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1、 Unit 11 What time do you go to school? 一, 将下列短语译成英语1去上学go to school 2。起床get up3吃早餐 eat breakfast 4。洗澡,淋浴take a shower5去上班 6。回家7几点 8。听9做家庭作业 10。做一个洗浴计划11多愉快的时间呀 12。早间新13大约七点半 14。上床睡觉二,选择正确答案 ( B)1。 Its time _class. A. to B. for C. in ( A ) 2. I usually take a shower _ the morning. A. in B. at C. on

2、B) 3. The Browns often go to the park _ Sunday afternoon. A. in B. on C. at (C ) 4. What do you want to eat _ breakfast? A. at B. with C. for (C ) 5. - _ do they have lunch?At around twelve oclock.A. Where B. Why C. What time (C ) 6. Where _ your pen pal from? A. does B. comes C. is (A ) 7. Lily lik

3、es to go _ with her family in the lake. A. swim B. swimming C. swims (C ) 8. Do you want _ about my morning? A. know B.knows C. to know (B ) 9. When do you have supper?-_ 6:30.A. On B. At C. In (A ) 10. What time does he _ up?-At six thirty. A. get B.gets C. getting 三连词成句1. time, what, it, is, now_W

4、hat time is,it,now _2. watch, evening, usually, people, TV, the _ people usually,watch, evening theTV,_the3. get, usually,u up, do, the, you, in, when, morningwhen do you get , up in the usually morning _4. my, a, shower, little, every, has, brother, dayMy litter shower has brotherday_5. gets, my, u

5、p, father, oclock, 6, usuallyMy father usually gets, upat 6 oclock_ 四补全对话(1)A: where_ is it, please?B: _is_ seven.A: Oh, I must get_ up. I dont want _ _ late.B: To be late?A: Yes, Im on duty today. I must get to school early.B: Jack, what day _ _ today?A: Dont speak _ me now. I _ go. Im late.B: _ yo

6、u late? No, you _ late. You are early. _ Sunday today.(2)A: Does your mother often _ TV? B: Yes, she _. A: What _ does she watch TV? B: At about _ in the _ . (晚上七点) 五用所给词的适当形式填空1. There are two _ child ner_ (child) under the tree.2. _where_ is my friend. he_ name is Li Li. ( she)3. I _don;thave_ (no

7、t have) a watch.4. It is time pleys_ (play) games. 5. Thetwo _ (two) lesson is very interesting.6. She Don;t_ ( do) homework at eight oclock in the evening.7.These are your coats. Please put the_ (they) over there.8. There are four _box _ ( box).9. Lets go_ (go) to school.10. What color is this penc

8、il? Its _ ( white 的反义词) 六将下列句子重新排序( 4 )Gina: Tired? What time do you get up?(1 ) Gina: Whats the matter?( 5 ) Jack: 5:30.( 3 ) Jack: Im tired.( 6 ) Jack: I have an early morning computer class.( 2 ) Gina: Why? 七阅读理解I am Maria. I live in London. I speak English. I get up at 6:30 every morning. I go t

9、o work at 7:30 every day. I usually eat sandwiches and drink coffee for breakfast. I have many friends in London. We go shopping together every Sunday, and we go boating in the lake every summer. I enjoy my life very much.(A ) 1. Where does Maria live ? A. Tokyo. B. London C Paris.(B ) 2. What does

10、Maria usually have for breakfast?A. coffee. B. Hamburers. C. Sandwiches and coffee.C ) 3. What does Maria usually do every summer? She _ every summer. A. goes shopping B. goes swimming C. goes boatingEarly Monday morning is usually a very busy time in New York. Men and women usually rush to their jo

11、bs. Some people walk to work, some people drive, and others take the bus. Children usually go to school. Some children walk to school, some children take the bus., and others ride their bicycles. The city is usually very busy. Police officers direct traffic at every corner. Yes, early Monday morning

12、 is usually a very busy time in New York.( c ) 1. What do men and women usually do on early Monday morning?A. They rush to their jobs. B. They go to school. C. They direct traffic.(c ) 2. Where do police officers direct traffic?A. On the streets. B. On the sidewalks. C. At every corner. 八书面表达给你的笔友写一封短信,告诉他你的上午,不少于五句话。



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