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1、BEC商务词汇详细解BEC商务词汇详细解(1)1.avoid vi.避免;消除;无效 【商务用语】avoid creditor 避债【例句】It is hard to avoid mistakes.犯错误是难免的。2.avoidance n.避免;无效【商务用语】international tax avoidance 国际逃税tax avoidance (合法)避税 avoidance of policy 保单失效avoidance of the contract 合同废止3.awkward adj.不熟练的;笨拙的;难应付的;危险的【相关词组】an awkward question 棘手问题

2、in an awkward situation 处境困难 awkward squad 一群没有经验的人awkward time 不方便的时间4.axe n.斧头 vt.&n. (经费)大削减;裁员【商务用语】get the axe 砍掉;削减(计划或人员)【例句】Three people in this company were axed last Thursday.这个公司上周四解雇了三个人。5.backbone n.骨干,支柱【例句】The older employees are the backbone of the industry.富有经验的雇员是行业的骨干。6.backdate v

3、t.追溯到,回溯【例句】The increase in pay agreed in June will be backdated to January.六月达成加薪协议,加薪将追溯至一月算起。7.backing n.援助;发行钞票的资金;发行证券准备【商务用语】financial backing 财政援助【例句】The plan for a new hospital has plenty of government backing.新建医院的计划得到政府的大量援助。8.backlog n.积压而未交付的订货;尚未用完的拨款【商务用语】backlog document 积压文件backlog o

4、rder 未交货的订货总额【例句】There is a backlog of orders because of the strike.有因罢工而积压的定单。9.backup n.备份;复写【相关词组】backup station 备用工位backup aid 备用辅助设备10.bail n.保释金;保证人;担保【商务用语】bail bond 保释保证书bail-out 以优先股发给股东作为红利之行为 BEC商务词汇详细解(2)1.balloon n.分期付款中最后一笔特大数;货款偿还计划;漂浮式偿付款;股票上涨 【商务用语】balloon payment 分期付款中最后一笔较大金额的付款ba

5、lloon maturity 全部或大部分债券或欠款的到期日2.ballyhoo n.招徕生意的广告 vi.大肆宣传 vt.(为.)大吹大擂【例句】Do not ballyhoo the public with false advertising.不要向群众大肆宣传虚假广告。3.bankable adj.银行可承兑的【商务用语】bankable funds 银行可承兑的资金bankable project 可由银行担保的项目4.banker n.银行家【商务用语】 banker bill 银行对外国银行开出的汇票a banker clearing house 票据交换所 investment

6、banker 投资银行家banker capitalism 银行资本主义5.banking n.银行业;银行业务;银行学;金融【商务用语】investment banking 投资银行业务,投资银行学banking centre 金融中心 offshore banking 境外银行业务trust banking 信托银行业务6.banner n.横幅,标语 adj.特别好的;杰出的【相关词组】banner headline 头号大标题【例句】This is a banner year for the company.这是公司特别兴旺的一年。7.banquet n.宴会,酒席 vt.设宴招待 v

7、i.参加宴会【商务用语】a regular banquet 豪华的酒席a lucullian banquet 豪华的酒宴【例句】They banqueted royally when she became the director of the company.当她就任这家经理时,他们为她举行了盛大宴会。8.bargain n.契约;便宜货;议价 vt.讨价还价后卖掉;交易;商定价格【商务用语】firm bargain 实盘交易forward bargain 期货交易 great bargain 廉价货物price bargain 讨价还价【例句】We finally reached a ba

8、rgain with the antique dealer over the lamp.我们最后和古董商谈好了照明灯的价格。9.barometer n.标记;气压表【商务用语】barometer stock 有代表性的股票10.barter n.实物交易;互换品 v.物品交换,交换【商务用语】international barter 国际实物交易link barter 联锁易货 a reciprocal barter 对信用证贸易barter agreement 贸易协定【例句】We bartered for furs with tobacco and rubber.我们用烟草和橡胶换取毛皮。

9、BEC商务词汇详细解(3)1.basis n.基础;基差(债券)【商务用语】cost valuation basis 成本估量基础consumption basis 耗用基础cost basis (of accounting) 成本基础;按成本进账制【例句】They charge customers on an hourly basis.他们按钟点向顾客收费。2.bearer n.票据人,持票人;送信人【商务英语】bearer cheque 不记名支票payable to bearer 见票即付持票人 bearer draft 来人汇票,不记名汇票bearer shares 不记名股票【例句】

10、He rewarded the bearer before reading the note.在读那短笺之前,他先付给送信人小费。3.bearish adj.看跌的,行情看跌的,引起跌风的【商务用语】bearish market 市场疲软bearish tendency (交易所里的)股票行情看跌a bearish effect on the stock market 一种使股票(证券)下跌的影响4.bedrock n.基础;最低点【商务用语】personal finances that were at bedrock 最低的个人资金bedrock price 最低价格5.benchmark

11、n.水准基点【商务用语】benchmark data 基本数据a benchmark problem 基准问题;基准测试题 benchmark statistics 标志性统计数【例句】Inflation is a great distorter of seemingly fixed economic ideas and benchmarks.6.beneficiary n.受益人,信托受益人,享受保险赔偿者【商务英语】income beneficiary 收益受益人insurance beneficiaries 保险赔偿金prima beneficiary 人寿保险赔偿的第一受益人staff

12、 member beneficiary 工作人员指定受益人trust beneficiary 信托受益人7.berth n.停泊处,泊位【商务用语】break-bulk berth 杂货泊位container berth 集装箱船泊位 discharging berth 卸货泊位loading berth 装船泊位8.beware v.小心,谨防【例句】Beware of the computer virus.当心计算机病毒。9.biennial adj.二年一次的【商务用语】biennial budget cycle 两年预算周期10.bilateral adj.双边的,双向作用的【商务用语

13、】bilateral exchange contract 双边汇兑合同bilateral negotiations and agreements 双边谈判和协定(一般指贸易谈判和协定)bilateral payments 双边支付 bilateral quota 协定配额,双边配额BEC商务词汇详细解(4)1.binary adj.二进位的;二元的【例句】The binary systerm of numbers is used in digital computers.数字计算机都使用二进制数字系统。2.bind vi.结合;装订;约束【相关词组】bind in 并合bind out 订立契

14、约当学徒【例句】I am bound by this agreement.我受这项协议的约束。3.binding n.约束;装帧 adj.链接的;有约束力的;负有义务的【商务用语】original binding 原装,原来装订a binding agreement 需要遵守的合约 worn binding 破损本,装订残损本volume binding (期刊的)合订本【例句】This regulation is binding on everybody.本规则人人皆需遵守。4.blank adj.空白的 n.空白;表格【商务用语】address blank 空地址application b

15、lank 空白申请书income tax returm blank 空白所得税申报表order blank 订货单【例句】Write your name,address and telephone number in the blank spaces at the top of the page.在这一页顶端的空白处写上你的姓名、地址和电话号码。5.blanket adj.总括的;综合的【商务用语】blanket price 一揽子价格blanket order 总括订购单blanket mortgage 总括抵押(即以债务人全部资产作抵押)blanket insurance 综合保险,总括保险【例句】A blanket insurance policy insures a car against all kinds of accidents.一张综合



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