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1、【译林版】南宁市三美学校2020-2021学年度下学期初二英语期中测试卷听力原文及参考答案(一)听句子,选图片。(共5小题,每题1分,共5分)have just made a model spaceship for our school project.2. This bed feels a bit soft and comfortable.3. The boy has had a cough for three days.4. Its brave of Superman to keep fighting bad people.5. When I was in school, I won ma

2、ny prizes for my speaking.(二)听句子,选答语。(共5小题,每题1分,共5分)Could you help me with my English?6. How long have you lived in Beijing?8.1 failed in the maths exam.9. Whafs the date today?10.1 am too busy, so I cant come to your party.(三)听对话,选择最正确答案。(共10小题,每题1分,共10分)请听第一段对话,回答第U至13小题。W: Do you want to eat out,

3、 Tony?M: Yes, Linda. What would you like to eat?W: Td like beef noodles. What about you?M: Td like some dumplings. Dumplings are my favourite food.W: OK. There is a new restaurant near here. We can walk there.M: OK. Lets go.请听第二段对话,回答第14至16小题。M: What do you want to do when you grow up, Lu Mai?W: I w

4、ant to be an astronaut like Liu Yang.M: Its very cool.W: Yes. I hope to take a walk in the universe. How about you, Nick?M: I want to be a scientist like Edison.W: Why?M: Because scientists can improve peoples life.W: What will you do to make your dream come true?M: I will study hard.请听第三段对话,回答第17至2

5、0小题。M: Hey, Julie! Long time no see! Where have you been these days?W: I have just come back from Qingdao. I visited my aunt with my sister there.M: Have you been to the beach?W: Sure. Qingdao is famous for its beautiful beach. I swam in the sea and had a lot of delicious food there.M: Sounds great!

6、 You went to Qingdao by plane, right?W: Yes, but my cousin drove us back.M: Is there anything you havent done in Qingdao?W: Yeah! I havent been to Luxun Park! Thats a pity!(四)听短文,选择佳答案。(共5小题,每题1分,共5分)Fm David. Im fourteen years old. Im not feeling well, and I dont feel like eating anything. I feel t

7、ired and have a bad headache. I have been like this for two days. So this morning my brother took me to see the doctor, Mr Green. He looked me over carefully and asked me some questions. At last he said there was nothing wrong with me. I didnt have a cold. I had a headache and felt tired just becaus

8、e I stayed up too late. So Mr Green asked me to go to bed earlier and spend more time on sports!(五)听短文,填信息。(共5小题,每题1分,共5分)Dear Knowledgeable,I have some problems here. Can you help me?I go to a different school this term. At this school, there are too many rules. I have to wear uniforms every day. T

9、he problem is that I think the uniforms are ugly. I think I should look smart and so I would like to wear my own clothes. Another problem is that I think my parents dont allow me to study with my friends during the evening. They think we are easy to get to talk instead of studying. I also think that

10、 I could have a part-time job. By this way, I could get much money as well as good experience. But my parents and teachers dont think so. I dont know what to do.Please write to me. Thanks!Yours, Mike. a o、p、b d必须全部封口,否那么不给分。1 .小写的s、p、c写成大写字母高度,不给分。2 .单词如果写错一个字母必须整个单词划掉后再重新写,如果只划掉一个字母修改而已不 给分。3 .如果单词

11、在答题卡上写错题号位置,自己改答题卡上的题号或者画箭头标识的,不给分。4 .字母e不规范被看成c的,不给分。e里面的圆圈不空心不给分。5 .r写成v,f写成像t或者“七”或者像“ + ”,t连笔写成像e的,都不给分。6 .一个单词中字母间隔太大(有一个字母及以上间隔的),不给分。7 .手写体k、1、i、y写成印刷体的,不扣分;但是小写的i的点和下面的一竖连在一起的, 不给分。8 .选词填空如果10个空都填同一个词,哪个空填对了,而且没有书写问题,可以给1分。参考答案一、听力测试(每题1分,共30分)15 FDACB 610 BCACB 1115 CBAAC 1620 BABBC 2125 CB

12、CAB26. different 27. own 28. allow 29. job 30. experience二、单项选择(每题1分,共10分)3135 DBADC3640 CBBCB三、 完形填空(每题1分,共10分)4145 CCABA4650 BDDCB四、阅读理解5155 FFFTT5660 BDCAC6165 CDBAD6670 DBAAB五、情景交际(每题1分 7175 EACBD六、综合填空(每题1分 (一)单词拼写76. condition 77. politely(二)词形变换81. taught82. stomachs(三)选词填空86. felt87. parents

13、91. class92. angry七、书面表达(10分)共5分)共20分)78. receive83. impossible88. most93. together79. ever80. except84. closing85. minutes89. One90. at94. But95. soon(5155每题1分,5670每题2分,共35分)My dear friends,Reading is very important. We can get knowledge through reading. It can not only open our minds, but also mak

14、e us more clever and happier. Our study can be improved if we read more good books. The more we read, the more we will learn, and the brighter our future will become.However, some students spend much time in listening to music, watching TV or going online to play games. It takes much of their spare time.So I would like to suggest that everyone should read more books, especially read classics so that we can spread our Chinese traditional culture to the world.Lefs start reading now. And let it become a necessary part of our life!



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