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1、高考续写分类高考续写分类开心高兴激动情绪开心高兴激动情绪知识分析1表达表达“喜悦喜悦”的的19个短语个短语1.jump to ones feet 跳了起来2.in high spirits 精神高涨3.joy in eyes|eyes tin with joy 眼含笑意4.light up with happiness 喜盈盈的5.be in good mood 心情喜悦6.be radiant with joy 喜形于色7.be pleased beyond description 喜不胜言8.be extremely delighted 欢天喜地9.wear a happy express

2、ion 面带喜色10.on top of the world 开心得不得了11.weep with joy 喜极而泣12.grin from ear to ear 高兴得合不拢嘴13.the best day ever 最好的一天14.be wild with joy 欣喜若狂15.brignten up(使)高兴起来16.like a dog with two tails 欣喜若狂17.full of the joys of spring 非常开心18.happy camper 乐大派19.paint the town red 狂欢;胡闹开心开心1.Learning the children

3、s idea,Mrs.Meredith was so overjoyed(高兴的)that she smiled brightly.Then,the children got down to preparing popcorn 2.cheerfully(高兴地).With a basket of popcorn,they left for the Bernards 3.joyfully(高兴地)to share with Bernard the good plan.Hearing what they said,Bernard 4.danced with joy(高兴地雀跃),with tear

4、s filling his eyes.At the sight of the basket of popcorn,his parents were also 5.seized with joy(非常高兴).表示开心表示开心/兴奋兴奋高分表达高分表达1.laugh heartily/smile broadly开怀大笑2.flash a bright smile 绽放出灿烂的笑容3.giggle/grin/chuckle咯咯笑/咧嘴笑/轻声笑4.a feeling of indescribable joy难以形容的开心5.be over the moon/be wild with joy 欣喜若狂

5、6.a mixture of excitement and happiness既兴奋又开心7.His eyes twinkled with pleasure.他的眼睛闪烁着快乐的光芒。8.The boys heart was overflowing with joy.这个男孩满心欢喜。9.Her voice trembled with excitement.她激动得声音颤抖。10.The smile on her face shone like a diamond.她脸上的笑容像钻石一样闪闪发光。皆大欢喜结局皆大欢喜结局【突然有了一个想法】过了一段时间:1.not long after tha

6、t,.=shortly afterwards,.=before long,.=It didnt take long before 从句=It took some time before从句不久,.2.for an instant/moment一瞬间有了结果:1.To ones surprise(delight)/Strangely enough,it turned out that 从句2.But on second thoughts,.但是转而一想,.3.But what happened next was pure magic.接下来发生的非常奇妙【感谢】1.Now,I was defin

7、itely grateful to her for extending a helping hand(伸出援手).【感动】【感动】1.Needless to say,they were deeply moved(他们被深深地感动了),especially Bernard who finally found a way to make money for his family.2.He was touched that I,a complete stranger,cared so much about him(如此关心他)and said he was willing to work.3.In

8、a flash,with tears welling up in my eyes,I was touched beyond words(感动得说不出话来).I felt so warm as if there were nine suns in my chest.4.I nodded in gratitude,eyes glistening with held-back tears(眼睛因强忍的泪水而闪耀).5.Stunned and moved(惊讶又感动),I stared at the note,feeling a pang of guilt about my previous thou

9、ght that all people were indifferent.【升华】【升华】1.It is love that makes the world go round(是爱让世界运转)and Bernard felt it deep in his little heart.2.Everyone was happy and sweet,exposing their sets of white teeth(露出他们洁白的牙齿).3.I made up my mind to pass on“love”to others(传递爱给其他人).Just as a saying goes:“Rose

10、s given,fragrance in hand(赠人玫瑰,手有余香).”4.From that day on,every time I meet someone who needs help,I always reach out to them,hoping to pass on the kindness(希望传递善意)that Mexican family offered me.5.Sometimes,a small act of kindness may be powerful enough to make a huge difference(会有很大不同).Dad looked at

11、 the paper,with his lips curving into a smile.(爸爸看着报纸,他的嘴唇弯成了微笑)Hearing that,Karie grinned from ear to ear,a wave of happiness flooding over her.(听到这话,卡里咧嘴一笑,幸福的浪潮涌上她的心头)【感激】I looked at her,tears of love and gratitude welling up in my eyes.我看着她,爱和感激的泪水在我的眼睛里涌出。【开心】【开心】“我想给你一个惊喜!”他指向一个包装精美的盒子,眼里闪烁着光芒

12、。“I wanted to surprise you!”he pointed at a neatly wrapped box with his eyes gleaming.看到他的家人围坐着,和谐地待在一起,卡特感觉到一种幸福感。Seeing his families sitting together and staying together harmoniously,Cater felt a surge of happiness.欢快的歌唱飘荡在房间里,两姐妹沉浸在音乐的美中。Cheerful singing floating in the room,the two sisters imme

13、rsed themselves in the beauty of the music.以下是一些可以用于描述人物开心的读后续写词组句型:词组:词组:满脸笑容(be covered in smiles)笑声四溢(laughter filling the air)兴高采烈(full of high spirits)心花怒放(be overjoyed)喜形于色(show ones joy on the face)句型:句型:他脸上洋溢着灿烂的笑容,不时发出欢快的笑声,显然是非常开心。(His face was filled with a bright smile,and he occasionall

14、y let out a joyful laugh,obviously feeling very happy.)她感到心花怒放,仿佛整个世界都变得美好起来。(She felt overjoyed,as if the whole world had become more beautiful.)看到他兴奋的样子,我们都忍不住跟着他一起开心起来。(Seeing his excited expression,we couldnt help but feel happy along with him.)他的喜悦之情溢于言表,感染了我们每一个人。(His joy was evident in his wo

15、rds and expressions,infecting every one of us.)听到这个好消息,她喜形于色,立刻分享给了身边的朋友。(Upon hearing the good news,her joy was written all over her face,and she immediately shared it with her friends around her.)简单表达简单表达1.Im over the moon!我高兴极了!2.This is amazing!真是太棒了!3.I couldnt be happier.我再也不会更开心了。4.Woohoo!大喊着

16、高兴!5.Its a dream come true.这是梦想成真。6.Im on cloud nine.我快要飘起来了。7.This is fantastic news!这是极好的消息!8.Im having a blast!我玩得很开心!9.Im ecstatic.我欣喜若狂。10.This is the best day ever.这是有史以来最好的一天。11.Im overjoyed!我喜不自禁!12.Im on top of the world.我站在世界之巅上。13.We did it!我们做到了!14.This is awesome!太棒了!15.Im thrilled to bits!我特别兴奋!16.Im grinning from ear to ear.我咧着嘴笑得合不拢嘴。17.This is incredible!真是难以置信!18.Im bursting with happiness.我快乐得快要爆炸了。19.Im jumping for joy.我欢喜地跳跃着。20.This is the happiest moment of my life.这是我一生中最



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