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1、比较级的特殊句型在英语中,当对两个事物进行程度上的比较时,要采用形容词和副词的特定表现形式或特定句型,即形容词和副词的三个比较等级:同级比较、比较级和最高级。但同级比较和比较级形式不仅仅表现与一样和比更的基本概念。由比较级构成的特定句型可以表达更为复杂的意思,并有其特定的译法,是学习者在高级英语学习阶段所应掌握的。1asas句型可以用来比较两个不同事物或人的两个不同特征,表示两个事物的状况处于同等程度或两个事物之间具有连带关系。译成汉语时,以而连接两个事物。例如: He was as experienced as his brother was green他经验丰富,而他弟弟初出茅庐。 The

2、 prisons are as over-crowded as the farmlands are empty监狱里人满为患,而农田却无人耕种。 She is as kind as her brother is honest她很友善,而她哥哥很诚实。 2asas句型还可以用来比较一个事物或一个人的两个不同的特征,表示两个特征同时存在,具有bothand的含义,可译成:既又。例如: The landlord was as greedy as cruel这个地主既贪婪又残忍。 The problems are as numerous as trivial问题既多又繁琐。 It is as your

3、 fault as your wifes这既是你的错误也是你妻子的错误。3asascan be,asas any(anything),asas ever lived:表示某事达到了无以复加的程度,可译成最,极其。例如: He is as great a mathematician as any(as ever lived)他是最伟大的数学家。My sister is as green as green can be我妹妹毫无经验。He pretends to be as modest as anything他装得极为谦虚。4not so muchas:这个句型用以肯定as后面的内容,而在一定程

4、度上否定as前面的内容,表示与其说还不如说,更多的是而不是。例如:Experience shows that success is not so much due to ability as to zeal经验表明,成功的背后更多的是热情,而不是能力。 I was attracted not so much by the plot of the story as by the actors excellent performance吸引我的与其说是剧情,还不如说是演员的出色表演。It wasnt so much his appearance I liked as his personality

5、.It wasnt so much that I disliked her as that I just wasnt interested. 5As X is to Y,so is A to B:这个句型表示A与B之间的关系就像X与Y之间的关系,以人们所熟知的两个事物之间的关系说明一个不被熟知或被忽视的两事物之间的关系,是一种类比,可译成:A对于B,犹如X对于Y。例如: As the house is to the man,so is the nest to the bird鸟巢对于鸟的作用,就像房屋对于人的作用。 As lungs are to the animal,so are leave

6、s to the plant叶子对于植物的作用犹如肺脏对于动物的作用。 As food is to the body,so is reading to the mind读书对于人的思想的作用,犹如食物对于人体的作用。 6more A than B:表示与not so muchas类似的含义,肯定的是A,而在一定程度上否定B。可译成:与其说是B,还不如说是A。例如: He is more brave than wise他有勇无谋。 The child was more frightened than hurt这孩子的伤倒不算什么,只是受惊吓。 The reason why solar energ

7、y is not in widespread use is more economic than technical太阳能没有广泛应用的原因更多的是资金问题,而不是技术问题。 Many patients die more of worry than of cancer when they get to know the truth about their illness很多病人在他们了解了病情真相后与其说是死于癌症,还不如说是死于忧虑。 7more than 名词形容词分词:表示内容超出了后面词语所表达的范围,可译成不只于,超过,极其。例如: If you tell your father w

8、hat youve done, hell be more than a little angry如果你告诉你父亲你都做了些什么,他会非常生气。 I more than saw it;I touched it too!我何止看见了,我还摸了摸它! We were more than happy to hear of your return听说你回来了,我们极其高兴。 8as likely as not:该结构并无否定含义,表示很可能之意,而且语气强烈。例如: He will forget all about it as likely as not他很可能会把它忘得一干二净。 He will su

9、cceed as likely as not他很可能会成功。 类似的用法还有:as often as not,more often than not,表示经常、往往之意。再如: As often as not the buses are late in peak hours公交车往往在高峰时间晚点。 More often than not conservative people look backward rather than forward保守的人们往往不是向前看,而是往后看。 He comes to work early more often than not他经常很早就来上班。 【练习

10、】正确理解并翻译下列句子。 1He was as handsome as his wife was beautiful 2As oil is to machines,so is food to man 3It wasnt so much his appearance I like as his personality 4He is as wrong as wrong can be 5He is a scholar more in name than in reality 6She is more than pretty 答案: 1他英俊而他妻子也美丽。 2食物对于人正如燃油对于机器。 3我更多

11、的是喜欢他的人品,而不是他的外表。 4他大错特错了。 5他是一个有名无实的学者。 6她何止漂亮。英语比较结构具体考点:一:原级比较一般用 as as ; not as as ; the same as ; 特殊结构 A is to B what / as X is Y ; A+倍数或几分之几 as + adj. / adv. + as +B. 难点结构:as+adj.+n.+as分句 和 as much/many + 名词+ as 分句 The work is not as difficult as you think.Air is to us as/what water is to fish

12、. 我们与空气的关系就像鱼和水的关系。This book is twice as thick as that one.George is as efficient a worker as Jack. = George is a worker (who is) as efficient as Jack.I dont want as expensive a car as this = I dont want a car as expensive as thisI cant drink as sweet coffee as this=I cant drink coffee as sweet as t

13、his.He took as much butter as he needed. She has written as many essays as her brother( has).二:比较级常用结构 A 比较级 than + B 特殊结构:the more the more (越越); more and more (越来越)This question is less difficult than that that question. (比较对象为彼此独立的人或事物)Iron is more useful than any other metal. (比较对象具有所属关系, 含有最高级含

14、义)The city is becoming more and more beautiful. 三:以拉丁文-ior结尾的含有比较意义的形容词后接to 而不是than. 这些词是:superior, inferior , senior , junior , major , minorHe is three years senior to me. This type of computer is superior to that type.四:最高级用于三者以上的事物之间的比较,所以比较的范围自然是少不了。一般表示地方用介词in; 表示所属关系和人物比较用介词 of. ( 即the +最高级in

15、 /of ) The Yangtze River is the longest river in China, but it is the third longest river in the world.The youngest member of the family is most successful.Of all forms of energy, electricity is most widely used.五:在 more than 结构中, than 有时可看作关系代词,相当于than whatThere are more wonders in heaven and earth than are dreamt of. ( than=than what)天地间的奇迹比人们所梦想的要多得多。The medicine is more effective than is expected.六:英语中有一


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