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1、MW注:根据论坛网友及豆瓣小组的相关帖子整理而成。wingmakers音乐中的英文翻译汇总第九室(Chamber 9)3:49- The time has come to lift your gaze from the fires brightness and cast shadows of your own.时间到了将你的目光从火的亮光中抬起并抛出你自己的影子的时候。4:50- Ano ther mouth, ano ther hand, ano ther mind ope n.另一张嘴,另一只手,另一种意识的打开第十室(Chamber 10 )第一部分6:12- Their power i

2、s so great that their n aked souls would scorch the Earth.他们的力量如此强大,他们赤裸的灵魂甚至能将大地烤焦。第二部分0:12- Open me. take me from here to there. let the wind blow my hair andthe earths skin touch me. (from the chamber 10 poem“ Down stream)打开我,将我带往各个地方 让风吹起我的头发,让大地的肌肤触摸我。(第十室诗“顺流而下)3:03- Tell me the truth now. Nev

3、er will , never will. Tell methe truth now. Never will , never will.现在就告诉我真相。永远不会,永远不会。现在就告诉我真相,永不,永不。20:07- What is found here can n ever be formed of words. (from the chamber 10poem “What is Found Here )从这里找到的从未能用字眼来形容。(第十室诗“在这里找到的)22:44- What is found here rises like smoke to its most secret plac

4、e, like a sound so sacred, only it s echoes can be heard.在这里找到的,象烟一样上升到它最秘密的地方,象一个声音如此神圣,只有它的回声 听得到。第二十室(Chamber 20)0:02- To provide guida nee to mankind (x2)为人类提供指导5:28- To provide guida nee to mankind为人类提供指导第二十四室 (Chamber 24)2:34-1 know some things. I don t know. (these two aspects are merged and

5、echoed together).我知道一些 我不知道.(两个合并成一个并且重复)二 Hakomi 系列Hakomi 1-2Hakomi14:29- All creatures have their birth in this (x4)所有生物都诞生在这里面。Hakomi 219:99- Ame n (x2) * n ote: the word Ame n is of Hebrew origi n and affirms towardsthe truth an d/or So Be it”Amen来自希伯来语,意思是真理和就这样吧。Hakomi 310:33 -And we appeal to

6、 you to do the right thi ng, we come to you over the yearand we appeal to you to do the right thi ng而我们呼请你去做有意义的事情,我们年复一年地来到你这里,呼请你去做有意义的事14:37- (a male s voice speaks in the Chinese Ianguage)中文:男声:楼台倒影14:41- (a female s voice speaks in the Chinese Ianguage)女声:它们不好15:31- It will bur n you at the sta

7、rt, as if to winds you were bare, the n falldeeply into your heart, like a stone in the waters lair一开始它会燃烧你。就好像狂风将你的衣服剥光。然后它深深地落入你的心里,就像一 块石头掉进湖心。24:08 -and 24:14-女子用中文说“我爱你”24:42- This is the story, about a .?.这是关于.的故事28:20- And he tur ned to me and said, the starlight is Gods kiss .I guess thestar

8、s have draw n me ever since.然后他转向我说,星光是上帝的吻我想从那时起星星就吸引了我。60:14- .? we shall be67:36- Those asleep may miss it.那些沉睡的人将错过它。67:45- There is no differe nee betwee n what is and what should be. there isno differe nee在是什么和应该是什么之间没有区别没有区别。68:35-1 wan ted to be , God我想成为上帝68:53- Spirits, spirits, spirits. o

9、f the uni verse.宇宙的圣灵,圣灵,圣灵70:29- Patienee pays. Wait. Let the hand of Godwork for you. One who has created you let Him create all the en vir onmen ts, eireumsta nces, and facilities and faculties. One who has made you will take care of you.One who has created thisuni verse, all the pla nets, he is

10、the On ewho has created you. Wait, have patie nee, lean on him, and all best thi ngs will come to you. Dwell in God. Dwell in God.Dwell in God. Befrie nd your soul. Dwell in God and befrie nd your soul. Dwellin God and befriend your soul. All the faculties and facilities of the Creation, which are i

11、n your best interest, shall be at your feet. You need million things; milli on thi ngs will reach you, if you are stable, established, firm, patie nt.Remember, Creator watches over you and Creati on is ready to serve you, if you just be you. So please take away the ghost of your life and stop chasin

12、g around. Consolidate.Concentrate. Be you. And mayall the peace and peaceful environments,prosperity approach you forever.Sat Nam.” (spoken by Yogi Bhajan) * note “ Sat Nam= “Truth is our Identity ”“耐心是有回报的。等待。让上帝的手为你工作。让那创造你的去创造所有的环境, 境况、设施及技巧。oh,人啊,为什么你总是在一个非常可疑的状态里?创造你的那位 会照顾你。那位创造这个宇宙、所有行星、地球上技能

13、和设备的,他是那个创造你的人。 等待,保持耐心,依赖他,所有最好的东西会来到你这里。居住在上帝里面。居住在上 帝里面。亲近你的灵魂。居住在上帝里面并且亲近你的灵魂。居住在上帝里面并且亲近 你的灵魂。创造物所有的才能和装备,符合你最佳利益的装备,都会来到你脚下。你需 要很多东西,很多东西将来到你这里,如果你是稳定的,确定的,坚定的,要耐心。请 记住,造物主观察你而创造物为你服务,如果你只是.成为你。所以请让你生活中的幽灵离开和停止追逐其他事物。巩固。专注。成为你自己。所有的和平与和平的环境、 以及幸运将永远伴随你。Sat Nam”(真相是我们的身份)(瑜伽Bhajan )Isurrender ,

14、 You steal my sleep , and feed memoonlight, , with your love ,with your love , when you are close, , you steal my sleep and feed memoonlight -with your love ,when I surrender , I m completly bathe in light at your feet,Take my heart, take my soul , when I surrender, when youre close, take my hand, t

15、ake my hand, you steal my sleep (take my hand) and feed memoonlight, with your love (take my hand), A thousand lifetimes of lifetimes, only to come face to face , in the mirror of eter nity (eternity eternity eternity eternity) End where Ive beg un - End - where Ive beg un , Searchi ng Far bey ond - - to where . I shed my skin, I shed my skin, I shed my skin .As we vow . I forget . I forget-all that I thought - of my self .I shed my skin (5x), in the names , in then ames of love我臣服了,我放弃抵抗,你偷走了我的睡眠,带着你的爱,带着你的爱,用月光哺 育我,当我臣服时,我沐浴在你脚下的光里,啊,当你靠近我的时候,你偷



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