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1、九年级英语2次月考试卷用所给动词的适当形式填空。1The teachel said that the moon _ (turn) around the earth.2Everything _ (be)ready. Shall we start the meeting?3. Listen! Can you hear them_ (talk) about the exhibition.4_ (hurry) up, or youll miss the train.5They_(meet)each other in the clothes show last year.6The young mothe

2、r _(look) for a nurse to look after her baby these days7Tomorrow is my birthdayBe sure _ (come) to my birthday party.8. I was so busy reading the hook thaI I forgot_ (get) off the bus at the stop.9Look! A policeman_(chase) a young man. 10My aunt_ (teach) in this school since 1980. 单项选择一、选择正确答案。( ) 1

3、. He often _too much money on books. A takes B spends C pays D gives( ) 2 Everyone except Tom and John_ here when the meeting began. A is B was C were D are ( ) 3. Ive never done _ hard work in my life. A. such B. such a C. so D. so a( ) 4. What did he_ about traveling? A tell B speak C talk D say(

4、) 5. Toms mother wants to meet the teacher_. A as quick as possible B as fast as possible C as soon as possible D as quickly as possible( ) 6. Jack said _ he had a good journey home. A how B why C that D when ( )7.It will be _ before she gets well. A. some times B. some time C. sometime D. sometimes

5、( 8._my classmates have extra lesson on Sundays.A. Almost all B. All almost C. Most all D. All most( )9.I dont know if it _ tomorrow. If it _, I will not go fishing.A. rains, rains B. rains, will rain C. will rain, rains D. will rain, will rain( )10.Is the lake there beautiful? This photo will show

6、you._.A. what does it look like B. how does it look like C. how it looks like D. what it looks like( )11.Jim likes to play _football and was on _school team. A./,the B./,/ C. the, the D. a, a( )12.I usually go there by train. Why _there by plane for a change? A. dont go B. not to go C. not go D. not

7、 you go( )13.LiLeis never been to Australia before, _? Sorry, Ive no idea.A. is he B .has he C. does he D. hasnt he( )14.I dont think you can find your library book_A. some where B. anywhere C. everywhere D. where( )15.How_will you come back. A. much B. many C. long D. soon( )16.Have you ever been t

8、o Beijing ?No,_ A. not ever B. never C. neither D. not either( )17.Have you seen Tom anywhere? Sorry, but I think hes _to school.A. be B. been C. go D. gone( )18 The dictionary are our friends. They can _ us much help. A make B take C offer D play( )19 Its very polite _ you to do so. A. by B. of C.

9、from D. about( )20 _ the students he is the tallest. A Between B All C Among D For1. _ little food is not enough for _little kids. ASo;such BSo;so CSuch:such DSuch;so2Every day her mother lets her play_ piano before watching_ TV Athe; B;the Cthe;the D. ;3. I like_ music but I dont like _ music of th

10、is film Athe; B;the Cthe;the D. :4_ Yellow River is_ second longest river in China AThe;a BA;the CThe;the D;the5He is the only one of the students who_from the country Acome Bcomes Ccoming Dto come6There are many differences_the two wordsAamong Bof Cat Dbetween7“Is the _juice in the fridge now? ”“No

11、,there is_milk in it” Aany; some B. any;any Cno;some Dsome; any8I dont like this pair of shoesPlease show _ _ Aone;to me B. I;one Canother; me Dme;another9Not all of the students like playing football;_like playing basketball Aa few Bfew Cnone Done10The Chinese are working hard to make our country_.

12、 Astrong and beautiful Bstrongly and beautifully Cbeautifully and stronger Dstronger and beautiful11Parents try their best to keep our children_ Ahealthy Bhealth Chealthily Dunhealthy12Tom isnt_ the basket Atall enough to touch Benough tall to touch Ctall enough touching Denough tall touching13They

13、are looking for work and still havent got anything_ Adoing Bdone Cto be done Dto do14You can get the_ news on the Internet Alate Blater Clatest Dlately15He went to school late this morning because he_ the first bus Acaught Bmissed Cmet Dgot on16This book is_ expensive but more useful than that one Amore Bless Cmuch Dvery17You look so wellIve never seen you_ so well before Alook



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