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1、七年级英语(仁爱版)下册语言点归纳Unit 5 School LifeTopic 1 How do you usually go to school?一. 重点词汇:一). 交通工具:bike, ship, boat, bus, taxi, subway, train, plane二). 频率副词:never, seldom, sometimes, often, usually, always三). 常用动词:catch, walk, ride, finish, read, clean, dance, listen四). 重点词组:1. by bike / ship / boat / bus

2、/ taxi 骑自行车/搭乘轮船/船只/公共汽车/的士2. on foot 步行 3. three of us 我们当中的三个 4. on weekdays 在工作日5. go to school on foot = walk to school 步行去上学 go home by subway = take the subway home 坐地铁回家 go to school by bike = go to school on a bike = ride a bike to school 骑自行车去上学 go to the zoo by bus = go to the zoo on a bus

3、 = take a bus to the zoo 坐公共汽车去动物园 go to the Great Wall by car = go to the Great Wall in a car = drive a car to the Great Wall 开车去长城6. get up early / late 早起 / 晚起 7. do my homework at school 在学校做家作8. help my parents 帮助我父母 9. know about 知道关于10. the school life 学校生活 11. take a yellow school bus 乘坐黄色校车

4、12. have a short break = have a short rest 短暂休息13. in their free time = in their spare time 在他们的空闲时间14. and so on 等等 15. read books 看书16. go swimming / dancing 去游泳 / 跳舞:go doing sth. 去从事某项娱乐活动17. clean the house 打扫房子 18. listen to music 听音乐19. once / twice / three times a week 一个星期一次/两次/三次20. for a

5、little while 一会儿二. 重点句型及重点语言点:1. Happy New Year! The same to you! 新年快乐!同喜同乐!注意: Happy birthday! 回答应为Thank you!2. How do you usually come to school? 你通常怎样来学校?How引导的特殊疑问句用来询问去某地的交通方式。3. Oh, come on! 噢,加油!快点儿!4. The early bird catches the worm. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。天道酬勤。5. How often do you go to the library? 你多久去一

6、次图书馆?How often引导的特殊疑问句用来询问作某动作的频率。可用具体的单位次数来回答,也可用较抽象的频率副词来回答。注意副词位置。6. Work must come first! 工作第一!7. sometimes, some time, some times的区别。 sometimes 有时, some time一些时间, some times几次 Sometimes we play basketball, and sometimes we play soccer. 有时候我们打篮球,有时候我们踢足球。 I have some time to do my homework at sc

7、hool. 我有一些时间在学校做家作。 I read books in the library some times a month. 我每个月在图书馆读几次书。三. 重点语法:一) 一般现在时(见教材P117)二)频率副词在句中的位置:1. 通常放在行为动词前面。 He never does homework at home. 他从没在家里做作业。2. 放在系动词be或can, may, will等情态动词或助动词的后面。 She is seldom late. 她很少迟到。 She will always be here on time. 她将会一直按时到这的。3. sometimes可以

8、放在句首,也可以放在句中或句末。 Sometimes the boy cries. = The boy sometimes cries. = The boy cries sometimes. 这男孩不时地哭。 4. very often, quite often加强语气时,要放在句末。I havent been there very often. 我并不常去那儿。5. seldom, never 可以放在句首,表示加强语气,但句子要倒装。 Seldom can I swim 100 meters. 我很少能游100米远。 Never have I been to Xian. 我从没去过西安。T

9、opic 2 She is reading in the library.一. 重点词汇:一)学校建筑:library, playground, lab, computer room, dining hall, teachers office, gym, classroom building, swimming pool, dormitory二)常用动词:borrow, keep, return, talk, use, exercise,三)重点词语:1. like doing sth. best 最喜欢做某事 2. at the moment = now 现在,眼下,此刻3. make ca

10、rds 制作卡片 4. have a physics class 上物理课5. do better in 在方面做得更好6. look for 寻找 (强调找的动作与过程,区别find强调找的结果)7. how long 多长时间 8. on time 按时 in time 及时9. in the center of 在的中间 10. on the left / right 在的左边/右边11. next to 紧挨着 (比near离物体的位置更近)12. at the back of 在后面 13. between and 在与之间14. stamp collection show 集邮展

11、15. talk to/with 与交谈16. Lost and Found 失物招领处二. 重点句型及重点语言点:1. What are you doing now? Im looking for my purse. 你现在在做什么?我正在找我的钱包。What is Maria doing now? She is reading in the library. Maria现在在做什么?她正在图书馆看书。 2. Are you doing your homework? No, Im not. / Yes, I am.你在做家作吗? 不,没有。/ 是的,我在做。 Is he sleeping i

12、n the dormitory? Yes, he is. / No, he isnt. 他正在宿舍睡觉吗? 是的,他在睡觉。/ 不,他没有。 3. See you soon. 再见。4. May I borrow a few workbooks? Of course. 我可以借几本练习册吗?当然可以。borrow, 从对方处借来。keep, 借,强调要保留一段时间。Return, 归还,相当于give back。 Of course = sure = certainly. 当然可以。5. How long can I keep them? Two weeks. 我能借多长时间?两个星期。6.

13、Its a pleasure. = My pleasure. 我的荣幸。不客气。= Thats OK. = All right. = Youre welcome.7. Thank you all the same. = Thank you anyway. 还是谢谢你。(用来表示对方不能帮忙时的礼貌回答)8. What else? 别的什么?else作为形容词用于疑问词或者不定代词之后,表示“别的,其它的”9. Heres a plan of our school. 这是一张我们学校的平面图。10. Here are some photos of his. 这些是他的几张照片。11. I als

14、o want to go the Great Wall one day. 我希望有一天去长城。also,“也”,用于肯定句中,放在行为动词之前,系动词或助动词之后。too, “也”,用于肯定句中,放在句末,前面用逗号隔开。either, “也”,用于否定句中,放在句末,前面用逗号隔开。三. 重点语法:现在进行时(见教材P117118)以下口诀仅供参考:现在进行并不难,关键全部在细心。 look, listen是标志,现在进行可运行;看见now与at the moment, be doing结构要成型。主语人、数决定be,doing形式分三成:一般词尾加-ing,无声e则先除去,重读闭音还单辅,

15、双写辅音再-ing。一般问句提前be,be后not成否定。Topic 3 My school life is very interesting.一. 重点词汇:一) 星期名词:Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday二) 学科名词:Chinese, math, English, geography, biology, history, P.E., science, art, politics, physics, music三) 相关形容词:easy, interesting, difficult, boring, useful, hard, wonderful四) 重点词语:1. do outdoor activities 做户外活动 indoor activities室内活动


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