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1、济源市实验中学五环自主教案主备人翟丹丹年级学科八年级英语备课时间Dec.4使用人备课组课型New上课时间Dec.5课题 Unit8 How do you make a banana milk shake? 3教学目标1) 能掌握以下单词:sandwich, butter, turkey, lettuce, piece. 2) Do you like lettuce in a sandwich? Yes, I do./ No, I dont. 教学重难点1) 掌握本课时出现的生词及表达方式。 2) 进行听力训练,提高综合听说能力。板书设计Section B 1 1a-1eNew words: s

2、andwich, butter, turkey, lettuce, pieceSentence Structures: Do you like lettuce in a sandwich? Yes, I do./ No, I dont. 教学反思 能全部运用多媒课件体进行教学,为学生进行话题的谈论提供了形象生动地活动画面,并付上相应的英语词汇, 使学生有了足够的语言信息,充分保证了语言信息的输入量,为学生的Pair work,Group work, Make a survey语言运用打好了基础,教学效果良好.教 学 设 计二次备课Step. Warming- up and revision1.

3、 Daily greeting. Check the homework.2. 头脑风暴: 将下列名词分为可数名词与不可数名词。 1) milk 2) tomato 3)teaspoon 4) popcorn 5) yogurt 6)salt7) apple 8) onion 9)dumpling 10) shake 11) juice 12)meat 13) cup 14)porridge 15)watermelon 16)mutton 3. 让学们复述如何做爆米花。S1:First, put half a cup of corn into the popcorn machine.S2:Nex

4、t, turn on the machine S3: Then, pour the popcorn into a bowl. S4: Finally, put some salt. You can eat it. . 让部分学生复述如何植树或其他项目。Ss try to retell how to plant a tree or other things they can do. . Presentation1. Ask Ss that what ingredients they need. Ask two students to say and write the ingredients o

5、n the Bb. . Talking 1. Talk about the ingredients they like in the sandwich. 2. Let Ss ask and answer in pairs. . Listening Work on 1c: 1. Tell Ss to listen and circle the words they hear in 1a. 3. Play the recording for the Ss to listen and circle. 4. Check the answers: Work on 1d: 1. T: Now please

6、 look at the chart in 1d. Tell Ss to listen again and write the ingredients in the order they hear them. 2. Ss listen to the recording carefully and try to fill in the blanks. 3. Play the recording again and check the answers with the class. . Pair-work1e. Tell your partner how to make your favorite sandwich.VI. Homework S1: Do you like lettuce in a sandwich? S2: Yes, I do. S1: Do you like tomatoes? S2: No, I dont. What about you?S1: 教 学 设 计二次备课教 学 设 计二次备课明目标 深钻研 巧设计 细反思 共发展



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