account to sb. for the expenditure 向某人汇报开支 That accounts for delay of the train . 那就是火车晚

7、点的原因。 The students with high marks of over 80 accounts for the overwhelming majority in this English exam. 在这次英语考试中,八十分以上的学生占多数。 Grammatical structure 1Being on my own, talking with friendly people, and having Fridays off三个平行的分词短语独立结构就,排比句的修辞手法。(be)on ones way: be independente.g .We are expected to

8、solve the problem on our own. 2be supposed to : should, must, be expected to 应该,必须, 被期望 e.g. Who is supposed to look after the room? You are supposed to be responsible for them? 3Thats where were going. 强调句 即:Thats the place were going to. 英语中特有的一种强调句句型是:It is/was+强调部分+that/who+句子其他成分。 e.g. It is he

9、 who will be taught by me. It is from the orange that we can get vitamin C.IV Detailed study of the text 1so I have many things to adjust to (para. 1) I have something to do: 此句型属动词不定式结构,不定式作名词或代词的修饰语。 e.g. Mary needs a friend to play with. There was really nothing to fear. 2These are just some thin

10、gs I like about college.(para.1) “some”“一些”多用在肯定句中,否定句和疑问句中则用 “any”,此句中的some 作定语。 e.g. I have some questions. 我有一些问题。 Is there any ink in your pen? 你的钢笔里有墨水吗? “some”除了作“一些”讲以外,还可以表示“某个”的意思。 e.g. I have read that in some magazine. 这个我在某一本杂志上读过。 3. Everything I do has to be my decision, and that gives

11、 me the responsibility of handling my own life.(para. 2) 这是个并列句。在第一个句子中主语是everything, 谓语是情态动词has to +be 的结构,my decision 作表语。主语和谓语之间的I do 主谓结构作everything 的定语。在第二个句子中that 主语指代 的是第一个句子的全部内容。及物动词give 作谓语。后面表示人称的me 作间接宾语,responsibility 作直接宾语。 4情态动词must 与have to 的用法和比较: must与 have to 均可表示必须,不同的是must 表示说话人

12、的主观看法。have to 表示客观需要。 e.g. I dont like this TV set. We must buy a new one. 我不喜欢这台电视,我们必须买台新的。 This TV set doesnt work. We have to buy a new one. 这台电视机坏了,我们得买台新的。 应注意:must 只有现在形式,要表示过去或将来时间里的“必须”就要借助于 have to的某种形式。 e.g. We had to buy a new one. (had表示过去式) We will have to buy a new one. (will have表示将来

13、式) 5Before that I looked in the phone book since I had no clue about any banks around here or where they were located. (para.2) 首先从课文的上下结构中明白Before that中“that”指的是什么?since连词表示原因,引导了一个原因壮语从句。 I had no clue = I had no any idea. where they were located. “they” 表示banks。这句话就等于:or the place where the banks

14、 were situated. be locate in/by/near:是个固定搭配,表示“坐落于,位于” e.g. The school is located out of the center of this city. 这所学校没有坐落在市中心。 The village is located at the foot of the Western Hill. 这个村子位于西山脚下。 The factory is located near the river. 这家工厂设置在河边。 “locate” 作及物动词,还可用主动语态: The search-light promptly located the enemy plane. 探照灯立即找到了敌机。 Locate the position of the enemy. 探出敌



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